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My fellow man

Westside Steve

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Usually, face to face, I try to keep a positive tone dealing with people I meet and interact with. Every once in awhile that cheerful and positive demeanor (yeah I might seem like a crank here but this is a politics board) takes a blow from a situation.

Yesterday, since the mail order pharmacy was slow to get my prescription in the shipping lane, I had to jump through hoops to get 5 pills from my local pharmacy. 60 bucks but that's life.

My gripe has nothing to do with the cost of the medication or the fact insurance wouldn't help because I've already ordered mail order, before the Bernie Sanders gang hops in. :)


I purchased a cart load of shit at Sams Club along with those 5 doses of diabetes medicine. I loaded up the car and after I drove away I realized I left the prescription in the cart. Went back to Sams and the cart guy help me out and found the bag in one of the shopping carts, without the pill bottle.

After filing a lost and found another cart guy asked if I had parked around this area, & I said yes. He said he thought he'd seen it so we walked down to the cart return and there was the bottle. Empty. The bottle was just discarded.


Of course Sams Club and the pharmacy couldn't really help, since it is a prescription medication and it wasn't anyone who works theres fault.


I was just pissed off by the fact that there are scum bags in the world.



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In WV, the cashier and the customer would have crushed the pills up and snorted them before ever reading the label. There would probably be others in line asking them not to bogart it.


Junkies will be junkies. They are the worst.

Hope they got them a nice bump of Metformin. Lol!
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Doctor, I don't know how good of an idea it is for a diabetic to fast.

Oh I have been watching my diet and I'm not freaking out over the loss of the medication for a day or two. That wasn't the point of my story. The point is that if I find somebody's prescription I would guess he might need it. Which makes me even more of a scumbag if I steal it.


I don't like being disappointed by human nature.


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Oh I have been watching my diet and I'm not freaking out over the loss of the medication for a day or two. That wasn't the point of my story. The point is that if I find somebody's prescription I would guess he might need it. Which makes me even more of a scumbag if I steal it.


I don't like being disappointed by human nature.


I'm very much of the same mind. I hate when people diminish my view of people in such ways.

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Oh I have been watching my diet and I'm not freaking out over the loss of the medication for a day or two. That wasn't the point of my story. The point is that if I find somebody's prescription I would guess he might need it. Which makes me even more of a scumbag if I steal it.


I don't like being disappointed by human nature.




Kindness and courtesy, just doing the right thing have escaped too many in this day and age.

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In WV, the cashier and the customer would have crushed the pills up and snorted them before ever reading the label. There would probably be others in line asking them not to bogart it.


Junkies will be junkies. They are the worst.

Every time I think of West Virginia, the Wonderful Whites of West Virginia comes to mind:


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In WV, the cashier and the customer would have crushed the pills up and snorted them before ever reading the label. There would probably be others in line asking them not to bogart it.


Junkies will be junkies. They are the worst.


When I was in the navy I remember walking down the hall in our ship with a shipmate and he saw a dirty looking pill on the dirty floor and he picked it up, put it in his mouth and swallowed it and said "i wonder if I'll get a buzz out of this?". It takes all kinds.

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I guess.




fasting resets insulin sensitivity. Look not suggesting you go on a 4 day fast tomorrow. But do yourself a favor and look up some of scientifically proven things that happen to the human body when it fasts. Maybe trying half a day here and there with something to drink or eat always on standby might not be a bad thing depending on the severity of your condition. I'm not a doctor nor claiming to be, but what I do know for a fact...and this comes from prior health issues of my own....is that they don't tell you the full story, ever. There's things they know but they don't tell you for various reasons. Some of it is liability...if I tell a patient to fast and it doesn't work and they get fucked up i'm on the hook. But some of it absolutely is the need to keep us all sick and on their hook


Do nothing before you're researched everything yourself. I have read of people with full blown diabetes that kicked it through fasting. You will never be told that's a possibility from a doctor but look it up yourself. And just so you understand it would probably take multiple smaller fasts for you to see improvement. Nothing happens overnight.


THe most fascinating thing to me when I started reading up on the whole thing was the fact that the body makes just stupid amounts of growth hormone in the absence of calories. There was a NIH study on it that I read.


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Cleve, I know you are into it and honestly I have nothing aghast fasting. Just don't know much about it and don't care a lot it doesn't seem to be a big deal among the medical community. Like cryogenic or sensory deprivation tanks.

Onepo, well last night Pinot Noir and chicken wings.


the WSS

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In related news, my grandfather and his 'lady companion' were coming home from drawing their monthly pension - £600 cash; someone followed them, and when they left the house again, someone broke in and stole the money. Dickbags.

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