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" in football we trust" Cleveland Browns movie online!

Westside Steve

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I have this on the movie review board but I think it will be of interest to all Cleveland Browns and all football fans!!


Attention! Cleveland Browns movie IN F...


Westside Steve's PhotoWestside Steve

Today, 05:20 PM

Hey Cleveland Browns and film fans! Here's an announcement you will all be interested in! A film about football featuring our own Cleveland Browns and one of my favorite players, Danny Shelton. Check it out and spread the word!



We're trying to spread the word about the online screening tomorrow and live chat with the filmmakers and Danny Shelton of the Cleveland Browns. Would you be willing to post a special note on The Browns Board about this? I noticed you have your own section there, and I signed up as a member but I don't have privileges to post. I thought it would be of particular interest to the Browns audience, especially with Danny Shelton participating (and it's free). Here is a short blurb with all the info on how to join the screening:



Tues 2/23 online screening of "In Football We Trust" and live chat with the Browns' Danny Shelton


On Tues Feb 23 at 9pm EST there is a free online screening of In Football We Trust, and a special live chat with guests including the Cleveland Browns' own Danny Shelton and the filmmakers! RSVP now to reserve your spot online: http://bit.ly/FootballWeTrust


Is this better? WSS


Thanks so much! You can watch the full film here: http://www.pbs.org/i...tball-we-trust/


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Post #3 link worked if intended to take clicker to the sign-in page for the live chat...


Post #4 link went straight to PBS page with the 1/2 hour show...


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