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Bernie Sanders: "When you are white, you don't know what it's like to be poor."


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If you watch the video, he isn't really saying what the title to this thread would have you believe. The wording isn't the best, but I get what he's saying.


The title of this thread is exactly what Bernie said. It's not being taken out of context. Bernie said what he said to make a point. While I don't think it makes him a racist, it was an incredibly stupid and racist thing to say (though it probably doesn't really hurt the demographic who's voting for him). Ironically, it's more racist than anything Trump has ever said. Bernie deserves flak for it, but I still like him as a candidate.


Having lived a portion of my life with my poor, minority white family in East Cleveland, I did take some personal offense to this. While I'm annoyed by Bernie, the double standards for what Trump says and what other candidates say is pissing me off more than anything about this. Trump is a racist for wanting to protect the borders? Trump is a racist for suggesting that some illegal Mexicans are criminals? Those statements are xenophobic, sure, but they're not generalizing an entire race of people by saying that they are incapable of experiencing something because of the color of their skin. That's what Bernie did.

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I grew up pretty poor, I think if I drove through East Cleveland late at night I'd probably get dragged out of my car (or worse)


That actually happened to my parents when my mom was pregnant with me, and it wasn't even at night. Mom, dad, uncle, two of uncle's friends were in the car. A black guy comes up and kicks the car while they're stopped at an intersection. Uncle gets out to go beat the shit out of him. As they're fighting, more and more people, all black, show up to join the fight and beat the shit out of some white kids. There's about 10 vs 4. Another car full of black people show up, my dad, who happened to be on the football team, recognized one of his teammates from this new car. He shouts to him, "Hey man, we could use your help," and everyone stops fighting. Stupid, racially motivated bullshit.

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A buddy and I went to E St. Louis about 15 yrs ago to score some weed. It was a really bad neighborhood. I was in the passenger side and my buddy ran up some stairs to talk to his dealer. I forewarned him if I got into any shit it was on him.


My buddy was taking forever and I was getting antsy when 2 black dudes approached me. It was summer time and late at night. One of them grabbed a shovel and told me to give him all my money.


Let's just say that when my buddy finally came down I was sitting in the passenger side with two black dudes out cold by the truck.Lol


No idea why I told you really but after reading VaporTails post it got to jogging my memories of bad places.

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Well Bernie has to do something to stop the bleeding, 90% of blacks are going with Hillary for some unknown reason. In the Democrat Party, Black people blame white people, white people blame corporations.


PS PolitiFact is a left-wing organization. That doesn't make them wrong across the board just, you know, keep that grain of salt handy.



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Well Bernie has to do something to stop the bleeding, 90% of blacks are going with Hillary for some unknown reason. In the Democrat Party, Black people blame white people, white people blame corporations.


PS PolitiFact is a left-wing organization. That doesn't make them wrong across the board just, you know, keep that grain of salt handy.



Because Hillary was/is married to the first black president.



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Well Bernie has to do something to stop the bleeding, 90% of blacks are going with Hillary for some unknown reason. In the Democrat Party, Black people blame white people, white people blame corporations.


PS PolitiFact is a left-wing organization. That doesn't make them wrong across the board just, you know, keep that grain of salt handy.



They're owned by some newspaper that endorsed Hillary I believe.

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