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Colorado GOP subverts democratic process - doesn't allow people to vote


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Thanks for proving my point Ed....."superdelegates changed your vote"..that would be the superdelegate system the dems have.


Your point is a theory, it's never actually happened.


The republicans however are subverting the democratic process - literally an entire state didn't vote

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Your point is a theory, it's never actually happened.


The republicans however are subverting the democratic process - literally an entire state didn't vote


Because it hasn't happened doesn't make it less corrupt. Maybe it hasn't happened because the super delegates give too much advantage to the establishment elite candidate over the grass roots candidate? You know when you run a 100 yard dash and one guy starts at the starting line and the other guys starts 40 yards ahead it kind of helps influence who wins the race. Ya think?

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Because it hasn't happened doesn't make it less corrupt. Maybe it hasn't happened because the super delegates give too much advantage to the establishment elite candidate over the grass roots candidate? You know when you run a 100 yard dash and one guy starts at the starting line and the other guys starts 40 yards ahead it kind of helps influence who wins the race. Ya think?


Well, at least the democrats are faking the fact it's a democratic process then.

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"If there's the potential for a brokered convention in any way, the unaffiliated delegates become extremely important," said Joy Hoffman, the Arapahoe County GOP chairwoman who attended the party meeting. "If there is someone who becomes a front-runner, ... then nobody's important. So I think the view became that if we were not bound, it's not the worse thing that could happen."

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Do you think Hillary *earned* any of those hundreds of super delegates? How is that fair to Sanders? I think Clinton and Sanders would be relatively close with their *earned* delegates but the 500 or so given to Hillary has just about assured her the nomination.

Uh, it isn't.

Somebody in both cases is trying to override the will of the people whether or not that's what you want.


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Trump’s A Lie-Baby There Was A Colorado Caucus Vote: HE LOST


Donald Trump and his people have been whining like three-year-olds ever since he was trounced by Ted Cruz in Colorado.

On Sunday evening he posted on twitter (his favorite whining vehicle):

“How is it possible that the people of the great State of Colorado never got to vote in the Republican Primary? Great anger — totally unfair!”

“The people of Colorado had their vote taken away from them by the phony politicians. Biggest story in politics. This will not be allowed!”

Here’s what Trump is not mentioning.

On Super Tuesday, there were 2,917 precinct caucuses. At those caucuses voters selected delegates to the County Assemblies and Congressional District Conventions. At those caucuses candidates can, but don’t have to announce who they are supporting for president. But all the Republicans who attended those 2,917 caucuses knew that they were selecting people who will represent them in choosing delegates at the district and the state level.


From March 1st -26th, the representatives of the people who were elected to the county assembly vote for the delegates to the Congressional District and State Conventions.


Those elected representatives picked three convention delegates in each of the Colorado congressional districts. All 21 of those delegates selected by the representatives elected at the Colorado caucus on Super Tuesday were Cruz delegates.

This past week the Colorado State Republican Convention convened. The delegates to the state convention were selected by the representatives who won the votes at the 2,917 caucuses on Super Tuesday. Those elected representatives chose 13 of 37 delegates from Colorado to the Republican National Convention. Those 13 delegates to the National RNC must either commit to a candidate OR commit to being unbound at the convention. 13 delegates committed to vote for Ted Cruz were chosen by the representatives who were elected by the people.


The only delegates chosen by the State Party are the three 3 party leaders, the state’s National Committeeman, the State’s National Committeewoman, and the chairman of the Colorado’s Republican Party they get to go to the national convention but they are bound to the candidate they identify.


Oh and BTW, when he wasn’t saying Ted Cruz was using Gestapo tactics on Meet The Press, new Trump campaign big-shot and self-declared expert on the Holocaust, Paul Manafort said, I acknowledge that we weren’t playing in Colorado and they did.

There you go, is it a direct voter to candidate selection no. But the voters selected representatives, just like they do in congress and or state legislatures. Perhaps not the way I would do it, but it is closer to the republic form voting that our government runs on. It is not unfair, it does not disenfranchise anyone, but the complaining does make Donald Trump look like a crybaby.



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Trump and Drudge Are Lying to You About Colorado Delegates



One can also assume on the basis of this Tweet that Donald Trump is ignorant of the realities of electoral politics. How many doors did Trump’s campaign knock on? How many phone calls did his phone bank make? How many Precinct Captains did his organization get elected? How many delegates to the State Convention did his campaign send? As a delegate, I did all of these things. It’s hard work. It’s thankless work. But if you want to win, it’s work that you must do.

Apparently, the amount of that hard work that Trump did is darn close to “zero” based on the 34-0 wipeout he suffered at the State Convention and it serves him right



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Basically 37 people voted.


And the Colorado GOP removed Trump delegates from the process. Hence the life-long republican who went on youtube and burned his republican registration. Trump gave that guy a call personally after seeing the video.

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You have to chuckle at the left just a little bit. The coverage of the Colorado affair was all over MSNBC withe a graphic that said Donald Trump whining or winning.

(actually they spelled whining wrong with an extra n) yet no such slur when discussing Bernie Sanders hosing by the Democrats and the hildebeest.



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Sen. Cory Gardner (R-Colo.) hit back Monday night against assertions from the Donald Trump campaign that the process for selecting delegates in Colorado was “corrupt” and “rigged.”

In a series of tweets, the junior senator defended the system his state had in place and blasted Trump for throwing a “temper tantrum.”

Cory Gardner ‎@CoryGardner

If you can't figure out the Colorado GOP delegate process how can you figure out how to balance the national budget?

8:53 PM - 11 Apr 2016


Cory Gardner ‎@CoryGardner

If you cannot navigate the @cologop convention what is your plan for Putin? #copolitics

Cory Gardner ‎@CoryGardner

How can you protect Israel at the UN when you're completely baffled by the @cologop convention process? -CG #copolitics

9:01 PM - 11 Apr 2016


Cory Gardner ‎@CoryGardner

How on earth are you going to defeat ISIS if you can't figure out the @cologop convention? -CG #copolitics

9:11 PM - 11 Apr 2016


Cory Gardner ‎@CoryGardner

Spoke to dozens of Trump supporters this weekend, listened to his surrogate speak twice, not 1 person complained abt process until he lost.

9:21 PM - 11 Apr 2016


Cory Gardner ‎@CoryGardner

.@tedcruz showed up to the @cologop convention. @realDonaldTrump only sent a surrogate. Cruz swept. Elections are won by those who show up.

9:22 PM - 11 Apr 2016


Cory Gardner ‎@CoryGardner

I've attended CO GOP conventions for years. It requires organization & attn to grassroots to win. Cruz had it. Trump didn't. End of story.

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OBF you are delusional and only like the Cuban-election process because you agree with the result. Missing the part the CO GOP tweeted #NeverTrump, handed out fliers telling delegates not to vote for Trump, ignoring the fact the Cruz campaign/PACs gave delegates free vacations in exchange for their vote, ignoring the fact that they removed elected delegates that supported Trump.


1) The sociopathic Ted Cruz is not going to win. He needs 90% of remaining delegates, is behind by around 230, and Trump is polling around 60% in NY and most of the NE states - the next 8 will certainly mathematically eliminate Cruz.

2) This is the USA, nobody should support fraud elections - including constitutionalist Ted "The Rat" Cruz

3) You still think people are going to vote for Cruz over Hillary - they aren't. It has nothing to do with the fact it's "Trump or I'll pout", it's because Ted Cruz is a literal lunatic who wants to destroy the country.



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The bottom line is Trump's own incompetence:


"Ultimately, then, Trump has no one to blame but himself, analysts say. He should have known the rules, which vary from state to state, and made sure he and his team were in the mix fighting for delegates, alongside Senator Cruz and his team."


Patrick Svitek ‎@PatrickSvitek

On radio, Sean Hannity interrupts a pro-Trump caller complaining about CO: "You cannot fault Ted Cruz for knowing the system as it is designed."

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"You cannot fault Ted Cruz for knowing the system as it is designed."


1) Yes you can

2) Do you think the establishment candidate will change it if they win?

3) Voter disenfranchisement

4) Am I talking dems or reps? I'm not sure any more.

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"Despite the rules of the contest having been set months ago and available for all to read and understand, and despite the votes of thousands of previously elected delegates on Saturday, Mr. Trump has the cojones to say on national television that in Colorado “there was no voting. I didn’t go out there to make a speech or anything…”

In fact, Donald Trump was invited to speak to the roughly 7,000 party faithful at the assembly but declined, having a surrogate, Stephen Miller, do so in his place, while Ted Cruz came to Colorado Springs and continued his domination of Mr. Trump in circumstances in which political organization and base-motivating have been determinative. During the event, Mr. Miller said to the assembled delegates that no state has treated the Trump campaign as fairly as Colorado has, under the leadership of State Republican Party Chairman Steve House.

Mr. Trump seems so incapable of developing tactics around relatively easy-to-understand political rules that one wonders how he has succeeded in real estate development."

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There are two parts to this: the system of how we elect presidents and the incompetence of the Donald Trump campaign. I think we need to fix the system and do away with caucus states altogether. That may happen one day and I am for it.


The other part is the failure of Trump to be able to run a presidential campaign without screwing up over and over again and then cry about the results he gets by shooting himself in the foot. He lost Colorado because he didn't work for it plain and simple. Cruz worked harder and smarter and leaves the Donald to run to twitter to whine. If he cannot run a presidential campaign and understand the rules I am not seeing how he will deliver on his promises to make American great again. He is just hot air.

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The rules for Colorado were "Of the 5.36 million residents of our state, 37 people get to vote"


And he hasn't lose anything, because he's going to blow out MD, CT, NY, PA, DE, etc, etc.


The rigged Colorado election was anti-democratic, no matter how you spin it. Did anybody really think the establishment was going to pick Trump? If you think he had a fair shot in CO then you are delusional.


"But that's the rules" (Lol we write the rules)

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the republican party is not a democracy. They can make their rules anything

they want to.


If somebody is running and doesn't like it, they can always go change and be

a demoquack.

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The rules for Colorado were "Of the 5.36 million residents of our state, 37 people get to vote"


And he hasn't lose anything, because he's going to blow out MD, CT, NY, PA, DE, etc, etc.


The rigged Colorado election was anti-democratic, no matter how you spin it. Did anybody really think the establishment was going to pick Trump? If you think he had a fair shot in CO then you are delusional.


"But that's the rules" (Lol we write the rules)


I'm not supporting the system in Colorado. What I am saying is it was not put in place to spite Trump. This was put in place last year (August) and all of it was out in the open. The Cruz campaign read the rules and worked within the system and got the delegates. Trump was a no show and got shut out.


Trump has also benefited from the system. He has 37 percent of the votes and 45 percent of the delegates. I don't see Cruz whining on twitter about the unfairness of the process though.

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I'm not supporting the system in Colorado. What I am saying is it was not put in place to spite Trump. This was put in place last year (August) and all of it was out in the open. The Cruz campaign read the rules and worked within the system and got the delegates. Trump was a no show and got shut out.


Trump has also benefited from the system. He has 37 percent of the votes and 45 percent of the delegates. I don't see Cruz whining on twitter about the unfairness of the process though.


It was put in place to spite Trump, Cruz got all 37 delegates in Colorado. Trump announced he was running in June, then polling high in August, then CO said "wait, we're not voting just in case"


In other news,




Brand new general election poll - Clinton 38%, Trump 36%. Clinton 37%, Cruz 32%


Doesn't mean anything, but since you love general election polls so much.

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As a veteran who has used the VA hospital I think Trump is making some promises to vets he will not be able to make good on. I think he has used vets as a prop for votes but like most other things he is blatantly hypocritical. He has given way more money to the Clintons then he ever has to veterans groups. He had a fund raiser for vets conveniently on the night he weaseled out of the debate in Iowa. He says he raised 6 million for vets but as of today veteran groups have only received a fraction of that amount.


The VA hospitals are a mess and I see no cleaning it up. The only thing Trump could do (and I think it would work) would be to close the VA hospitals altogether and give medical cards to veterans where they can go to their own doctors and hospitals. We have had all the VA scandals and congressional hearings and what has been accomplished. Little to nothing. Trump will do no better in trying to fix the VA. I could go into details about how bad the VA is but I won"t. I will say the VA hospital I went to I met veterans from other states who came to that hospital saying it was one of the best. If that hospital was one of the best I can't even imagine how bad some of the others are.


Trump Loves Veterans? This Is What He Thinks Of Vets In Front Of Trump Tower


As we get closer to the first votes being cast, more and more information keeps coming out about Donald Trump showing him to be a lying opportunist at best and at worst, just not a very good person. Trump, while chickening out of the last debate before the Iowa Caucuses because he’s afraid of Megyn Kelly, is holding a stunt event he says will display just how much he loves our veterans.

Of course, that display of compassion is nowhere to be found when it comes to the veterans who were trying to earn a living outside of Trump Tower in New York City. Some veterans were given special disabled veterans licenses to operate as street vendors and those filthy losers had the nerve to want to be around Trump Tower. Trump wasn’t about to let that happen:

Never mind that for more than a decade Trump sought to deprive veterans in need of their meager livelihood because he found them unsightly nuisances who should not be allowed anywhere near his gleaming headquarters on Fifth Avenue.

The Trump who now extols veterans spent years clamoring for New York City’s politicians to take action and ban even those street vendors with special disabled veteran’s licenses from the environs of Trump Tower.

, Trump wrote in a letter to the New York state Assembly back in 1991, “While disabled veterans should be given every opportunity to earn a living, is it fair to do so to the detriment of the city as a whole or its tax paying citizens and businesses?”

He went on, “Do we allow Fifth Avenue, one of the world’s finest and most luxurious shopping districts, to be turned into an outdoor flea market, clogging and seriously downgrading the area?”

Nice, huh? “Oh they can make a living. I just don’t want their dirty crippled selves selling stuff near my totally classy buildings.”

People might say, “C’mon! That was back in 1991!”

He was doing the same thing in 2004:

He was still at it in 2004, when he wrote a letter to Mayor Mike Bloomberg.

“Whether they are veterans or not, they [the vendors] should not be allowed to sell on this most important and prestigious shopping street,” Trump declared.

He warned, “The image of New York City will suffer… I hope you can stop this very deplorable situation before it is too late.”

Trump lost the battle. So what did he do? Check this out:

“First class war vets, second class back-at-homes,” the peddler said.

He then added, “Go take a picture of the planters.”

He meant the large cement planters that Trump has placed outside the tower, not to ward off possible terrorists but to keep away peddlers.

Here they are:


Classy, Donald. Classy.

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Uh, peddlers outside a place of business not only decrease the value of said property but also deter potential customers. Agree or disagree? Nobody likes being harassed when they're trying to go about their business or shop.


Ted Cruz is a millionaire (~$2.2 million a year or so?) and has donated 1% or so including tithes.


Or you can find the countless things Trump and his kids have done - like building the NY Vietnam veterans memorial, aiding the 9/11 cleanup effort (a private entity, helping a public effort)






Or the miss USA woman with terminal illness who he's taking care of her son's future expenses, like college.


Anonymous hacked his voicemail and found out he's in cahoots with people in the liberal media - who were thanking him for donating to a children's epilepsy charity.


Trump is infinitely more charitable and honest than Cruz - and he doesn't brag about it, people have to dig the stuff up to find out about stuff he's done. He doesn't use it for publicity, like Cruz who tells a veteran "You are an american hero and i'll call you later this week so I can have dinner with you" - then two months later they find the guy and he's like "Yea Cruz never called"




You're slamming the guy because he doesn't want pan handlers in front of his stores and business, that doesn't mean he's anti-veteran. Ted Cruz donates nothing, fails to disclose shady loans, him and his wife were part of the war in Iraq hive mind, he cheated on his wife 5 times, he's lied at every turn on the campaign.


"But he's anti-abortion so that's good"

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Trump is the one using veterans for the photo ops and claiming how much he loves veterans. It is documented how he did not want disabled veterans selling things to make a living anywhere near his Trump Towers but how much money has the veterans lover Donald actually given to veterans groups? Not a whole lot and the Clintons got much more money from Trump. Actions speak louder than words:


Donald Trump Donated More to Clintons Than Veterans


The GOP frontrunner talks about his love for vets—but his foundation gave far more to the Clintons over the years than any group that helps military veterans.

Trump’s foundation also has a history of giving paltry donations to organizations benefiting veterans while doling out enormous sums to various evangelical and political organizations as well as the Clinton Foundation.

Tax forms examined by The Daily Beast show that in 2009, the Donald J. Trump Foundation gave a whopping $100,000 to the Clinton Foundation (then called the William J. Clinton Foundation). The following year, Trump’s foundation, a registered 501© group, gave another $10,000 to the Clinton Foundation.

Also, World Wrestling Entertainment, a company for which Trump has made appearances, gave Trump’s foundation $1 million.

Over a five-year span, from 2009 to 2013, the foundation gave just $57,000 to veterans groups, according to an estimate Forbes made last December.
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Donald Trump: The Least Charitable Billionaire In The World


Although Donald Trump has described himself as an “ardent philanthropist,” he has only donated $3.7 million to his own foundation. In comparison, a wrestling company has given Trump’s foundation $5 million. He ranks among the least charitable billionaires in the world.


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