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Higgardly Clinton is a corrupt fascist egg-sucking weasel that hates millions of Americans


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Did I mention that she's a liar? How can so many supposedly intelligent enough to

get around town liberals could possibly believe anything she says?


Higgardly is bad for America, terrible for Americans, and is so corrupt she got fired off the

Watergate investigation team years and years ago.


Is free stuff for liberals ALL they care about?



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Any legislation can be the liberals' fascist oriented Trojan Horse




SACRAMENTO – -(Ammoland.com)- You’re not going to believe this…
Earlier this morning, Senate and Assembly Democrats “gutted and amended” 4 bills that were stalled and changed them into 4 brand new, ANTI-GUN measures.

“Gutting and amending” is the controversial practice of stripping out a measure’s contents and replacing it with entirely new language, for a new issue, well into the legislative process.

Here is a list of the new bills and what they will do:

In doing this, they have totally skirted the legislative process. It is shameful that elitist politicians would invoke such secretive procedures in an effort to shove even more gun control down our throats.

Read more: http://www.ammoland.com/2016/05/you-wont-believe-this-ca-politicians-hijack-bills-insert-gun-control/#ixzz47sOjjolo
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  • AB 156: Formerly dealt with global warming, but now places restrictions on ammunition and will be authored by Asm. Kevin McCarty and Sen. Kevin deLeón.
  • AB 857: Formerly addressed greenhouse gasses, but now restricts curios, relics, and home-built firearms. It will be authored my Asm. Jim Cooper and Sen. Kevin de Leon.
  • AB 1135: Formerly centered around creating the Kings River East Groundwater Sustainability Agency, but is now a broad gun ban. This will now be authored by Assembly members Marc Levine and Phil Ting.
  • AB 1511: Formerly dealt with energy conservation, but now criminalizes loaning firearms. It is now authored by Asm. Miguel Santiago.
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