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Glenn Beck: America Is a ‘Petulant Child’ God Must Punish for Supporting Trump Over Cruz


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In a tearful segment before a studio audience on Thursday, Glenn Beck said he believes America is a “petulant child” that God has warned repeatedly and now must punish.

Beck, a fervent supporter of Sen. Ted Cruz, campaigned tirelessly for the Texas senator, who he believed to be “the next George Washington” and a man “anointed” by God and “raised for these times.,,"






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I think Beck is right and wrong here. I won't dwell on the wrong part as that has already been discussed.


The right part is this: After the republicans lose in November in an election that was practically given to them with the democrats running Hillary Clinton I don't see the republicans winning any presidential elections in the future. The demographics are against them. Trump has seen to it that Hispanics will vote lock step with the democrats. I don't care how many photo ops Trump has of eating taco salads and "loving Hispanics" it won't work. Trump can try and change his positions such as the deportation squads but the dems will simply run all the tapes on him saying these things along with "believe me I will make it happen". All the work the GOP has done to increase the Hispanic vote is down the drain. The republicans have only won the majority of the voters for president once since 1988, Bush did it in 04 and was helped bigly with winning more Hispanic voters.


If the republicans had run someone less extreme than Trump like Rubio it would have been an easy win this year for the republicans as well as keeping the House and the Senate. That is all gone now. I have been a long time republican since Reagan but I am now an independent.


Speaking of Rubio......"lying Don" making stuff up out of thin air


LYIN’ DON: Trump Just Totally Made Up the Story that he Talked to Marco Rubio Recently


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Fair enough. I know how the Republicans can court tbe Hispanic community. As of today the 15 million illegals will be granted immunity from prosecution.

Easy as that.

Make slavery reparations a part of the platform and you will have the blacks on your side.

Free college and forgiveness of all student loans and the kids, at least the ones who get up off the couch to vote, will vote Republican.

Medicare for everybody.

8 or 10 weeks of family leave, free child care and affirmative action gets the women onboard.

And it wouldn't hurt to take In God We Trust off the money.





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Fair enough. I know how the Republicans can court tbe Hispanic community. As of today the 15 million illegals will be granted immunity from prosecution.

Easy as that.

Make slavery reparations a part of the platform and you will have the blacks on your side.

Free college and forgiveness of all student loans and the kids, at least the ones who get up off the couch to vote, will vote Republican.

Medicare for everybody.

8 or 10 weeks of family leave, free child care and affirmative action gets the women onboard.

And it wouldn't hurt to take In God We Trust off the money.






I see what you are saying WSS except with the Hispanics. The republicans are always at a disadvantage with the democrats because they can never outgive the dems with handouts.


With the Hispanic voters I believe we could have won many of them over with conservative principals and ideas. I believe many legal Hispanics would come on board with securing our border. Although I don't want to see illegal immigrants rewarded with citizenship the idea of having deportation squads is crazy on it's face because it cannot even be done realistically. Trump may have thrown that red meat out there to his followers but good luck for him trying to walk it back now in the general election. The rhetoric Trump has used to get his followers in the republican primary will be his undoing in the general election.


For the long term survival of the republican party winning the Hispanic voters was critical as they are and have been the fastest growing voter block for decades. I don't know how the republicans will ever win them over after Trump.

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Maybe a few. Not enough to make a difference in my opinion. W was from Texas and always got along with the Mexicans there. Spoke Spanish Etc. Today illegal immigration is a big subject Amplified by the Democrat Party and used as a cudgel against anyone opposed to Illegal immigration. That's just the way it is that's how the media has framed this debate and there's nothing we can do.



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Update to the wrong views you lefties have?


that's dumb. Sounds like you would advocate the murder of Jews

because other folks "need to update their views".


Wrong, is just wrong. It doesn't change just because some group

goes on and on and on about it not being wrong.

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Glenn Beck is being a dingbat here and has completely missed the boat.


Every rational thinking person knows God sent Trump.


Recall God had sent King Cyrus, a wealthy PAGAN king to make things right. Why did He choose a pagan to spread His word and make things right here on earth?

Because the believers weren't getting it done. I believe Trump is closer to being pagan than a practicing Christian.


I believe it is OldBrownsFan who is the resident Biblical scholar here.

What do you think OldBrownsFan?



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Glenn Beck is being a dingbat here and has completely missed the boat.


Every rational thinking person knows God sent Trump.


Recall God had sent King Cyrus, a wealthy PAGAN king to make things right. Why did He choose a pagan to spread His word and make things right here on earth?

Because the believers weren't getting it done. I believe Trump is closer to being pagan than a practicing Christian.


I believe it is OldBrownsFan who is the resident Biblical scholar here.

What do you think OldBrownsFan?




I would say for me it is a sad day in this country when we have to choose between Clinton and Trump. I will likely vote for Trump because I have to. The alternative is even worse Hillary Clinton. I have held my nose and voted the lesser of two evils for many years. Do you know what happens when you keep voting the lesser of two evils? You end up with Trump and Clinton.. Evil vs Evil. I look at the amazing leaders Israel has had since 1948 and compare that with what we have.




I went to the link and saw another view point from the same Charismanews site.


How Cruz's Dropout Exposes the Corruption of the American Soul


How could so many conservatives and Christians vote against Ted Cruz?

How could so many conservatives vote against our constitution and against principle?

Though not a perfect man, the best conservative and the most principled man according to Scripture (Ex. 18:21), and the clearest choice to help our country recover from the big black hole this administration has dug, has dropped out. Just as with the Obama election, there will come a time when the true principled conservatives will once again be able to say, "I told you so." The blame is on the shoulders of Trump supporters and the liberal mainstream media. And just as the whining soon began after Obama got elected, especially the second time, the same whining will escalate once either remaining candidate holds office.


Trumpbots, you made your bed hard and you don't even know it. Now you've got to sleep on it. And some of you actually think that this man is a spokesman for God. What you have done now is create the perfect storm. I hope I'm wrong. I really do.

It is now apparent that Ted Cruz, the man so many of us prayed for, will not be what we had hoped for. But he may have been raised up for a less favorable purpose—that the corruption of the American soul and lukewarm church would be fully exposed for what it is—rotten to the core.


The crowds clamored for Trump no matter how arrogant he got, or how much he lied, or cussed, or was exposed for his filth and fraud. He told you what you wanted to hear and you believed him. Now you will pay and be held accountable for your most unwise choice. Standing up against one of the most electable and upright candidates of our lifetime, you have continued to use your mouth as a weapon to defend your idol against the opportunity gave you.


Trump supporters, you will now get what you've clamored for, just like the children of Israel who clamored for their meat in the wilderness as the Lord gave them an abundance of quail (Num. 11). Yet, while the meat was between their teeth, a plague struck the nation. While many celebrate the apparent victory of their amoral candidate, the darkness grows and moves in yet closer.

Honestly, it's amazing to me that we've survived eight years of an anti-American and Israeli-hating Muslim president, not to mention a Christian-God mocker. I'm afraid we are heading down the same dark path Obama forged for us. Just as with the last two elections, the church could've turned the tide at the political level, and God gave us an opportunity to do so, but we blew it yet again. We are so divided in our discernment and righteousness.


People who refuse to be guided by the Lord will be ruled by tyrants. Scripture is clear on that. You have chosen your King Saul or Queen Jezebel once more. You voted like the world. You had an opportunity to vote for a true patriot, but you chose a New York liberal masquerading as a conservative. You voted for nationalism instead of righteousness. You voted for your pocketbooks instead of principle.


America may never be great again.



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SELLING TREACHERY: Four Reversals, Two Days, One HUGE Donald Trump Betrayal


On Tuesday night, Senator Ted Cruz suspended his campaign for the Republican nomination for President of the United States, effectively ending the race and making Donald Trump the presumptive nominee.


The very next day after that, the Trump Betrayal began. Like every project Trump boasts about, this one promises to be yuge and garish and, though he usually doesn’t mention this part, a total cluster.

In a period of less than 48 hours, Trump reversed himself in four spectacular betrayals that tell you volumes about what to expect. First, at around 5:45 p.m. on Wednesday, literally minutes after Kasich’s speech, CNN aired Trump telling Wolf Blitzer that he had changed his mind and is now open to raising the minimum wage.


Next, just a couple of hours later, the Wall Street Journal reported that Trump would not be self-funding his campaign anymore. You know, the thing he bragged about every day forever, including just a day before in Indiana. Done.


Then on Thursday morning at about 8:00 a.m., CNBC released video of an interview with Trump essentially renouncing his own tax plan.


And finally, later that same morning, it was revealed that the man picked to head up fundraising for his no longer self-funded campaign, Steve Mnuchin, is a former Goldman Sachs partner, serious Hillary donor, and most unbelievably, a former George Soros bigwig. Seriously.


That’s just a few hours past one full day since Cruz dropped out. Four betrayals. Less than two days. Unreal.



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I would say for me it is a sad day in this country when we have to choose between Clinton and Trump. I will likely vote for Trump because I have to. The alternative is even worse Hillary Clinton. I have held my nose and voted the lesser of two evils for many years. Do you know what happens when you keep voting the lesser of two evils? You end up with Trump and Clinton.. Evil vs Evil. I look at the amazing leaders Israel has had since 1948 and compare that with what we have.




I went to the link and saw another view point from the same Charismanews site.

How Cruz's Dropout Exposes the Corruption of the American Soul


How could so many conservatives and Christians vote against Ted Cruz?

How could so many conservatives vote against our constitution and against principle?

Though not a perfect man, the best conservative and the most principled man according to Scripture (Ex. 18:21), and the clearest choice to help our country recover from the big black hole this administration has dug, has dropped out. Just as with the Obama election, there will come a time when the true principled conservatives will once again be able to say, "I told you so." The blame is on the shoulders of Trump supporters and the liberal mainstream media. And just as the whining soon began after Obama got elected, especially the second time, the same whining will escalate once either remaining candidate holds office.


Trumpbots, you made your bed hard and you don't even know it. Now you've got to sleep on it. And some of you actually think that this man is a spokesman for God. What you have done now is create the perfect storm. I hope I'm wrong. I really do.

It is now apparent that Ted Cruz, the man so many of us prayed for, will not be what we had hoped for. But he may have been raised up for a less favorable purposethat the corruption of the American soul and lukewarm church would be fully exposed for what it isrotten to the core.


The crowds clamored for Trump no matter how arrogant he got, or how much he lied, or cussed, or was exposed for his filth and fraud. He told you what you wanted to hear and you believed him. Now you will pay and be held accountable for your most unwise choice. Standing up against one of the most electable and upright candidates of our lifetime, you have continued to use your mouth as a weapon to defend your idol against the opportunity gave you.


Trump supporters, you will now get what you've clamored for, just like the children of Israel who clamored for their meat in the wilderness as the Lord gave them an abundance of quail (Num. 11). Yet, while the meat was between their teeth, a plague struck the nation. While many celebrate the apparent victory of their amoral candidate, the darkness grows and moves in yet closer.

Honestly, it's amazing to me that we've survived eight years of an anti-American and Israeli-hating Muslim president, not to mention a Christian-God mocker. I'm afraid we are heading down the same dark path Obama forged for us. Just as with the last two elections, the church could've turned the tide at the political level, and God gave us an opportunity to do so, but we blew it yet again. We are so divided in our discernment and righteousness.


People who refuse to be guided by the Lord will be ruled by tyrants. Scripture is clear on that. You have chosen your King Saul or Queen Jezebel once more. You voted like the world. You had an opportunity to vote for a true patriot, but you chose a New York liberal masquerading as a conservative. You voted for nationalism instead of righteousness. You voted for your pocketbooks instead of principle.


America may never be great again.



It seems like you believe that Ted Cruz ISN'T an evil, dangerously insane piece of garbage, and if you think that, opinions invalidated.

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Glenn Beck is being a dingbat here and has completely missed the boat.


Every rational thinking person knows God sent Trump.


Recall God had sent King Cyrus, a wealthy PAGAN king to make things right. Why did He choose a pagan to spread His word and make things right here on earth?

Because the believers weren't getting it done. I believe Trump is closer to being pagan than a practicing Christian.


I believe it is OldBrownsFan who is the resident Biblical scholar here.

What do you think OldBrownsFan?



I think Christians get into trouble reading too much into scripture. I see it as wrong on both sides here whether the assertion was Trump is a modern day Cyrus or that Cruz was God's man sent at this time in our history. It is all nothing but pure conjecture and speculation. This kind of speculation usually gets Christians in trouble. It seems like some always want to speak for God and claim things like 9/11 was God's judgment on our nation. How do they know that? They don't. What does the bible say in the new covenant? That all of God's wrath (judgment) was poured on Jesus at the cross.


Glen Beck is already following a cult church which believes in extra revelation from God apart from the bible. The apostle Paul clearly taught not to add or take away from the scriptures. Extra revelation from God apart from the bible is adding to the scriptures. I believe God still does speak to His people. He has spoken to me but the test to know if it is from God or not is this: does it line up with scriptures?

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If Cruz really was chosen by god, what does that say?


It says they were probably wrong. Because some believers claimed Cruz was chosen by God never made it right or correct. I was responding to what Stuart said about some believers claiming that Trump is a modern day Cyrus chosen by God for today which is just as wrong as making the claim Cruz was chosen by God. Since it looks like those believing Cruz was chosen by God were wrong (right now anyway) they changed their speculation to Cruz was actually chosen by God now for another purpose to expose the luke warm church and our corruptness today. For me the luke warm church and corruptness of today is self evident anyway.

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I think Christians get into trouble reading too much into scripture. I see it as wrong on both sides here whether the assertion was Trump is a modern day Cyrus or that Cruz was God's man sent at this time in our history. It is all nothing but pure conjecture and speculation. This kind of speculation usually gets Christians in trouble. It seems like some always want to speak for God and claim things like 9/11 was God's judgment on our nation. How do they know that? They don't. What does the bible say in the new covenant? That all of God's wrath (judgment) was poured on Jesus at the cross.


Glen Beck is already following a cult church which believes in extra revelation from God apart from the bible. The apostle Paul clearly taught not to add or take away from the scriptures. Extra revelation from God apart from the bible is adding to the scriptures. I believe God still does speak to His people. He has spoken to me but the test to know if it is from God or not is this: does it line up with scriptures?


Knowing your religious beliefs, I find this post hilarious

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Knowing your religious beliefs, I find this post hilarious


Please enlighten me on what you think my religious beliefs are. My beliefs have always been what the bible says and teaches. I can say Jesus died for our sins and absolutely be speaking for God when I say that because that is what the bible teaches. Anyone claiming to speak for God who does not have chapter and verse in the bible to back up their claim is only giving an opinion or speculation. Even if I feel we as a nation are losing favor and blessing with God (which I do) that is only speculation on my part. The only time I would feel comfortable speaking for God is where there is "it is written" scripture to back up what I am saying.

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Glenn Beck seems to have gone off the deep end, we quit listening to his stuff a couple

of years ago.


I bought his one book at a garage sale (50 cents, hah), "Agenda 21".


Now, while agenda 21 is real... his book sucked. It was some screwed up, futuristic

worse than hunger games scenario, that I finally quit reading and threw it away.


Earlier in his career - his points about soros, and violations of Constitutional law attempts by dems, was on point.

But he's gone way, way, way past that. It's one thing to show the corruption of liberals...


and a crazy 'nother thing to start railing about little green aliens coming to earth to join with the UN to take

over the world, or whatever he is rambling about.

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