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The left's Anti-gun threats, if acted upon, could push America in revolution


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USA – -(Ammoland.com)- I think it is about time that we speak up and say
in public what millions of Americans are already thinking.
If politicians (like Newsom in CA) or the paid lackeys from the
Bloomberg/Soros camps, think that the majority of Americans are willing
to give up their guns like the Australians, they are dead wrong.
I will state here and now, for the record, if these demented individuals
succeed in passing laws to severely restrict, ban and ultimately
confiscate firearms from law abiding citizens:
THERE WILL BE BLOOD. Their laws will turn lawful citizens into criminals
due to the possession of what were once legal firearms … THEY WILL NOT
If federal, state or local agents are dumb enough to come and attempt to
take them….. there will be more bloodshed than at Gettysburg. We are not
talking about the so-called militia guys or gun fanatics…. we are
talking about regular, working class Americans who cherish their
Constitutional rights…
They will take up arms, just as they did many years ago to protect those
rights….and it will be the beginning of the second American Civil War.
For those ignorant progressive/socialists who believe that it could never
happen here, I would like to remind you that your communist brethren in
Yugoslavia did not believe it either. Civil Wars are happening all over
the world… Syria, Libya, Egypt and not many years ago, Iran. Do you
honestly believe that the U.S. is exempt?
There are over 100 million firearms in the possession of law abiding
American citizens…. and thanks to Obama, there are more AR platform
rifles in private hands than anyone ever imagined prior to his election.
Collectively those Americans outnumber all of the military/police
personnel by over 50 to one, and they possess more ammunition that
the U.S. Army has in all of their arms depots.
This country has already become deeply divided by a president that
considers our constitution a “flawed document”…. all that is needed
is one more “straw” to push us into an American Spring. And, if that
happens, the next civil war will not be North against South, it will
be Patriotic Americans against the Unpatriotic Progressive Socialists.
With all of the above said, we implore the Bloombergs, Bradys, Clintons,
and yes, even Obama….. do not push the country into another civil war.
We realize those of you who are progressives, liberals and socialists
don’t believe that such a thing is possible; but remember, neither
did Czar Nicholas of Russia.
Jim Clary
A final note, John Hopkins researchers just published the results of
their study on deaths due to medical errors in the United States.
If you add up all of the deaths due to firearms, suicides and car
accidents and doubled that number, it would not equal the deaths due
to medical errors —- 251,454. Deaths due to medical errors is now the
third leading cause of death in the U.S. behind heart disease and cancer.
Our question is….. “Why don’t the progressive/liberal elites address
that problem instead of making up stuff about gun owners and firearms?”
About Jim and Mary Clary:
Jim and Mary Clary have co-authored over three hundred and fifty articles,
(and counting) on shooting and hunting. You can read many of them on
AmmoLand News.
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April 19th 1775. “Where once those embittered farmers stood, and fired the shot heard round the world!” Remember the real Patriots Day.

Read more: http://www.ammoland.com/2016/05/american-spring/#ixzz47ykVKXwD
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution
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I check em all the time. Have any pertinent comment, Chris? You don't agree?


Think about that for a moment. WE have a CONSTITUTION, and we don't give it up,

ever, and that's forever.

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you libbies have disagreesies ? or what? Like I've often said...


it's a knee jerk to just attack sources. It doesn't matter what source it is,

you libsies emotionally knee jerk against it, apparently for no legit reason.


So, there ya go. You just proved me correct on that again.

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no, woodypeckerhead.


Just asking for some legit response.


do you agree? or not?


make up your birdbrain "mind", and decide.

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I very clearly disagree. Because I'm a reasonable person that doesn't blindly follow fringe political beliefs




Now you respond and say that I'm off topic or I knee jerk or some other stupid shit, because you disagree with what I posted.

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you finally brave it after being called out, and you disagree.


That's fine. Sometimes I disagree with myself. But know this -

you disagree with a liberal bent, you never owned guns, never

were around guns? You don't know many gun owners, never

been to a gun show?


So, WHY do you disagree? Charlton Heston said this in 2000, at the NRA convention.

This is just a convention. Listen to the applause. Now multiply that by a million, or ten million.


You really disagree that a dicktatorship will get away with a ban and confiscation of our guns,

and the ignoring of our 2nd Amendment?


You are fine to disagree, ,but you are wrong. I am one of those people, too. An illegal gov that tries

to confiscate all guns will have to have the UN some in and TRY to commit genocide - murder way over

a hundred million people. Disagree - but can you actually explain why you disagree?



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any attempt to negate and overrule our 1st and 2nd Amendments, and our entire Constitution...


makes a gov that did it ...a dicktatership. The confiscation is what Higgardly said she wanted,

what Australia did. And, if that ever did come to pass...


there would be a revolution. It's our right - per our Declaration of Independence.


"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

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ashington handgun ban unconstitutional, judge rules - LA Times

Judge says Washington, D.C.'s ban on carrying handguns in public is unconstitutional A federal judge struck down the nation’s last complete prohibition on carrying ...


meanwhile, the "rhetoric" is threatening. The point is, it is unconstitutional, and dirty higgardly is insisting on

wanting an Australia type gun confiscation.

Wait til she tries that with executive order, which I predict she would. Most local police depts will refuse to

violate the 2nd Amendment. They already are trying to go after veterans and social security folks, to see how many

guns they could confiscate. Once they succeed in that, all they have to do is broaden the criteria.

Chris, I believe, still supports a disarming of American citizens - a total confiscation. What I'm saying, is that IF THAT

WERE EVER TO HAPPEN, it would be an oppressive, illegal gov that Americans have a written right to oppose.

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Posted Today, 09:40 AM

You've said for 8 years that Obama would take yer guns. He never did.
You'll just believe in the boogeyman if Ammoland tells you.
Wasn't for lack of trying to find a back door way of doing it. That is the threat.
All the rhetoric is a threat. He isn't ALLOWED to do it, but he is still trying to find a way.
Now, Higgardly is openly saying that an Australian gun ban is what she wants.
If they got another corrupt liberal SCOTUS on board, they could decide against
gun owning, and again, disregard our 2nd Amendment. So, she and plenty of others
are demanding gun bans of various degrees. That isn't a boogeyman - woodypeckerhead,
that is reality.
Rhetorically speaking, IF they succeed at what they actually are demanding, somehow, someway (like
stacking the deck with anti-Constitutional activist judges) on the Supreme Court...
I'm telling you that IF THAT WERE TO EVER HAPPEN, there would be big serious trouble, and most American
gun owners will not roll over and give up all their guns. It would be a civil war of sorts. A major American resistance.
Nobody is saying it has happened, you asshole birdbrain. Every time you start this stupid garbage of twisting
other people's words, adding words to them, so you can have a smart ass retort...you look like a dumbass.
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Hillary saying she wants Australian style gun laws is pretty ridiculous.


You'd think offering to buy people's guns above fair value (no questions asked) in poor crime ridden areas would be a good thing - put money in people's pockets, reduce crime. But likely all you'd be doing is taking the guns away from honest law abiding poor people who then lose the ability to defend themselves in high crime areas.


Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws now, but the highest amount of gun violence.

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You've said for 8 years that Obama would take yer guns. He never did.


You'll just believe in the boogeyman if Ammoland tells you.




No he never did, but the scent was in the air... I'm not going to link all the quotes by all those fuckin liberal politicians and talking heads demanding guns be banned. You can do that yourself.


Put 2+2 together Woodley. Everything you liberals touch you totally fuck up or make things worse.

Case in point...Since all the leftist babbling about gun control, gun sales have soared. More Americans now are gun owners that ever before.


Nice goin liberal dimwits.

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Both sides will create the image that suits their agenda the best.


Like everything else in this country, outside forces have a strong influence over politics. The NRA and gun manufacturers are no different here.



Other major countries seem to be doing fine with stricter gun laws. Australia is always an example of major strides forward. I don't see why we need to go the other direction. I don't want everyone to be carrying guns all over the place.

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Both sides will create the image that suits their agenda the best.


Like everything else in this country, outside forces have a strong influence over politics. The NRA and gun manufacturers are no different here.



Other major countries seem to be doing fine with stricter gun laws. Australia is always an example of major strides forward. I don't see why we need to go the other direction. I don't want everyone to be carrying guns all over the place.

CCW holders are not the ones shooting each other and commiting crime.

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That's true Woodrow. There are also countries where you can eat human flesh. Doesn't mean it's a very lofty standard we should aspire to.





Because that's exactly the same thing...


I realize you're trying to be your usually clever/"gotcha" self... but that was just Retarded.

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