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ObaMao's domination of American schools


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not just the trans fiasco...but now this:




In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, New Trier High School in Chicago, Illinois held mandatory “racial identity” seminars, but about 1,000 students refused to show.

The racial identity classes covered issues such as white privilege, white guilt, and white racism. As Breitbart reported, topics included “The Truth about Ferguson: The Investigation into the Death of Michael Brown,” “Why Do I Have to Feel Guilty for Being White?”, and “Western Bias in Science.” A poster that hung inside the school promoting the seminars read: “In this country American means white. Everybody else has to hyphenate.”

Many students wanted to boycott the seminars. School officials lamented that they had only about two thirds of the school’s 4,200 students in attendance. Breitbart reported:

One parent, whose daughter is biracial, told Breitbart News that her daughter had deliberately avoided the program for fear of being singled out and forced to define herself by her skin color.

“She called me from school, about a month-and-a-half ago, and asked, ‘Mom, do I have to go? I’m black, and I’ll be a target.”

Though she generally disapproved of missing school, she allowed her daughter to skip the day. “I felt bad for her…I’ve never felt race has been a factor in our lives,” she said.

“It’s one thing to study Dr. King’s ‘I Have a Dream’ speech,” she added. “But to talk about feeling guilty because you are white?…These kids today are so far beyond it. It’s like they don’t see color.” The district’s program, she said, is “going backwards.”

She was not the only concerned parent. Others said that the racial identity seminars did more harm than good:

One parent…who described herself as Hispanic, said she became alarmed when her daughter brought home a list of seminars.

“When she showed me the list of classes, I was not only baffled, but also concerned,” she said, citing seminars with names such as “To Pimp a Butterfly,” and content including a “Pyramid of Hate” on anti-Muslim prejudice. “Out of all these options, I could discern no diversity of options,” she added. The point, she said, seemed to be “to instill more angst than need be” in children. She took her daughter to a community service project instead.

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For years and years, the left has been fighting a leftist revolution.


The rest of America just lives and keeps on living.


Leftist professors have favored leftist students, even to the point of

undermining the careers of conservative students - like in education fields...



It's been only the left that has been waging the social engineering "war" on American ideals,

and American daily life. The article above is just another example.


Control of so much of the media, control of the schools.......taking over health insurance, harassing

gun owners as a group, and individually... and "mmgw" is their ticket to taking over the wallets of

everyone, and the ticket to power over pretty much anything they want.

Bathrooms, bathrooms in schools..... thermostats (global warming), smart meters monitoring

everything ya do, anywhere rainwater collects (another law), and safety and taking your

safety away. (reference their war against gun ownership, and encouraging black violence

and antagonism to all whites + creating the giant flood of illegals into our country at the same time


It's a leftist revolution, folks. "The People"... are the leftists - the only ones with "rights".


Political power is craved on a permanent basis by leftists. All the way to the point of bringing

in millions of illegals, and unvetted "refugees" from Muslim countries by the hundreds of thousands.


And they will give them the vote. And then our country will have been taken away from us.


big serious trouble.


Oh, and have a NICE DAY ! :)


sure, somebody will disagree with me. But they can't back up how it isn't happening. It is.

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