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The Terrorists are Everywhere

MLD Woody

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Forgot to post this one a while back:






"Guido Menzio, an economist at the University of Pennsylvania, was working on a differential equation while waiting for the Syracuse-bound plane to take off from Philadelphia, the Washington Post reported. He had to present the findings of a working paper at Queen's University. But a passenger somehow mistook the equation for Arabic or some sort of Islamic code for a terrorist attack."




The worst part is it was just economics. Hard hard could it be? ;)

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he made himself a victim by being rude, and uncommunicative.


That is why it happened. If he had taken a moment, smiled, and said

he was doing his math for a speech, and wasn't trying to be anti-social....


she could have grinned and apologized.


terrorists are arabic/"islamic". You get on a plane and be rude, I would suspect

you too, because a passenger tried to blow up a plane by lighting his shoebomb.


Why the hell should I wait until you activate a bomb with your phone, rude person?


another time, a guy talking in Arabic - he got escorted off. He was talking very loud.


RUDE. Everybody wants to get home safety.


You never know when a person is baiting passengers, making an issue of it, ...

only to set up passengers to ignore them....as they do a trial run before they blow

the next flight up.


If I see three dour, rude, young arabic looking men talking in arabic, I'm going to the counter and reporting that I

was thinking about not boarding. Sorry, but after 9/11 and the shoebomber, you need to be friendly, and if you

do speak in arabic, be friendly on the phone and to people around you.


This math jerk deserved to be checked out.

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and talking loudly in arabic.


and writing weird symbols and being rude.


Better to be safe than sorry. Expecting people to say nothing

until they are certain it's a terrorist...

murdered. Once you know for sure, it's too late for

any polite inquiry or warning or escape.


the woman SAID she was sick to get herself out of the situation. That's smart.

so she didn't know higher math. I don't either.

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In fairness, our number system uses arabic numbers, and algebra was invented by a muslim, so, there's that.


Calculus on the other hand, that's a european thing. Newton and/or Leibnitz did all that.

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I just love that this lady thought differential equations were Islamic code for a terrorist attack. Muslim paranoia aside, that is both hilarious and sad.

Also, a big lack of planning from the 'terrorist' - if you're already on the flight, you should probably have the details down.

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yeah, the shoe bomber.... why didn't everybody just assume he wanted

to glue up his shoe? B)


.....ever heard of a number for letter substitution code?


He could have been sending an order

to his fellow terrorists in a numerical code.


ya never know....

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yeah, the shoe bomber.... why didn't everybody just assume he wanted

to glue up his shoe? B)


.....ever heard of a number for letter substitution code?


He could have been sending an order

to his fellow terrorists in a numerical code.


ya never know....

If Jihadi MacGuyver is planning his attack while on the flight in front of everyone, I don't think it will work.

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