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Like I've said many times before I tuned in to at least a portion of Morning Joe every day just to keep tabs on what the opposition is up to.

It's a little bit shocking how the program has shifted gears to full bore Trump hatred and Hillary love. These guys, who are supposed to be the moderates of the station, now make Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck seem like moderates. It really is disappointing though not unexpected.



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Like I've said many times before I tuned in to at least a portion of Morning Joe every day just to keep tabs on what the opposition is up to.

It's a little bit shocking how the program has shifted gears to full bore Trump hatred and Hillary love. These guys, who are supposed to be the moderates of the station, now make Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck seem like moderates. It really is disappointing though not unexpected.



I noticed the same thing. Its on cue with CNN now. I quit watching both and now only watch Fox which provides the only fair and balanced to an extent reporting.



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I do see Fox as in at least close to the middle.


The viewpoints range to extremely liberal, with no problem.


Alan Colmes, etc. Both sides get heard.

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Fox is the most fair this election cycle by far, of the MSM networks that is.


But they've been both anti-Trump and anti-Clinton.


They still have a bias to the right (I mean many of their show hosts are big in conservative circles and Hannity at least has endorsed Trump). Also I suspect much of their viewer base consists of more people on the right and in the Trump supporter group

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Not sure if I'd consider Fox in the middle (not that MSNBC is by any means either).



I'm not a big fan of referring to the "other side" as your opposition though

Then why do you suppose we have elections?


But I certainly don't consider fox in the middle even though I do believe they are much closer to it than MSNBC.


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Then why do you suppose we have elections?


But I certainly don't consider fox in the middle even though I do believe they are much closer to it than MSNBC.




If a Rep views a Dem as their opposition (or vice versa) you're hurting any discussion and compromise that might happen. Someone may disagree with you on gun control or the economy, but they aren't the enemy.


I'm taking the term "opposition" with a pretty negative connotation. I realize it can just be used for a basic disagreement or something.

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Which is pretty much how I would take it. If a candidate ran on a platform to make the United States ruled by Christian or any other religion values or a communist or a dictatorship or a monarchy or some some other form of government you didn't like it's still their right to do so but theyd be the opposition wouldn't they?


I think Republicans and Democrats at least try and draw specific differences between their platforms.



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I just don't think you should view the other side as the enemy.


We see a lot of that on here (...) and it doesn't help. It hurts compromise, it hurts discussion and it hurts getting things done in a timely manner. Completely partisan politics do not help the country at all. The far left and the far right screech and make all of the noise, and the majority of the people that are in the middle are left with nothing getting accomplished.

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To take a page from your book I didn't say enemy I said opposition and they are the opposition. And I'm not, nor have I ever claimed to be, neutral about politics.



I know. I told you I just read it in a negative light.



And you do sometimes claim to be more neutral than you are

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