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2nd amendment

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If the right of the people to keep and bear arms were infringed there would be no one to form a militia if some undetermined future leader decided to seize private assets or sone other such power play. It's all too easy to imagine since history is full of incidents of it.

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If the right of the people to keep and bear arms were infringed there would be no one to form a militia if some undetermined future leader decided to seize private assets or sone other such power play. It's all too easy to imagine since history is full of incidents of it.

Ok, but my questions arise from reading the early Supreme Court rulings which say that "A well regulated militia" refers to the individual states to form their own armies. And they did. And they used the original authors of the Bill of Rights to justify their decisions. So back then what the Founding Fathers meant is different than what is told today. Changing a story is a very good sign of a lie, and if you tell a lie enough it becomes a dishonest truth. Maybe I'm reading the wrong stuff but it seems that legal transcripts, original documents and original authors is the way to go. Maybe Heston and the Nuge would be more insightful? lol

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A militia is only formed in times of need. Do you think they required farmers to be trained? They only required them to pick up a gun and fight when it was necessary. So far the only other time a militia has formed wad early in the civil war.

So is time of need invasion, or just at war? And what about the second point in my post?

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I had that question as well:




How are our gun owners a "well regulated militia"? Shouldn't we require some kind of training? Some kind of regulation, to make them a functioning militia?


Also, how can Billy bob with his rifle defend us from a developed nation attacking? What do they do against jets and tanks? Shouldn't we allow more heavy duty arms for proper defense?

I don't know. Ask the viet cong, chechans, afghans or Iraqi insurgents. This point is stupid as fuck every time I hear it.

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Dumb dumb dumb dumb...dumbbbbb



If a full out civil war began with the people versus the government, not everybody in the government or military would choose the same side. If that was the case, the government would lose the support of the entire population if they committed mass genocide with military grade weapons.


And unless shit goes horribly wrong and our government ceases to exist or we have a large nuclear explosion over the states resulting in a massive EMP, no other country is in a position to invade us. We'd see them coming hundreds of miles away.


The most likely thing that could happen would be a group that organizes themselves state side - and equips for a coordinated attack on any part of the American population. Should deadly encounters like this happen, then the only solution is to defend yourself and others.

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If a full out civil war began with the people versus the government, not everybody in the government or military would choose the same side. If that was the case, the government would lose the support of the entire population if they committed mass genocide with military grade weapons.


And unless shit goes horribly wrong and our government ceases to exist or we have a large nuclear explosion over the states resulting in a massive EMP, no other country is in a position to invade us. We'd see them coming hundreds of miles away.



Well then good thing we have guns. Cuz the revolution and stuff

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Well then good thing we have guns. Cuz the revolution and stuff

I carry a gun because there's a bunch of ruthless assholes out there and you never know when you need to defend yourselves. A deadly encounter lasts seconds, not minutes - can't have somebody else come to my rescue.


Especially when I'm wearing my Trump shirt, never know when one of those leftist whack jobs will try to attack you for your political position.

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Well then good thing we have guns. Cuz the revolution and stuff

I carry a gun because there's a bunch of ruthless assholes out there and you never know when you need to defend yourselves. A deadly encounter lasts seconds, not minutes - can't have somebody else come to my rescue.


Especially when I'm wearing my Trump shirt, never know when one of those leftist whack jobs will try to attack you for your political position.

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I don't know. Ask the viet cong, chechans, afghans or Iraqi insurgents. This point is stupid as fuck every time I hear it.



I wouldn't say those are one to one comparisons.


Do our people have access to the same fire power? Same environment? Same era?



If the 2nd amendment is for defense, why limit our ability to defend ourselves? If a rabid state side group does appear, as Ed said, why be limited in our fire power?

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I carry a gun because there's a bunch of ruthless assholes out there and you never know when you need to defend yourselves. A deadly encounter lasts seconds, not minutes - can't have somebody else come to my rescue.


Especially when I'm wearing my Trump shirt, never know when one of those leftist whack jobs will try to attack you for your political position.


They'd just be listening to your boy Trump. He's had no problem advocating for similar violence before.

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They'd just be listening to your boy Trump. He's had no problem advocating for similar violence before.

Oh what Trump suggested his supporters should retaliate against unruly rioters so that makes the violent riots OK?


How many Trump supporters do you see causing problems? A black marine Trump supporter in Arizona attacking a protester dressed in a KKK hood who was yelling racist stuff?

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The Bill of Rights uses the term person for an individual. It also uses the term people which was recognized to mean the state.



Are you sure you want to post on this board?


"We the People"... means the ....state?


eh...NO. WRONG.

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Fwiw I'm not a conservative.


I'm an American...who supports letting people stick it up the butt...who supports people's rights to own guns...who believes the poor should have social programs including health care to get them on their feet (not as permanent solution)...who believes we shouldn't keep risking American lives for worthless middle east wars that do nothing except empower the people who hate us...that believes the TPP is an even worse version of NAFTA, which the Clinton's said "my mistake, sorry" ...who believes you shouldn't victim shame rape victims.


If you vote Clinton you don't stand for any of those things


Looking forward to Trump exposing Crooked Hillary in his speech tomorrow.

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While i in principal agree with the general direction of that link, its precisely that tone which will prevent me from "ever" joining the NRA. Send in the hippy skull cracking cops? Really? Cause those are the same cops that will come for your guns or ur right to protest anything if the govt one day decides martial law is in order. I simply eill not associate myself even mildly with people who speak like that. Unfortunately the nra is full of these kinds of bufoons

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While i in principal agree with the general direction of that link, its precisely that tone which will prevent me from "ever" joining the NRA. Send in the hippy skull cracking cops? Really? Cause those are the same cops that will come for your guns or ur right to protest anything if the govt one day decides martial law is in order. I simply eill not associate myself even mildly with people who speak like that. Unfortunately the nra is full of these kinds of bufoons


The buffoons are doing a ridiculous sit in. They had a vote and lost. It's called democracy. If I had my way anyone wanting to hold public office would have to have a decent knowledge of our constitution. This looks like something that would happen in a banana republic or a third world country.


We had a vote on these issues. Those who voted against the gun control measures will have to face their own constituents and answer for how they voted. That is how it works, not playing and acting a fool with a disruptive sit down when a vote doesn't go your way.


I think these legislators deserve any scorn they get.

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Anti gun people will use stupid ass posts or websites like that which advocate physical violence snd paint all 2nd amendment advocates as unstable babbling sociopaths. Precisely the kind of people who probably shouldnt be allowed near fireRms


When a protest is disruptive it is not a peaceful protest. If protestors have a protest in the middle of a street or some other place where it is disruptive then we have seen in the past those type of protests broken up by force. If these clowns are having a disruptive sit down in congress then they should be treated no better.


Let the drama queens protest legally and peacefully and not in a disruptive way.



Republicans have turned off the cameras and microphones, and Democrats are freeeaaaking out!!

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