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Yet Another Clinton Advisary Gets Fostered


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I am sure Hillary will have a nice chuckle about it. Nothing tickles her funny bone quite like politially motivated murder and child rape.


You're really going to drive that into the ground, huh? That one time a judge asked her to do something she didn't want to, but she did it so it didn't kill her career.


I mean, she sucks as a choice. There are a lot of other things to do this with. Out of all of them though, you choose this one.

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You're really going to drive that into the ground, huh? That one time a judge asked her to do something she didn't want to, but she did it so it didn't kill her career.


I mean, she sucks as a choice. There are a lot of other things to do this with. Out of all of them though, you choose this one.

A) A judge can't make a lawyer defend someone if they are not a public defender. That is tampering. Their job isn't to throw the defense or prosection together.


B) The fairy tale about her being forced to do it didn't come to light until the old interviews of Hillary talking about it got some heat.


C) She says in the audio interview just a few years removed from the case that it was a favor. Did the all-powerful judge make her laugh and have a good ol' time about getting a child rapist free and wrecking the name of a child rape victim?

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Yes, she was just sitting there wishing she could defend a child rapist. Finally got the case and laughed in joy....




.... Ignore the interviews if you want. Go ahead and decide your own story. It doesn't really matter because you aren't voting for her either way I imagine. Like I said, there are tons of reasons to not vote for her. Good reasons. This just seems like a chain email witch hunt of a reason

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Yes, she was just sitting there wishing she could defend a child rapist. Finally got the case and laughed in joy....




.... Ignore the interviews if you want. Go ahead and decide your own story. It doesn't really matter because you aren't voting for her either way I imagine. Like I said, there are tons of reasons to not vote for her. Good reasons. This just seems like a chain email witch hunt of a reason

You tell em Woody. Pedophilia is genetic anyway.

Quit picking on Hillary, she's a girl!



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It probably is linked to genetics. That doesn't mean it is something to allow. I'm sorry if this distinction confuses you.


I don't give a shit that Hillary is a female. Her girl power rallies are annoying as hell.


And again, I don't want to vote for her and think she's a bad choice. Amazingly though I can still try to be objective on stories like this

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Yes, she was just sitting there wishing she could defend a child rapist. Finally got the case and laughed in joy....




.... Ignore the interviews if you want. Go ahead and decide your own story. It doesn't really matter because you aren't voting for her either way I imagine. Like I said, there are tons of reasons to not vote for her. Good reasons. This just seems like a chain email witch hunt of a reason

When someone says something, I do hold them to those words. She volunteered, said it herself, and was way too giggly about freeing up a child rapist. It isn't speculation. She says it all herself.


Ever worked with child molesters and rapists? I have. It isn't fucking cute or funny when a lawyer is chuckling about how they set a rapist free and villanized the victim.

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It probably is linked to genetics. That doesn't mean it is something to allow. I'm sorry if this distinction confuses you.


☆ I accept your apology. It would probably help if you didn't jump back and forth over that fence so often in defending things but...☆


I don't give a shit that Hillary is a female. Her girl power rallies are annoying as hell.


☆ indeed they are but it's time for the left to Pivot. As we recall from a reading any criticism of Obama is officially considered racism so...☆


And again, I don't want to vote for her and think she's a bad choice. Amazingly though I can still try to be objective on stories like this.


☆ I suppose it is possible for you to try. I'd have to see some evidence but possible? I guess so.☆

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objective <> being all wet in Egypt.


It's pretty obvious that higgardly is corrupt, and probably

has some serious screws loose, imho.


Does anybody think she should be allowed to own a gun? She could go around enraged...

shooting people, and yell "at this point, what difference does it make" like she's possessed.


I think she finally gets indicted, drops out, and Biden runs with the liberal wench ...warren?


Oh, maybe not. She'd hurt him any time he got out of line.....

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