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If trump would pinky swear to do away with this bullshit id...,,


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Vote for him in a heartbeat him being an asshole and all. http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/senate-democrats-block-gops-zika-funding-bill/ar-AAhJ6JF?li=BBnbfcL


To be clear the dems do the same shit and it drives me up the wall. You have a bill to fund zika measures and u include planned parenthood shit and likely monsanto directed pesticide measures. If u think zika's a big deal just bring the zika bill to the floor.....and nothing else you odious cunt licking kyke ngr Fgts.


Brexit happened because people are in general stock tored of the way modern gvts govern. Its like ur just trolling the other party with bullshit you know they cant vote for so you csn say hey those guys want you to get zika evidently.




I really hope theres something after this life so i can fuck with these people in tje next place. Im gonna troll these cunts so hard they'll regret the afterlife dearly lol. I really do detest the way our govt functions.

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Two things, ron echoes the same sentiment that i shared with you about trump..."Would Donald Trump actually do such a thing? Who knows? We don't know what Donald Trump will say or do from one day to the next."


2nd, this commentator also nails it perfectly....


.."Eric Vanzini6/28/2016 17:34:28

Donald Trump fuck the Clintons you need to get serious and be real not help them ruin your country and the future of your kids and grandkids. Stop being a Hillary wild card."

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Yeah that's the kind of bullshit that needs to stop.


"So we're agreed, we will send bruce willis and the gang to destroy the asteroid before it destroys the world. Oh, and, we'll make it illegal to be gay. All on board?"

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