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Report officers shot in Baton Rouge, LA

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Sweeping generalisation time here but my guess would be that that is because when conservatism is your aim, you don't have so much to protest, because you like things the way they are. Republicans never had to protest, violently or not, for race rights, gender rights, sexuality rights etc.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying people should be looting and burning and whatnot, but it makes sense why it comes from the more progressive party.



So talk out of the other side of your mouth now...you just said that the far right produces violence inducing rhetoric, now you do a 180 and claim they don't because there isn't much to protest. Shut the fuck up liberal.


I'm sure they'll investigate if the Dallas and Baton Rouge shooters have ties to the Tea Party or listen to Rush Limbaugh.

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"Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying people should be looting and burning and whatnot, but it makes sense why it comes from the more progressive party."


Probably because ignorance and random feral violence are more commonplace among the more Progressive Party.


Ironically one of the biggest reasons they haven't really progressed.



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It sure is.

Also as humans grow intellectually they often often think of better ways to express their angst than violent tantrums.



I agree, but on the flip side, when you're used as a group to be ignored - as you said, you can't think of any peaceful protests even though they happen all the time - you sometimes feel the need to be 'louder'.


I'm still not condoning violent protests, but you can see the thought process behind some of them. Not the 'hey people are protesting, let's go steal a bunch of shit' types though, I have no time for them.

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I agree, but on the flip side, when you're used as a group to be ignored - as you said, you can't think of any peaceful protests even though they happen all the time - you sometimes feel the need to be 'louder'.


I'm still not condoning violent protests, but you can see the thought process behind some of them. Not the 'hey people are protesting, let's go steal a bunch of shit' types though, I have no time for them.

I don't suppose you do but it's a mob no matter how are you rationalize it.

Not sure exactly who's being ignored here. You seem to dump all left-wing displeasure into one cauldron. Gay marriage is the law of the land even though not seeing any homosexual acquaintances smashing car windows or assaulting the police.

The hardcore pro-abortion gang? Hey there's no federal restrictions an abortion anymore. Any time for any reason. Why riot?

BLM? First of all they apparently don't matter even to members of your own community but even if they did, stop committing most of the crimes and you will have less confrontations with the Po-lees.


I guess you need to give me a list of grievances that shouting down people and rioting helps to address, even in the ignorant mind of the protester.


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It's time for BLM to become a real force for good and for change. It's very easy to simply say "police officers are overly aggressive with black people" but that kind of victim-playing doesn't really get us anywhere unless they acknowledge that there are reasons for that. If you're a cop called out to a domestic incident in a downtown detroit ghetto, you're going in there with your nerves on edge just a bit, compared to if you're off to see Nigel and Martha in their 5 bedroom landed house, for example.


And while it's also easy for us to point out that it's not really a black thing but a poor thing, it's also important to acknowledge that the poor in big metropolitan areas - for mostly not good reasons - is made up of black people. It isn't that police are inherently racist, but there is certainly a semi-conscious bias, either warranted or not.


In the same way that we condemn people like Donald Trump and far right shock jocks for their violence-inducing rhetoric, BLM must take ownership of the fact that their own rhetoric - that police are inherently racist, that they are out to 'get' black people - has consequences too. Whilst they have probably not had anything to do with the gunmen, it is their movement that is being hijacked to a deadly end.


I'm sure that neither the BLM leaders, nor the police across the country, want to see more people killed, on either side, likewise the democrats and republicans. Unity is needed, however difficult it might be for the various parties to put aside their differences and perceived past transgressions, before this really escalates in to a nationwide quasi-war, with police becoming more and more militant, and the supposed 'BLM' activists becoming more black panthers, and guerrilla anti-police forces.


It's like I said in the 'it's not the guns' part - the notion of de-escalation is something that is lost on a lot of people these days, but it's what's needed now more than ever. When there are legitimate threats to the well-being of the public from all over the place, the last thing that's needed is to destabilise the country voluntarily.

I don't mean to be insulting, you're a very smart man, but it's hard to take your Reflections on American society too seriously. The reason for that is that the British don't seem to have such a distinct separate class of people, 13% and almost monolithic Democrat and left-wing, who caused so much of the ill effects in society.


And again I'm not really familiar with the demographics of Great Britain so perhaps I'm wrong.



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I don't mean to be insulting, you're a very smart man, but it's hard to take your Reflections on American society too seriously. The reason for that is that the British don't seem to have such a distinct separate class of people, 13% and almost monolithic Democrat and left-wing, who caused so much of the ill effects in society.


And again I'm not really familiar with the demographics of Great Britain so perhaps I'm wrong.



To be honest I'm more up to date on US politics than UK politics - it's more interesting!

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I used to be able to tolerate the Sex Pistols. It seems like teenaged punk rockers play that shit to death. My friends wore me out on listening to them.


A great portion of rock and roll is pissing off not only your parents but your older brothers and sisters.


It makes me feel better to know that when they are teenagers Snoop Doggy Dogg's kids will have to find some kind of music shitty enough to piss even him off.



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A great portion of rock and roll is pissing off not only your parents but your older brothers and sisters.


It makes me feel better to know that when they are teenagers Snoop Doggy Dogg's kids will have to find some kind of music shitty enough to piss even him off.



I am sure they will play some rap that could double as jingles. A part of him will die every time he hears it through the wall haha.

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