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sissy Chrissy Mathews says GOP should not have had the Benghazi mother as a speaker


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says "it ruined their evening".


really, chrissy you sissy? What a waste of human newsperson.




Meanwhile, the dems reportedly will have the mother of hoodlum Michael Brown of Ferguson notoriety...


as a speaker.


Think chrissy will say the dems "ruined their evening" ?



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says "it ruined their evening".


really, chrissy you sissy? What a waste of human newsperson.




Meanwhile, the dems reportedly will have the mother of hoodlum Michael Brown of Ferguson notoriety...


as a speaker.


Think chrissy will say the dems "ruined their evening" ?




It was proven that "hands up don't shoot was a lie" and Michael Brown was a thug and a bully who had just committed a strong armed robbery when he attacked a police officer (Darren Wilson) and tried to take the officer's gun and was shot when he was bull rushing the officer. This came out from eye witness testimony in the grand jury.

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It was proven that "hands up don't shoot was a lie" and Michael Brown was a thug and a bully who had just committed a strong armed robbery when he attacked a police officer (Darren Wilson) and tried to take the officer's gun and was shot when he was bull rushing the officer. This came out from eye witness testimony in the grand jury.

Take out the 'v' in 'Lives' and you got 'lies'.


Black LIES Matter

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Some people would rather follow a lie than the truth if it fits their agenda. The real problem in our country is not with racist white police officers but blacks killing other blacks in epidemic proportion in cities like Chicago. The mainstream media will not report on this like they should.

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Or take it from Logic.

Black Wives Matter.


This joke has bounced around the Logic household a few times haha.


I also annoy her by making her say "crackah" instead of "crackers" when she asked me for them. About three times into saying "hand me the crackahs" she had enough of my shit. So now it goes like "I like this chili. Hand me some.....saltines, asshole."

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That was the highlight of the clown show. A lady up there screaming Hilary murdered her son. It completely turned me off from the party.



The Dems will probably do the same thing and make the same mistake.


You were already turned off from the party

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Think chrissy will say the dems "ruined their evening" ? nope.


Actually, if he thinks it did... "yup".


The real problem in our country is not with racist white police officers but blacks killing other blacks in epidemic proportion in cities like Chicago. The mainstream media will not report on this like they should.


Are we only allowed one problem at a time??? Good to know...


As for "epidemic proportions"... here's Chi's murder totals from wiki.



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The ‘Ferguson effect’ is destroying Chicago

July 9, 2016 | 1:22pm


"Violence in Chicago is reaching epidemic proportions. In the first five months of 2016, someone was shot every 2¹/₂ hours and someone murdered every 14 hours, for a total of nearly 1,400 nonfatal shooting victims and 240 fatalities.

Over Memorial Day weekend, 69 people were shot, nearly one per hour, dwarfing the previous year’s tally of 53 shootings over the same period. The violence is spilling over from the city’s gang-infested South and West sides into the downtown business district; even Lake Shore Drive has seen drive-by shootings and robberies.


Felicia Moore, a wiry middle-aged woman with tattoos on her face and the ravaged frame of a former drug addict, says: “I’ve been in Chicago all my life. It’s never been this bad. Mothers and grandchildren are scared to come out on their porch.”

Through the end of May, shooting incidents in Chicago were up 53 percent over the same period in 2015, which already had seen a significant increase over 2014. Compared with the first five months of 2014, shooting incidents in 2016 were up 86 percent. Shootings in May citywide averaged nearly 13 a day, a worrisome portent for summer.


Anti-police animus is nothing new in Chicago, of course. An Illinois state representative, Monique Davis, told a Detroit radio station in 2013 that people in her South Side community believed that the reason so few homicide cases were solved is that it was the police who were killing young black males. Davis later refused to repudiate her statement: “We can’t say that it is not happening.”



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Could be, the tough gun laws don't seem to be working nor the Democrat rule of the city.


I guess you did not see the chart...

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That was the highlight of the clown show. A lady up there screaming Hilary murdered her son. It completely turned me off from the party.



The Dems will probably do the same thing and make the same mistake.

You're a pussy liberal. There's nothing that anyone could do to get you to vote for Trump. Hillary could shoot your parents and set your house on fire and you'd still make excuses for her and give her your vote.

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I did but I don't know what it proves. Nothing I suppose. Because with those gun laws Chicago should be a paradise.


Might be... if they added a wall. Walls solve everything.

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Might be... if they added a wall. Walls solve everything.

It would certainly solve some things. Nothing solves everything. But I do wonder why there's so much support for illegal immigration? I would think that others should agree with me that the actual path to citizenship should be made easier for those people in other countries who have something to offer. Rather than shrug your shoulders and let anybody in and then just let them be. Can you explain it?


Or are the Democrat votes worth it?



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You're a pussy liberal. There's nothing that anyone could do to get you to vote for Trump. Hillary could shoot your parents and set your house on fire and you'd still make excuses for her and give her your vote.


That's woodypeckerhead, out in the open - a pussy liberal birdbrain.

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That was the highlight of the clown show. A lady up there screaming Hilary murdered her son. It completely turned me off from the party.



Aaaannnnnndddd this is why i wont watch either convention. That woman allowed herself and her son in post mortem to be politisized. She's a disgraceful human being. Its one thing to stand up there and say i beleive certain policies in error led to my sons death and that makes this woman unqualified to be potus. But to allow urself to be coached into hyperbolistic hystrionics.....makes her trash and she doesnt realize she's shitting on her sons memory

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It would certainly solve some things. Nothing solves everything. But I do wonder why there's so much support for illegal immigration? I would think that others should agree with me that the actual path to citizenship should be made easier for those people in other countries who have something to offer. Rather than shrug your shoulders and let anybody in and then just let them be. Can you explain it?


Easy... money.


Corporate America loves labor it can exploit and none is easier to exploit than undocumented labor. Corps don't mind DEM or GOP lip service to "closing the borders" just so long as they do not actually do it. And the most effective way to do so is to legislate stiff penalties for employers who hire undocumented workers. If the collapse of 2008 proved nothing else it is that when the jobs dry, then so too does the influx across our southern border.



Funny... I just remembered a time when our open borders with both Canada and Mexico was a point of pride. I think that time was Jr. High Civics class.



As for more desirable immigrants with "something to offer"... do you understand that is in fact how immigration for employment works? I believe it's called "essential function" and it is a hurdle you have to clear to hire any ex-US talent. Basically you must assert that the talent you need is not available within the US... or at least within your region. In fact it can be, but you have to assert it is not.


How can it be available yet you still get to hire ex-US? Easy... immigration doesn't have the funds to check your claim... just like the Corps like it.


And remember, even pickers have something to offer as both Georgia and Alabama growers will attest.

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No doubt. We love the cheap labor. And we can easily keep the cheap labor with a guest-worker program. Come on in Pancho you pick some grapes send the money home and go back at the end of the season. We do know that's Mexico's main source of income right? So everybody's happy. And yes we need menial jobs done for a little wages. And with our population aging and those with any form of Education waiting until later to have kids (and remember those kids aren't going to do menial labor anyway) and those without an education who prefer welfare to doing those menial jobs... Well you've got a perfect storm. But let's not pretend that moaning and crying and wringing of hands isn't an efficient vote-getter for the Democrats who, at the end of the day, wouldn't touch these people with a barge Pole. ;)


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But if you read any of my shit you know I draw a big line between hard-working Mexicans and flooding the country with refugees from violent third world shitholes with a huge portion of the population bent on destroying Western Civilization.





In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language... and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people". - Theodore Roosevelt, 1907.

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No doubt. We love the cheap labor. And we can easily keep the cheap labor with a guest-worker program. Come on in Pancho you pick some grapes send the money home and go back at the end of the season. We do know that's Mexico's main source of income right? So everybody's happy. And yes we need menial jobs done for a little wages. And with our population aging and those with any form of Education waiting until later to have kids (and remember those kids aren't going to do menial labor anyway) and those without an education who prefer welfare to doing those menial jobs... Well you've got a perfect storm. But let's not pretend that moaning and crying and wringing of hands isn't an efficient vote-getter for the Democrats who, at the end of the day, wouldn't touch these people with a barge Pole. ;)



Whatever happened to that guest-worker program?


But if you read any of my shit you know I draw a big line between hard-working Mexicans and flooding the country with refugees from violent third world shitholes with a huge portion of the population bent on destroying Western Civilization.


I treasure every little turd... :)

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