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Andrew Hawkins on Athletes and Politics


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Cleveland Browns wide receiver Andrew Hawkins on why athletes are speaking out about social justice.



First of all shut up and play football.


This article is merely regurgitated leftist speak. Not one leftist fucker wants to go near the source of the problem. It always stops at "we must fix race relations". Its blame shifting and refusing to take responsibility.

The black community is solely responsible for the problems we are having today period.

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andrew hawkins doesn't deserve to remain on the Browns team - he

is easily replaceable, just as stupid as the lie "hands up don't shoot"



Being a false

victim with public awareness is the new liberal sport....

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give it a rest, woodpecker. stop and think about it for the first time ever.


Meanwhile, Andrew Hawkins is the egotistic jackass that posted this:



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Elaborate on this please

Really? Okay let's have 1 football team apply the rules of affirmative action and insist that only 13% of the players are African-American. That would necessarily mean many of the black players who are the best athletes would be supplanted by lesser talent. Make sense?


And I did say it was off-topic ;)



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If whites were discriminated against by sports leagues and not hired because if their race, sure. The supply of each rave would matter too.


But I kind of see where you were going with that



And to be completely clear I think race based AA is dumb.


Now I'll be insulted by Cal because I support race based AA

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If whites were discriminated against by sports leagues and not hired because if their race, sure. The supply of each rave would matter too.


But I kind of see where you were going with that



And to be completely clear I think race based AA is dumb.


Now I'll be insulted by Cal because I support race based AA

As long as you tell me you're not in support of it I'm fine with that.



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Hawk is far from irreplaceable. I have to respect a person who puts his lucrative livelihood at risk for what he believes.

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