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Michael Moore's prediction on who will win election

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Strategy of the left don't let the base become complacent.


Keep them scared because a Trump Victory will certainly mean economic disaster for Michigans cities! Oh wait.....


Having watched the episode that certainly was Bill Mahr's stance, but not Michael's. Moore flat said that promises of protectionism is the music Michigan was desperate to hear.

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Well it's not like the Democrats have done much to help the rust belt - is it really much of a surprise they're turning to Trump?


Unless you count saving the auto industry... sure. Old news?

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Unless you count saving the auto industry... sure. Old news?

That the last Republican president (that I'm not a fan of by any stretch of the imagination - I have anti Bush posters all over the place) supported?


Despite that, they're still a fraction of what they used to be in terms of what they contribute to the USA - largely thanks to NAFTA.


The auto bailout hasnt helped Detroit, Cleveland helped themselves through other means when steel and auto and other industries died (it took awhile, though)

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That the last Republican president (that I'm not a fan of by any stretch of the imagination - I have anti Bush posters all over the place) supported?


Damn... that was W's... All I remembered was Mitt slamming Obama for it... That Mormon bastage...

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