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God trump is such a slimy cocksucker....suing some chefs


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Just leave em be and concentrate on being president. This continues the narrative that he's a small cocking fgt. Obviously these guys were gonna be offended by your comments. Find other people for your trump tower restaurants.


Its such a small cock look. If your this bag business badass move on, say its their loss. This is the cost of running for president where you have to stske out certain pisitions. Some people like those positions and others will be offended. Move on ftom thise that were offended.

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my parents are ultra conservatives and while i knew they never really liked Trump that much i still thought they were gonna vote for him cause voting republican is just what they do. But this weekend my dad was like he's constantly unhinged, he always has to seek vengeance in some fashion on people who have slighted him even just a little. I think my dad was referring to an article about Trump setting up a super pac to oust Cruz and Kasich...and he likes Kasich alot, Cruz not so much. This is exactly what my old man was talking about, the guy just doesn't come off like a president. But he's gonna be president anyway unless some 3rd party powerhouse figure jumps in.

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bad link, i don't know where that came from i never looked at that article.


lol... for a moment I thought the mis-link was intentional to make a point...

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