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Dick Morris on Bill Clinton's speech

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The battle conservatives have is with a liberal media who try their best to drive the narratives they like and suppress stories that go against their liberal agenda. With the the liberal media most of the time their dishonest reporting involves what they leave out which is the rest of the story. At least conservatives today have other new voices such as the internet and cable news to present that other side the MSM fails to report.



I didn't watch too much of Clinton's speech as I couldn't take his talking about the great love story with Hildebeast...not when I knew the rest of the story...all his sexual advances and even rape of other women

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Dick's got a new book out... more secrets from his time in the Slick Willie White House...


Is he still personna non grata on FNC?

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Lawrence O'Donnell pointed out that her Citizen's United promises were either unlikely by Congress with likely a Republican House or implausible via the amendment route.


He also looked at HRC's Senate record and found no evidence of legislative, across-the-aisle effectiveness she claimed.



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