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Any silly people "frightened" over the silly mmgw farce?


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A 'mini ice age' is coming in the next 15 years - ScienceAlert
Jul 13, 2015 - A new model that predicts the solar cycles more accurately than ever before ... time, Earth could sink into what researchers are calling a mini ice age. ... ago,scientists have struggled to predict what each cycle will look like.
Researchers Predict That A “Mini Ice Age” Is Coming Very Soon ...
Jan 6, 2016 - Researchers Predict That A “Mini Ice Age” Is Coming Very Soon ... blasted by dozens of their own scientists regarding their global warming stance ... Anew model of the Sun's solar cycle is producing unprecedentedly accurate ...


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"Frightened"? No... I'll be dead before the real impacts are felt.


Disappointed by our lack of action? Yes... after all I have three Grandkids.



But I do plan to around long enough to check out this "ice age" thing... maybe even resurrect this thread.

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I think, honestly, that weather trends are the least of our worries on this planet. We are

bringing in more syrian, etc, refugees, than the entire EU.


Not good. Still waiting for any liberal to explain why that isn't a dangerous thing to our safety.

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We are bringing in more syrian, etc, refugees, than the entire EU.


Now these days I try to steer clear of, as Tour so eloquently put it, your delusions. But this is just wrong. You're complaining about the US taking 10k refugees? Germany has taken 600k. Greece half a million. Even the UK, the furthest place from Syria in Europe basically is taking 20k.


I'd like to know where you came up with the idea that the US is taking in more refugees than the 'entire' EU.


Oh, and, before there are complaints that other middle eastern countries should 'do their bit', there are around 5.5 million syrian refugees in Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan alone.

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I agree with cal that the immediate concern for me is the refugees. Look what one guy with an AR was able to accomplish in orlando. Think about a trained team, one or two guy out back hosing down everyone coming out of the emergen exits. We know from the paris attack at that concert venue that this kind of operation is on their radar.


However, as usual cal is willfully ignorant about the long term implications of climate change. I think alot of people just dont give a fuck cause they'll be gone, let those generations figure it out. Its a morally bankrupt stance to take on so many levels i wont even borher getting into cause this thread will take a turn down some esoteric roads quickly.

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I agree with cal that the immediate concern for me is the refugees. Look what one guy with an AR was able to accomplish in orlando. Think about a trained team, one or two guy out back hosing down everyone coming out of the emergen exits. We know from the paris attack at that concert venue that this kind of operation is on their radar.


However, as usual cal is willfully ignorant about the long term implications of climate change. I think alot of people just dont give a fuck cause they'll be gone, let those generations figure it out. Its a morally bankrupt stance to take on so many levels i wont even borher getting into cause this thread will take a turn down some esoteric roads quickly.

I'm thinking you are correct in that most people don't care because it's not an imminent danger.

But also people don't care because it's been politicized so heavily. Give us more tax money and we will save you!


I'm guessing the changes that could be useful in energy consumption and use of clean energy are happening as we speak slowly but surely.

People don't use steam engines or heat their homes with wood or coal very much these days butt I can't remember one exact week where we switched everything over. It just happened gradually as it will now and probably based on profit and technology.


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Oh, and, before there are complaints that other middle eastern countries should 'do their bit', there are around 5.5 million syrian refugees in Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan alone.


I think people are mostly critical of the richer countries like Saudi Arabia who could do more. Though Lebanon is a shit hole nowadays, there's a terrorist attack in Turkey every other day it seems like, Jordan is ok outside of the occasional car bombs and such.


But the EU is fucked anyway, I don't think there's any denying that. Everyone gets raped in sweden and germany, you just can't go to certain neighborhoods and be safe, there's modern versions of "ghettos" full of people who won't assimilate.


Nicer for us because all that shit's all the way across the pond so we can choose carefully which ones we take, but we can't even vet somebody with a paper trail who has praised Isis on facebook and such coming in from Saudi Arabia - can't imagine us doing much better with the ole refugees.




As far as climate change, we've been consistently declining in terms of carbon emissions and such - our distant neighbors across the pacific however, are a different story.

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Well, Tour and Chris.... you can stop your slow dancing around the truth.


I'm not deluded - it's true. You two are just all wet in Egypt.





"Despite promises of European Union member states to take in 160,000 refugees, a new report shows that they've accepted a fraction, 6,000, while the United States has embraced 8,000 of a planned 10,000 this year.
As President Obama, backed by Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, has ramped up accepting refugees fleeing Syria and other war-torn nations, the EU has put the brakes on hard, apparently bowing to public outrage.
In the U.S., some governors and other politicians have warned against moving fast to bring in the refugees, concerned that poor vetting could let in terrorists.
After officials moved to stem the huge influx if immigrants, Europe had led the way in making promises to accept the additional refugees in camps in Italy and Greece. But a new report in France found that Paris had accepted just 1,300 of the 30,000 it promised to take from Greece and Italy by 2017.
What's more, according to the Center for Immigration Studies, all of the European Union member states that had promised to accept 160,000 asylum seekers have taken in just 6,000 so far.
"One year later, this commitment is far from being fulfilled. France is not the only 'bad student,' said Pierre Henry, director of an organization called France Terre d'Asile. Of the 160,000 asylum seekers in need of resettlement from Greece and Italy, EU member states admitted less than 6,000. 'There is an obvious lack of solidarity,' Henry claimed," said the CIS blog post from Nayla Rush based on some French media reports.
CIS suggested that the EU refusal to move as fast as Obama might be a "sign of mere common sense," following a number of terror attacks.
"Keeping one's promise is certainly admirable. However, keeping citizens safe should bear no compromise. France, sadly, learned its lesson the hard way. Let us hope the U.S. doesn't have to," wrote Rush. "There's no shame in shifting gears. After all, as the French say, only fools do not change their minds."
Paul Bedard, the Washington Examiner's "Washington Secrets" columnist, can be contacted at pbedard@washingtonexaminer.com"
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The longer we put it off though the more abrupt the change will be. So much so that many people wont be able to cope

We aren't putting anything off. The other option is going back to the Stone Age. Or seriously curtailing our use of energy rationing gas electricity and outlawing leisure travel. If you think that would help I understand. I don't think you'd make that call though.



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We aren't putting anything off. The other option is going back to the Stone Age. Or seriously curtailing our use of energy rationing gas electricity and outlawing leisure travel. If you think that would help I understand. I don't think you'd make that call though.




Look how hard it is for us to let go of coal. Our govt gets bitched at by the coal industry cause they dared tell them to scrub that shit that cmes out of their stacks. Anybody thats been to hong king or shsnghai can learn first hand the wonderful atmosphere unfettered cosl burning promotes.


Of course we're putting it off. They're terrified of people learning they can make a substantial amt of their power from multiple sustainable/semi-sustainable sources. Any decentralization of goods/services doesnt suit them

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Well, Tour and Chris.... you can stop your slow dancing around the truth.


I'm not deluded - it's true. You two are just all wet in Egypt.




Deluded and a fucking moron...



Article plays with "resettled" figures as opposed to "registered", which means they are in country, but being processed.


In Germany registration seekers are not confined, but have overwhelmed the ability of communities to absorb them. As of April, 2016 600,000 Syrian refugees have been registered.


As for resettled... highest figure I can find is Canada with just shy of 32,000. But of course, Canada is not part of the EU... so there's that.



But maybe we are focused on the wrong border...

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I have to run to the store - I'll check back later for a well-deserved "yes, Cal, you were right".......


Settle for another Fuck you, Cal?

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Look how hard it is for us to let go of coal. Our govt gets bitched at by the coal industry cause they dared tell them to scrub that shit that cmes out of their stacks. Anybody thats been to hong king or shsnghai can learn first hand the wonderful atmosphere unfettered cosl burning promotes.


Of course we're putting it off. They're terrified of people learning they can make a substantial amt of their power from multiple sustainable/semi-sustainable sources. Any decentralization of goods/services doesnt suit them

It's still efficient and we are slowly moving to other things also scrubbers are becoming more and more useful. Anyway if you left wing Screech hawks would allow more nuclear plants...



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Did cal delete a comment or something?


Nah... still there. Shockingly we disagreed about something and he replied with:


not having to require an id, coupled with massive illegal immigration and

"refugees" from Muslim countries...


sets the stage for massive voter fraud. Only a dishonest fool would deny it.


Since I'd already denied it, he's calling me a liar. I took and still take exception to him crossing this line, and will therefore ride his ass until he apologizes.... the little bitch.


This is "cal's my little bitch" Day 3...

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It's still efficient and we are slowly moving to other things also scrubbers are becoming more and more useful. Anyway if you left wing Screech hawks would allow more nuclear plants...


They're simply not economical, Steve. If you remember Obama's energy plan included funding for guaranteeing loans to build nuclear plants. Only one company, in Georgia IIRC, stepped up to apply for one. And this was before fracking took off and solar cell costs dropped.


Here's a link to the 2010 announcement of the project: https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/obama-administration-announces-loan-guarantees-construct-new-nuclear-power-reactors Turns out I actually got the state right. Projected completion is now 2019. Want to deregulate so it can get done faster? ;)


Here's a link to another goggle hit stating the program was expanded in 2015. I'd completely missed this at the time.

... the administration will allow nuclear plant developers to use government loans to cover the costs of more items related to power plant development, including licensing costs, compared with the previous policy that provided loan backing solely for the construction of the plant itself.



The article also states that there is little money left of the original $12.5 billion budgeted for the program. In doing so it manages to ignore the fact that the administration no longer has much control over the budget.

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Economical? Economical!!??

Neither is taxing the living shit out of business. Neither is cap and trade. Neither is jacking up the price of gasoline to 5 bucks a gallon like Obammy wanted to do to discourage use.


Nuclear power and led is the way to go.

And burn up the fossil fuels until it's ready.


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Yes, uneconomical... the reason the gov't had to guarantee loans is that otherwise utilities could not secure the billions in loans needed to fund construction, i.e., no institutions would loan them the money.


Companies are not just in business to make money, they target a percentage return on investment. If they can't achieve their return on a project, then they either don't build the project or look for alternatives. The link below is to a chart that shows that nuclear generation is the most costly, i.e., generates the lowest return on investment.


Note that some cost estimates do not include waste disposal...


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calfoxwc, on 15 Aug 2016 - 3:06 PM, said:snapback.png

not having to require an id, coupled with massive illegal immigration and

"refugees" from Muslim countries...


sets the stage for massive voter fraud. Only a dishonest fool would deny it.

Since I'd already denied it, he's calling me a liar. I took and still take exception to him crossing this line, and will therefore ride his ass until he apologizes.... the little bitch.


Now, little sissy "victim"... here's the definition of "lie"


a false statement made with deliberate intent todeceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood.
Antonyms: truth.
something intended or serving to convey a falseimpression; imposture:
His flashy car was a lie that deceived no one.
an inaccurate or false statement; a falsehood.
the charge or accusation of telling a lie:
He flung the lie back at his accusers.
verb (used without object), lied, lying.
to speak falsely or utter untruth knowingly, aswith intent to deceive.
Synonyms: prevaricate, fib.
to express what is false; convey a falseimpression.
It's one thing to dance around the truth, because you don't see it, or don't WANT to
admit it. Not wanting to admit it, is my assumption because you are generally kind of
a bright poster, sometimes, sometimes often.
So, after you said iyhso, that voter fraud, in so many words, virtually doesn't happen,
I showed you why I disagreed. and I said this:

"not having to require an id, coupled with massive illegal immigration and

"refugees" from Muslim countries...

sets the stage for massive voter fraud. Only a dishonest fool would deny it."

Therefore, I'm saying that

A. Voter fraud most certainly HAS happened, some places often, in my opinion.

B. Opening the door to not requiring an ID, coupled with massive illegal immigration

and unvetted thousands of syrian refugees..... sets the stage for massive voter fraud.

It does. Of course it does, how the hell can anybody think that not requiring an id, etc etc etc, makes

it harder to commit voter fraud?

C. Therefore, Little Toursies, I never called you a liar on the issue of "setting the stage" for massive voter fraud.

You haven't denied that it "SETS THE STAGE FOR MASSIVE VOTER FRAUD". You disagreed that for the most

part except in... 11? rare occurences, it doesn't happen.

SO, Toursies - "arguing that any significant voter fraud happened before" <> "SETS THE STAGE FOR MASSIVE VOTER FRAUD"

Not equal. Has nothing to do with calling you a liar. I think, though, that if someone denies that not requiring an id to vote,

in the light of deliberate obaMao illgally flooding over our borders, SETS THE STAGE (as in, MAKES A HELL OF A LOT

EASIER) ...for massive voter fraud, I think that's dishonest, and foolish.

So, it has nothing to do with you, false victim Toursies, I never called you a liar. BTW, So, I'm sorry you are an

ASSWHOLE who crossed the line. I'll PM Steve as to why. You want a war? You got it now.

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Thanks sweetcheeks...


Not please explain the difference between being called "dishonest" for a position I expose and being called a liar...


I'll wait... and this time you'd be wise to do it without admitting you did so in your reply.


Not equal. Has nothing to do with calling you a liar. I think, though, that if someone denies that not requiring an id to vote,

in the light of deliberate obaMao illgally flooding over our borders, SETS THE STAGE (as in, MAKES A HELL OF A LOT

EASIER) ...for massive voter fraud, I think that's dishonest, and foolish.



And say hello to Steve for me...


Gotta love a guy that declares "war" by running to a mod... you whinny little fuck...

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you didn't expose a position, asswhole wimp.

it has nothing to do with you. Again, you don't believe illegal voting has occured.


"not requiring voter id setting the stage for massive voter fraud" is a completely separate issue.


and still... "dishonest fool" does not mean "liar". Stop emotionally knee jerking, because you

are the one who made a very serious mistake.

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