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Trump’s Pathetic First Ad Buy is a Total Joke


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First ad buy from Trump is modest. $270k in FL, $72k in OH, $78k in PA. Pro-Clinton side already spent $23m in FL, $17m in OH, $6m in PA.



"Modest" is an insanely generous way to describe this. Others that might be equally applicable would be "pitiful," "low-energy," "little," "pointless," and "embarrassing." If you're going to spend this little in markets this large, only to get totally swamped by Clinton, might as well put the money into a ground game, especially since there's a decent probability that the RNC will yank the rug out from under you during the course of this campaign.

What a joke.



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Getting the feeling that with Bannon's appointment redstate is going completely off the reservation... True? Bad blood there?

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Getting the feeling that with Bannon's appointment redstate is going completely off the reservation... True? Bad blood there?

Redstate has never been in Trump's camp. Breitbart under Bannon has pretty much been a super pac for Trump instead of any kind of news agency. The people who know Bannon don't have much good to say about him.


I agree with most of the criticism Redstate has of Trump but when you only have a choice between Trump and Clinton it seems likes for a conservative you would support Trump. So I part ways with Redstate there. What they are promoting just helps Clinton win the White House. Trump is the lesser of two evils for conservatives.


Stephen Hayes PERFECTLY summarizes Breitbart Takeover of Trump campaign

I think this is a campaign that’s deeply conflicted inside and that reflects the internal conflicts of the man at the top of the campaign. I guess I would argue that it would be a mistake to read too much into Donald Trump reading a teleprompter speech and assume that this is a new person. He’s been telling us all along he doesn’t want to change, he’s more comfortable with who he is, that he’s rejecting advice from people who are telling him to be more presidential, and I think that’s what this is. This is really more of a validation of Donald Trump and his sort-of gut instincts on how to run a campaign.

If you followed Breitbart or read the site over the past year, it’s basically created this alternate reality where Donald Trump is the best and everything he does is amazing and the people who oppose him are either idiots or traitors. It’s really this sort of fantasy world where Donald Trump is king and only he can fix the problems that are facing the country.

I think he likes that. I think he wants that kind of validation. I think it’s one of the reasons that he sought to bring on Stephen Bannon at the top of his campaign.

Trump has always been very black and white when it comes to his friends and enemies. If you love him and say wonderful things about him then he loves you back. But if you criticize him you are biased against him and are a traitor.

So it really makes sense that he would appoint Steve Bannon as his new CEO, since Breitbart is the Trump fantasy-news network.

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Redstate has never been in Trump's camp.


Ah.... coming back now. They were, or at least ended up, in Cruz's corner... yes?

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Redstate uninvited Trump to some event over Megyn Kelly comments.


The guy who uninvited him had previously referred to a SCOTUS justice as a "goat f***cker" or something like that - among saying other crazy shit in the past.




Redstate is part of the charred remains of the #NeverTrump movement.

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Redstate was formed by conservative bloggers. That they don't consider Trump too conservative is born out by Trump's history of supporting liberal democrats over conservatives and his support of Hillary Clinton for president among other things.


Trump has a history of supporting liberal democrats?


Funny he supported your favorite president ever, Reagan - he supported HW Bush, attended RNCs, supported Romney - endorsed McCain in 2008.


I don't even know what the definition of conservative is anymore - maybe "whiny little bitch" if you think the people at redstate are conservative.

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The many ways in which Donald Trump was once a liberal’s liberal


He loved Hillary Clinton; now he thinks she's the worst. He was very much in favor of abortion rights before he opposed them. And he might be running as a Republican today, but he was once a registered Democrat who called for legalizing drugs, a massive one-time 14.25 percent tax on the wealthy and staying out of wars that didn't present a "direct threat" to the U.S. In many ways, he's been to the left of Clinton and even Bernie Sanders on some issues.


But in Trump's world, there is no truth but now. Here are some of his most glaring flips (or convenient evolutions):



Then: On "Meet The Press" in 1999, Trump said he was "very pro-choice." "I hate the concept of abortion," he said. "I hate it. I hate everything it stands for. ... but I just believe in choice."
Now: In an interview with Bloomberg Politics in January, Trump said, "I'm pro-life and I have been pro-life." He said he believed there should be exceptions in cases of rape, incest or the life of the mother.


Then: In Trump's 200 book "The America We Deserve," he wrote that he "generally" opposed gun control but supported an assault weapons ban and a longer waiting period to purchase a firearm.
Now: At the 2015 NRA-ILA Leadership Forum, Trump said if he became president, "the 2nd Amendment will be totally protected." He told the Web site Ammoland he does "not support expanding background checks" and said current background checks "don't work."


Then: In an interview with Larry King in 1999, Trump said he was "very liberal when it comes to health care" and that he believes in "universal healthcare."
Now: During his announcement, he called Obamacare "a disaster called the big lie" and said the deductibles were so high they were "virtually useless."

Hillary Clinton

Then: Either Trump or his son donated to Clinton in 2002, 2005, 2006 and 2007, he invited her to his 2005 wedding in Florida, where she sat front row, and he's donated at least $100,000 to the Clinton Foundation. He also said in an appearance on the Howard Stern show in the mid-2000s that she was a fantastic senator.
Now: On NBC on Wednesday, he called Clinton "the worst secretary of state in the history of our nation" and said she would be "a terrible president."

Party affiliation

Then: Trump changed his party from Republican to Independent Party in 1999, and switched again to Democrat in 2001.
Now: Has been a registered Republican since 2009.



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Donald Trump Donated Heavily To Democrats, Especially During Election Which Put Reid And Pelosi In Power

While it has been an open secret for several years that Donald Trump was once a heavy Democratic donor, a deeper analysis of campaign records shows that the real estate billionaire’s contributions skewed even further left during the 2006 mid-term election, the crucial contest that put Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi in power and arguably helped pave the way for Barack Obama’s political agenda.

Between 1989 and 2010, The Donald gave $314,300 to Democratic groups and candidates and $290,600 to Republicans, according to a Daily Caller analysis of records maintained by the Center for Responsive Politics.

But Trump’s donation gap was even larger during the mid-2000s, which saw the end of Republican congressional majorities and the ascendance of the Democratic party.

Overall in the 2006 election cycle, Trump and his son, Donald Trump Jr., donated $77,200 to Democrats versus only $24,250 on Republicans. Looking back to the 2004 cycle, the pair donated $40,500 to Democrats and only $17,250 to the GOP.


A large share of Trump’s donations to Democrats were given to congressional committees dedicated specifically to gaining majority control of Congress. And that they did. Democrats took control of both houses of Congress for the first time since 1994 by gaining 31 seats in the House and increasing the Democratic caucus in the Senate by six.

Records show that in June 2006, Trump donated $20,000 to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. That was in addition to the $5,000 he sent in April 2005 to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. At the same time, Trump Jr. gave the two Democratic committees a total of $22,500.

While the Trumps spent nearly $50,000 to elect congressional Democrats, they donated only $1,000 to the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRSC).


But perhaps the worst outcome that election for Republicans was that Pelosi and Reid became Speaker of the House and Senate Majority Leader, respectively. The pair made a formidable team and did heavy lifting to ensure that Obama was elected in 2008 and that much of his agenda — including Obamacare — was put in place.

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1. Fuck the democrats

2. Fuck the republicans


Trump donated to everybody, basically.


True, he did...


Also with 1 and 2 the common thread between Trump and Bannon is revealed...

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