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SHOCK: Hillary Trashes Bernie Supporters in Leaked Private Fundraiser Recording


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Leaked audio obtained by the Washington Free Beacon, from a fundraiser in February of this year in the heat of the Democrat primary when millions of young and idealistic voters were still “feeling the Bern,” reveal Hillary Clinton took shots at socialist Bernie Sanders’ supporters in an embarrassing way that will likely anger many of the leftist voters she needs in order to win the presidency.


After an attendee (a retired Planned Parenthood employee — she received loud applause at that intro) during the question and answer period (22:34 mark) expresses concern that impatient young voters — obviously talking about Bernie Sanders supporters here — don’t seem to understand that socialism must take place “incrementally,” Hillary tells the female inquirer that she is “really onto something.” Hillary says that she is “bewildered” that they think Obama “didn’t revolutionize our country” and that they undervalued policies like Obamacare as not being big enough accomplishments.

In the leaked audio, Hillary launches a huge insult to Bernie Sanders’ mostly youthful supporters. Hillary casts them as “living in their parents’ basement,” which you can hear in the audio below the story at the 24:45 mark. Hillary goes on to contend that many college graduates are frustrated that they are only able to get jobs as “baristas,” which is also a slam on the Obama Regime’s eight-year record of economic failure.


Also in the recording is another slam on Obamanomics. Hillary makes a clear attempt to explain what was in February still a Bernie Sanders phenomenon and admits that “Americans haven’t had a raise for about 15 years,” she says at the 4-minute mark while acknowledging that “people have not recovered from where they were before the Great Recession.” Note that this isn’t the stance that Hillary Clinton takes publicly.

Interestingly, she has another one of her infamous coughing fits at about the 4:28 mark, a spell so bad that she has to stop talking and invited former Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendel up to take the mic. Rendel does take the mic for about two minutes until Hillary’s coughing subsides.

Also significant is that Hillary tells the attendees that she’s “occupying from the center-left to the center-right,” and argued that is a lonely place while painting those who want free college and free health care as naive, an obvious thinly-veiled shot at socialist Bernie Sanders supporters (7:45 mark). One of Hillary’s big pitches right now in trying to woo the millennial vote is free college, which tells you that Hillary will say anything, even if it means lying, in order to get elected.

“There’s a deep desire to believe that, you know, we can have free college, free health care, that what we’ve done hasn’t gone far enough and we just need to, you know, go as far as, you know, Scandinavia — whatever that means — half the people don’t know what it means, but it’s something that they feel.”


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