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CBS anchors confused about why Obamacare premiums are "skyrocketing"


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This is the sad state of our news media. Republicans told them prices would skyrocket with Obamacare because this was about redistribution of wealth, but they didn’t listen. They just believed whatever Nancy Pelosi and Obama told them.


Yes they actually believed that prices would fall and now they are stumped as to why! Unfreakinbelievable.

When will they figure out they were lied to???




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Of course. You can hate Republicans all you want and they certainly are over concerned about anything Obama does, but in this case they were correct. They were correct, the doctors were correct, the insurance industry was correct. Obamacare is a clusterfuck and pushed through without anyone understanding what was going to happen. Assholes Democrats even got a free pass from the Republicans who said let's postpone the implementation for one year to make sure we have things sorted out. The Democrats refused wanting to show their agenda down everyone's throat as soon as possible.

Our health system, the best in the world, will cost more and be worse then it is now.

The lefties need to admit they were wrong just like situations where the right should do the same thing.



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emotional manipulation. By any means necessary.


Intimidation, slander, libel, threats, career destruction, bribery,

murder... violence by a third party (Trump rallies, etc)...


they are all in. It's a revolution, and they don't want the American

people to be armed when they succeed.




you watch it again. And NOTE: Higgardly Clinton told Saul Alinski - the real way to take over, is from within.



Uploaded on Oct 30, 2008

This video shows an interview of Larry Grathwohl who was an FBI agent assigned to investigate the Weather Underground. William Ayers is the founder of the Weather Underground. This man is speaking about William Ayers. It was in William Ayers' livingroom that Barack Obama launched his political career.

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This interview with the FBI agent, was posted years ago.


See where we are headed? Infiltrate our system of gov, and corrupt it,

disable it, and take it over.


Damn big serious trouble.



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Jonathan Gruber’s answer to Obamacare’s large premium hikes: Penalize people more


Jonathan Gruber told CNN this morning that Obamacare is working as it was designed, that it doesn’t need fixing.

However, he did say it could work better and explained to CNN that penalizing people more is the answer to the premium hikes.


It’s bad enough and completely unconstitutional that Obamacare has a mandate which penalizes people for not having healthcare. But when people exert their constitutional freedom and pay the penalty instead, Gruber says we need to increase the penalty to force more people to sign up for healthcare.


In other words, people aren’t doing what they’re supposed to do so we have to twist their arms even harder to make them do what we want.


What a schmuck.


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