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Haslam Pledges to "Stay the Course" in Recent Full Staff Meeting


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La Canfora article... so it must be true...


And includes Jason's obligatory number of shots at the organization...





On a serious note... How could it be any other way?

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On a serious note... How could it be any other way?

Right.....and, hopefully, this will stop the call for Hues head.....Glad Jimmy said something.....


Buttttttt....no reason one cant tweak an organization.....which is what any quality org has to do to improve....


How often can you hire an entire coaching staff and scouting staff and front office...(30 some people +, yes?) and hit on every one...??


No reason a coach or 2 cant get upgraded....or a quality add cant be made to the Fo.....


I will add(cause I have to) that last paragraph sounds like me.....;)


Numerous executives from other clubs have Mud has pointed out how little the Browns are getting thus far from their 2016 draft, how little Haslam has spent on his product (the Browns have by far the lowest payroll in the NFL) and the questionable decisions made to release or allow key players to sign elsewhere as being cause for concern about the current path the team is on

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I didn't realize folks are calling for Hue's to be fired already. I didn't expect anything this year but next year better be different or I'll be calling for his head


You must be new here... ;)


Buttttttt....no reason one cant tweak an organization.....which is what any quality org has to do to improve....


Absolutely... both personnel and org chart tweaks could be in the cards. But more the former than the latter I'd think. Too many changes, even small ones, obscure the impact they have.


Position coaches are most obvious to us. Far less so individual scouts who took wrong positions on multiple players by over and under rating them thus contributing to our drafting disappointments or passing over overachievers. I'm sure someone was keeping score.

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haslam knows shit about football and hires the greatest minds in.........wait.......i know...........analytics. hee hee hee!


i wish kosar hadn't spent all his money on booze. maybe he could've organized a group of wealthy KNOWLEDGEABLE football guys to buy this crumbling org and save it from the depths of the icy lake erie.

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That rotter MKC wrote an article in the week basically saying Sashi is a lawyer and knows nothing about football. I do think fans underestimate sometimes just how ridicuous the pressure from local media is.

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Absolutely... both personnel and org chart tweaks could be in the cards. But more the former than the latter I'd think. Too many changes, even small ones, obscure the impact they have.


Position coaches are most obvious to us. Far less so individual scouts who took wrong positions on multiple players by over and under rating them thus contributing to our drafting disappointments or passing over overachievers. I'm sure someone was keeping score.


Most of those scouts were released before the draft.

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Most of those scouts were released before the draft.


Not unless we have a crystal ball.... which we clearly do not.


I'm talking about the 2016 draft and the feedback loop to this FO, h.

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MKC was on 92.3 the Fan this past week, and she was suggesting that Haslam should hire a GM.


That created quite an uproar with the fans calling into the radio station.

Her and Grossi are poison and have been since changes were made and they were clearly no longer beind fed inside info. They dont care about the Browns at all just their own career.

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Because firing people has made the Browns win?


No BUT as in any biz you have to have keyframes on a timeline where u expect certain goals to be met. Let's say they all knew this was a tank season, you will still expect that certain goals haven't been met but wash it away cuz it's a tank. Now when next year comes along and this is going on does someone in power start the grumbling if it's starting to look like a repeat with bad draft choices and no winning product? I'm not saying 5 games.... i say give them the year BUT (once again) if there is no improvement anywhere then adios amigos.


How long will we have tolerated the Holmgren experiment?

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Numerous executives from other clubs have pointed out how little the Browns are getting thus far from their 2016 draft, how little Haslam has spent on his product (the Browns have by far the lowest payroll in the NFL) and the questionable decisions made to release or allow key players to sign elsewhere as being cause for concern about the current path the team is on.


This is certainly a view of us from 'outside' our bubble of fandome.

...and, of course, from some within the bubble.

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2013 was Joe Banner with 5 picks,which Mingo & Ant. Bryant are gone in 16. Farmer had 6 picks in 2014, remaining is Bitonio & Kirksey. Farmer had 12 picks in 2015. remaining Shelton,Erving,Duke,Orchard,X.Cooper,I.Campell & Telfer....Maybe 2.5 real NFL starters. out of 23 picks..No Anna & Lynics needed here..With 26? picks in next 2 Drafts..This group better have a better plan than last Draft..LIKE not passing on TALENT & Go Up & Get Some..

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2013 was Joe Banner with 5 picks,which Mingo & Ant. Bryant are gone in 16. Farmer had 6 picks in 2014, remaining is Bitonio & Kirksey. Farmer had 12 picks in 2015. remaining Shelton,Erving,Duke,Orchard,X.Cooper,I.Campell & Telfer....Maybe 2.5 real NFL starters. out of 23 picks..No Anna & Lynics needed here..With 26? picks in next 2 Drafts..This group better have a better plan than last Draft..LIKE not passing on TALENT & Go Up & Get Some..

Totally agree!

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Better question is how does this organization keep it's once loyal fan base intact? I've never seen the apathy at this level. It will be interesting to see who would consider renewing tickets, plus remain a fan. I'll always be a fan.


I've addressed that in another thread. MHO is season ticket holders in the upper nosebleed sections will have no incentive to renew, as they'll easily be able to get essentially the same seats back in a few years should the Browns start winning. OTOH, the 100 level is another story, as is the lower Dawg Pound. Those seats are valuable, generally held by 30 year+ season ticket holders, and couldn't be replaced, short of laying out a ton of cash to buy back in. Plus (and I hate this) way to many fans in the lower level would rather put them on Stub Hub or NFL Ticket Exchange and sell them off to opposing fans instead of bothering to actually show up themselves for the game. In a way I can't blame them. Why freeze your ass off late season watching lousy football, when you can watch it at home on the widescreen?

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When those that abandon their season rights can't get back in when the winning starts, they'll have something else to bitch about.

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Or they can thank god they didn't waste their time money and effort trying to act like they're having a great time as the opposing teams beat the piss out of the browns. Might even save some fans from divorce or jail.


See i'm learning from you, there's an upside to everything!

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This group better have a better plan than last Draft..LIKE not passing on TALENT & Go Up & Get Some..


What makes you think we will not repeat next year? Wasn't the plan to build more picks and win with quantity? Wasn't that how depot did it in baseball? And have they signaled a different way other than "stay the course"?

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What makes you think we will not repeat next year? Wasn't the plan to build more picks and win with quantity?


They now have "quantity" so there's that... otherwise the plan is the same, but not having to trade down to accumulate picks means they don't have to pass on "talent".


Also spending a late third in an in-season trade is "different"... so difference is in the air.


Add that one-year's feedback has nearly completed "the loop" and adjustments should be expected.



But expecting to "go up & get some" is an adjustment too far... at least for 2017.

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If they start winning will the games still be on TV?


If TV was a good enough a game experience would they have bought season tix to begin with?

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