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Daily Trump is the Devil.

The Cysko Kid

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My god slate is such a fucking joke.


They did that votecastr on election day which was supposed to give results through some advanced secret methods nobody knew about before any actual results got released.


According to them Hillary won Florida, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania before any of them started releasing vote tallies.


If anyone fits the definition of fake news, it's slate

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Yeah slate is pretty tragic. Same as salon. You've got to give them as much credence as breitbart or ammoland or patriotswithgunsagainstmuslimobama.wordpress.com.

Unfortunately they are eating into the share once held by the New York Times and forcing the gray lady even farther to the left for that demographic.



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It's amazing how some journalists lack the critical thinking to understand what they're actually producing.


I think blogger is a more accurate term for outlets like the huffington post, salon, slate, breitbart, the blaze, ammoland, etc.


Though I'll admit occasionally you'll get a good piece from any of them (maybe not rightwingnewssourcedailyobamaisamuslim.net, but the others) - but it's not really worth filtering through the filth to find the occasionally interesting piece.

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Here's nine ways to undermine democracy to keep the Obama status quo (why? Why would anyone want to keep it? Please someone tell me why American life is better now, in 2016 than it was in 2004) before even day one of Trump as president



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Obama is a scumbag. He's always been a scumbag and why would anyone expect that to change now? He's destabilized the middle east even worse than the war did and he's sold America out on the world stage and now he's back to cold war tactics of the scary Russian boogeyman. Fuck this asshole.

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Donald Trump is apparently treasonous, because Russians released damaging emails and such from the dirty DNC. Mind you, the DNC is not treasonous in liberal minds for being dirty as fuck, Donald Trump is treasonous for winning.

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The message says, “Thank you for calling Turner LP gas. If you voted for Donald Trump for president I will no longer be delivering your gas — please find someone else.”

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That's a disgrace. but dems/libs/obaMaos will agree with it. To them, it's only discrimination

if it's discrimination against people they like.


It's a justifiable payback when it's done to people they don't like.

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The message says, “Thank you for calling Turner LP gas. If you voted for Donald Trump for president I will no longer be delivering your gas — please find someone else.”





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