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Trump deserves support for his realistic intelligent view on goober warning


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meanwhile, the Trump transition team wanted a list of people and contractors working on projects etc.


and obamao's leftist DOE inferred? that he go to hell. Oh, boy, I can't wait for Trump's nominees to get

a hold of this government for us. Better to purge the DOE now, of avid pro-mmgw fools, than allow the left

to purge the DOE of everybody who is skeptical, done by obamao and the rest at every opportunity.



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GW was predicted in the 80's when Trump was still doing coke off meth whore titties and getting divorced multiple times. If he really beleives the chinese made it up he's the dumbass we predicted. There's nothing realistic or intelligent about such a statement. Questioning if GW is man made or not is fine, saying it's a slope hoax is possibly the dumbest thing i've heard anyone say and taking themselves seriously.

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GW was predicted in the 80's when Trump was still doing coke off meth whore titties and getting divorced multiple times. If he really beleives the chinese made it up he's the dumbass we predicted. There's nothing realistic or intelligent about such a statement. Questioning if GW is man made or not is fine, saying it's a slope hoax is possibly the dumbest thing i've heard anyone say and taking themselves seriously.

First of all if he was snorting blow off a hookers tits I would imagine that hooker was among the 1% if you know what I mean.

And I'm sure that disgusts you. I think you need to flog yourself with some Birch branches. And pray for salvation.




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New and different situation. We don't often have presidents who have contributed to society in the business world. And we've not had, in as long as I can remember any president or congress person who didn't enrich himself like a mother fucker while he was in and later out of office. So there's that.



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