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ObaMao's political exec order: protects planned parenthood from funding stop


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seriously? why not just an exec order demanding everybody kiss every leftist

org's rear end?



President Obama has just issued a federal rule to protect Planned Parenthood and their federal funding. The new regulation attempts to bar states from defunding the abortion giant. The protection of Planned Parenthood and their abortion services has been a priority for Barack Obama during the course of his term.

Liberty Counsel Action is calling for Congress to roll back President Obama's "midnight" regulations, including this latest "Protect Planned Parenthood" rule, and to make defunding Planned Parenthood a high priority in 2017!


The Congressional Review Act (CRA) gives Congress the authority to issue a "joint resolution of disapproval" on any presidential regulation enacted within 60 congressional working days. Employing the CRA means that in January, Congress has the authority to immediately revoke ALL of the "midnight" Obama regulations we are now fighting and more than 150 other regulations pushed through by Team Obama since May 2016.

That's why Liberty Counsel Action is working on Capitol Hill to ensure that lawmakers employ the CRA to roll back President Obama's midnight regulations.

Your can help us make sure Congress hears us loud and clear!Utilizing Liberty Counsel's Fax Barrage system, you can immediately send a pre-written targeted letter to your Ohio members of Congress along with all the key Republican leaders who hold the power in their hands to overturn the Obama agenda.


+ + Senate Committee calls for an investigation into PPH's trafficking of babies' body parts!

The news of President Obama's new rule comes a day after the Senate Judiciary Committee announced that they will "refer Planned Parenthood affiliates and companies involved in sales of aborted baby parts, as well as the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, to the FBI and the Department of Justice for investigation and possible prosecution" according to a report today by Life News.

While that news is heartening, what is disturbing, but not unexpected, is that Planned Parenthood has seen a meteoric rise in donations since the election of Donald Trump and Mike Pence. Abortion rights advocates justifiably see the Trump/Pence victory as a threat to the funding of Planned Parenthood's "services." Planned Parenthood has vowed to fight to ensure that their abortion and non-abortion facilities continue to be funded.

Mike, we have an unprecedented opportunity to make sure that Congress turns back scores of President Obama's end-of-term "midnight" regulations. Many of these new rules are mandated solely to solidify the Obama agenda and legacy and to overwhelm the incoming administration.

If you haven't already done so, please schedule your ROLL BACK OBAMA'S END-OF-TERM AGENDA fax barrage right now.

God bless you for taking this important action step!

Mat Staver

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