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ISIS burns two Turkish soldiers to death


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I wonder how the children felt that columbus had thrown into boiling water to make soap out of cause their parents didnt want to mine gold fir the spaniards. The very gold that still sits in vatican coffers. World is a shithole, been so for a long time

Come off columbus. That was 600 years ago and the Spanish were fresh off Muslim rule. They were just doing as the Muslim overlords did.

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Scum of the earth, I saw that a while back. Dousing anyone with gasoline and waiting is sick but it does cause the weaker ISIS members to defect and become informants. ....leaving the diehards still to be eradicated.


We still need to be the leaders with the best military in the world.

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In the early 1900's we executed a black woman for screaming at white children to stop throwing rocks at her. Thats fucked up. Also, do you think those "witches" we burnt in salem suffered any less than those turkish soldiers? See shit wasnt all that long ago

And somewhere in Africa there is slavery and cannibalism. As we speak.




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