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Merry Christmas with a BROWNS WIN ! Hallelujah !


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I just wanted to say, that this team is headed in the right direction. I love the way they play.


Christmas is also a special time. I hope nobody minds, but I want to post this video of a choir

of young kids with disabilities singing "Hallelujah’


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all you goofy fellow fans. God Bless us all.



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? sorry, I didn't see this as political. I guess I'll repost on the barber shop. This video was booted by some

mod. sorry bout that.


(freakin probably didn't watch it....)

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? sorry, I didn't see this as political. I guess I'll repost on the barber shop. This video was booted by some

mod. sorry bout that.


(freakin probably didn't watch it....)


Wasn't me Cal. She does have a beautiful voice. It is a tough song to sing well. Not Cohen's lyrics though. If we want to get Christmas-y we should do Handel's Messiah- the Hallelujah Chorus. :)


If we have a Mod Grinch, easy enough to find the Mormon Tabernacle Choir's version of it on You Tube.

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I'm the moderator here and I'm a lot more moderate than some of the guys on the other boards.

The Browns won a fucking football game and I have no problem taking a little time away from "fuck you Obama/Trump" for that.




I HEAR YA!!!! I like the way you think Steve.
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Wasn't me Cal. She does have a beautiful voice. It is a tough song to sing well. Not Cohen's lyrics though. If we want to get Christmas-y we should do Handel's Messiah- the Hallelujah Chorus. :)


If we have a Mod Grinch, easy enough to find the Mormon Tabernacle Choir's version of it on You Tube.

I didn't think it was, Mr. Hoorta... that it was kids with disabilities, and the beauty of the song, and the courage of the kids

to do the song so beautifully... I sent it to a lot of friends.

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Nice win and glad to see it but I will be the Grinch here and say it is a sad state of affairs when we squeak out one win this season against a bad team and act like we won the Superbowl. On a bright side I hope some are right about the reboot and this needed to be done to build the team.

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I just wish that Haslam would sell the team. The guy is a crook and a lousy owner.


Haslam has been a huge disappointment. I've defended him before but no more. He has done even worse with the team than Randy Lerner which I didn't think was possible. There is no excuse, no reason for any team in the NFL to do as badly as the Browns.

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OBF"s sure fire way to build a winning franchise in the NFL:


Hire head coach and other coaches with proven winning track records in the NFL. Those you have confidence in. Do the same in the front office. Now be patient and if things don't go well in year one, wait and if things aren't going well in year two..wait...once you have people in place who know NFL football, have a good prior history in the NFL then have some patience and give them time to produce. They will.


Proven failure: Blow things up after two seasons and starting over again and again.

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Haslam has been a huge disappointment. I've defended him before but no more. He has done even worse with the team than Randy Lerner which I didn't think was possible. There is no excuse, no reason for any team in the NFL to do as badly as the Browns.


OBF- the Browns have 2017 to show drastic improvement, or Haslam should indeed sell the team and go back to managing his gas stations. Started questioning his thinking when he canned Chud after one season.

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I'll defend Haslam here.


Has he made mistakes?.....OH YEAH, he has. Like every one of us has.

Has he changed the structure & "M.O." of this F/O & Team in response to his mistakes?.....You bet! Willingness to change.

Is he passionate about turning the Browns into a winner?.....YEP! He has a Passion that has been sorely missing in Cleveland.


I can live with that & I am willing to see plans come to fruition.



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I read where Jimmy was placing most of the blame for the Browns failures under his ownership on others.


"Sources told LaCanfora that Haslam blamed previous regimes for the team's current plight, especially poor drafting over the last three seasons. That included the abysmal 2014 draft, in which the Browns selected first-rounders Justin Gilbert and Johnny Manziel, who were both colossal busts. Farmer shouldered blame for the picks, although Haslam is believed to have liked Manziel too.


Haslam also blamed his previous hires and his decisions to blow up three regimes in his short tenure for the team's current slump."


It starts at the top Jimmy.

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"But he (Haslam) apparently made no mention of augmenting the personnel staff to make sure the Browns are well-positioned for this pivotal offseason, in which they'll likely have the No. 1 overall pick and four in the first 50. There's some thought that they might add a veteran consultant to the mix. (they need to get this right maybe they should bring on a veteran consultant)


Haslam and others cited collaboration between the team's departments, and asked staffers to keep the faith in the vision. Haslam also gave his football decision-makers a vote of confidence and assured everyone he has the right people in place. (I agree with this if you believe and have faith in your hires you stand by them)


The Browns are taking heat from analysts such as former NFL top personnel executive Bill Polian, who recently criticized them on ESPN for putting their quarterbacks in harm's way by fielding such a gutted team. He also criticized the reliance on analytic for football decisions, saying it's not like baseball. He said acquiring extra picks in rounds four, five and six is essentially a waste of time."

(I think Polian is right on this)

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