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Chicago police chief admits the gun laws don't work. Criminals don't abide by them.


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40 people were shot and 12 killed in Chicago this weekend.

Really? I'm shocked!


I did see one scary stat about South Chi-raq of the 20-24 age group 47% have no job and are not in school.


Who in their right mind would want to put a business in that hell hole anyway.


Solutions anyone? :huh:

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They usually blame their neighbor, Indiana. Kinda like how Hillary blames NY gun violence on Vermont.


South Chicago is a shithole and there's no law that's going to fix it. They need a long-term investment on repairing those communities via jobs, education, etc.

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They usually blame their neighbor, Indiana. Kinda like how Hillary blames NY gun violence on Vermont.


South Chicago is a shithole and there's no law that's going to fix it. They need a long-term investment on repairing those communities via jobs, education, etc.

True. The hard part is trying to fix "some" multi-multi-generational laziness and stupidity from people who think it's cool to quit high school, hang out on the streets and have babies....and then look for the best free food, housing, medical care, etc, etc, etc out there.


Some try to make it right the rest are who we're talking about here. Any solutions? Good luck with that one!

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