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Mall attacks

The Cysko Kid

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"Groups" of "youths" and "teens" staged attacks in malls all over the country, including beachwood place. This is a part of the reason for the deaths of American malls. Word to the wise: Avoid groups of "youths and teens" at all costs.



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I havent been to a mail since the mid 80's and had a crush on the chick that worked at the gap. I went in to ask her out and she was being very offish. I went to my car and looked in the mirror and had a big booger hanging from my nose. I never went back to that store ever again.

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Every generation throughout time has always said the next generation were bad, lazy, whatever but many if not most of the current younger Millenials are basically a bunch of insensitive, lazy, spoiled brats with no work ethic whatsoever.


And someday will have to step up and run this country, God help us.


Agree or not? I'd love to hear from teens or twentysomethings on this.

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Every generation throughout time has always said the next generation were bad, lazy, whatever but many if not most of the current younger Millenials are basically a bunch of insensitive, lazy, spoiled brats with no work ethic whatsoever.


And someday will have to step up and run this country, God help us.


Agree or not? I'd love to hear from teens or twentysomethings on this.

Yes every generation has said that since the dawn of time. Unfortunately this time it's true! We are doomed!




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As evidenced by the posts of a select few on here, I can say it is the most fucked up generation of all time.

Yes indeed, they should have paid more attn to their drunk feeble old uncles sitting on the couch in their underwear getting hammered into a stupor. If only they'd listened more to those men who clearly figured this world out. We're doomed.

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Every generation throughout time has always said the next generation were bad, lazy, whatever but many if not most of the current younger Millenials are basically a bunch of insensitive, lazy, spoiled brats with no work ethic whatsoever.


And someday will have to step up and run this country, God help us.


Agree or not? I'd love to hear from teens or twentysomethings on this.

"Every generation had generalized about the following generation....Now excuse me while I do the same"




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If i have any issue with millenials its that they havent shunned the old world enough. Theres still too much of the old global entitlement and myopic syndrome in em that was so prevalent in the prior generations. But im encouraged by msny of their willingness to think for themselves, especially about religion and politics

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