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Dirty dirty reps get a wall check in NC....


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Isnt it amazing how republicans talk out both sides of their mouth about "election integrity" blah blah. Elections have consequences and a dem was elected gov of NC. Tough shit suck it up faggits. I dont wanna dems trying to change any laws either that they benny'd from innthe past but now want to change cause they lost. Im so sick of both of these parties tbh. I would put you all on the moon if i could. Just a big chunk of rock for you to sit there and contempkate nothingness.

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So if something illegal is going on in North Carolina? Well if that's so and somebody will call them on it. Dry your eyes.



Yeah read the article its being reviewed on constitutional basis. In any case my point still stands about both parties doing this shit. Its the same asvthe dems now wanting the filibuster back.


Ur inability to see the bs on both sides blows your claim of being a moderate out of the water. Ur only annoyed by shit the dems do but little to nothing wrong when reps do "exactly" the same. U are shill verified

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But the goal is always about winning elections and staying in power which is the goal of both parties

And subvert our democracy while their at it. It sounds like you understand this at least in part, but i mean wss and cal you see how they detonate the slightest misstep right? Obama cant fart in a closet without someone here shitting their adult diapers.

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I heard Shawn Hannity say this and it is where I am at as well. I don't consider myself a republican but a conservative. I will vote republican because conservatives in the democrat party have gone the way of the dinosaurs. But the republican party has shown itself to be a mirror image of the democrats many times in just saying and doing whatever it takes to win an election, to make promises to get elected and then not following through. John Boehner and Mitch McConnell proved that and I have little confidence in Paul Ryan as well. Voting republican for me has meant just voting the lesser of two evils many times.

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hypocrisy can be found on both sides, but the asinine alleged moral equivilency of a few reps here and there, vs

thousands/millions in the dem party is wearing thin.


As in, there was no gigantic hellish uproar when obaMAO won twice. But you let higgardly lose, when

the leftist chips are all on the table... and all hell broke loose.

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hypocrisy can be found on both sides, but the asinine alleged moral equivilency of a few reps here and there, vs

thousands/millions in the dem party is wearing thin.


As in, there was no gigantic hellish uproar when obaMAO won twice. But you let higgardly lose, when

the leftist chips are all on the table... and all hell broke loose.


Much worse on the left...no argument from me.

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Cal said "a few reps here and there" and u agreed......this is why i still shake my head but i guess i ought to send some cookies in the mail for "a few"....sigh. And lulz. But mostly facepalming lulz


More than a few but certainly not as bad as what is seen on the left. My problems with some republicans is not their position on issues but their waffling on the issues, compromising on issues, and John Boehner is the poster child for everything I fault them for. John is now cashing in with his lobbyists connections.


As the smoke clears on his career, Boehner cashes in thanks to lobbying loopholes


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More than a few but certainly not as bad as what is seen on the left. My problems with some republicans is not their position on issues but their waffling on the issues, compromising on issues, and John Boehner is the poster child for everything I fault them for. John is now cashing in with his lobbyists connections.

As the smoke clears on his career, Boehner cashes in thanks to lobbying loopholes



Are those the same lobbying loopholes obama wanted to close as well as bernie? Cookies for obama, yes/no/maybe?

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Actually it's your inability or unwillingness to read at issue here.

You'd need to point out some specific issues of malfeasance that I have railed against the Democrats but gave the Republicans a pass. Most of this shit I just don't care as most people who are literate shouldn't either.


Well Done WSS. as a literate living in NC, it's the same old tiring Shi$ to avoid the Real issues in this State. Or same as many States..

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