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Hue asking Jimmy to change the FO


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read that this morning on sportsline, It's Hue's way of saying he wants input in who gets drafted. Or fair trade, we'll give you a voice if you get rid of Horton.

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Wow.....I could have written that myself.....and I HATE Lacanfora.....


Though, much of what he says has been my perception from early on.


I sensed tension from Hue on some cuts early on(and his comments told me he wasnt happy with the final 53....which would me he had less say than he was expecting)....I heard Hue make comments that made me feel like he wasn't getting what he was told he'd get.....


So...yeah....I completely believe this....because I think most smart football people can see that the Browns FO is lacking in smart football people.....

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this front office experiment I bet gets 2 yrs to prove itself. So far this past draft is garbage just like the many we've had in the past. Then comes the new regime that has to slowly cut everyone because once again there is no NFL talent on this roster.

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Here's one of the many issues I have with Jimmy.......in a nut shell, he hires inexperience.....every time...


He has consistently surrounded himself with people who are learning on the job....and hasn't provided the experienced backbone needed to guide these people through the learning experience.....FO and Coaches alike....and now, the entire team....


I guess Hue has 1 yr experience....so that is a step in the right direction.....but the entire FO?......


Perhaps he just needs people he can easily manage and doesnt want anyone questioning his choices?.....yes men?


And when your entire staff is led by people who have all recently been promoted....the peter principle creeps in....

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sadly this current setup is looking no better than any in the past. I fear that Hue is going to realize he is on a sinking ship and jump at the opportunity to take over in Cincitucky and succeed there. Something that could happen in the offseason if there is any merit to that story.

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I basically agree with Mud but even when they had "a few good men" years back they couldn't really turn this leaky ship around.


Not enough good men or not enough time there or other factors?


(I'm thinking about Holmgren and others not the "Charmin' Carmin" types from the 1999 on group. BTW he used to live about 2 miles from me in Boardman many years back, lawyer ok football genius not.)

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don't and didn't like the choice for FO, but i think they deserve another draft before calling for their heads.

too soon for heads on a spit, but 373 yrds from the first WR taken has the fires stoked. Not much production from the rest of the draft class either.

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don't and didn't like the choice for FO, but i think they deserve another draft before calling for their heads.


too soon for heads on a spit, but 373 yrds from the first WR taken has the fires stoked. Not much production from the rest of the draft class either.

Doesnt have to be to the extreme every time......


They can keep what we have, just add a real GM to have final say

Exactly......tweak the existing organization, just like you would a team.....


Skim the under performers from the bottom and add some talent at the top....


No need to constantly go to extremes and wipe everybody out....you build an org over time.....not in one fell swoop

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You guys understand that its difficult to bring someone in to Cleveland right? Even players second guess coming here. Its just years of bad managing. The reputation the organization has. We need to start from the ground up. I think Hue is a good coach. And yes hus say should be bugger than it is.

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We need to start from the ground up.

A lot of us would tell you that "starting from the ground up".....every other year.....is the reason this team is so embarrassing and undesirable.....and each progressive "ground up/fresh start" has been worse, due to our decreasing ability to attract talent....


and the moves made this year, coupled with the disappointing FA period and draft....and the dismantling of an already terrible team....has sapped every last drop of credibility from the team....owner....staff....etc....and completely handicapped our ability to rebuild(which is the plan right?)....


After all, how do you rebuild if you cant sign or draft any good players? How do you succeed if your coaching staff has no say in the players or confidence in the FO? How does an FO cut players that a coach wants as starters?.....all these are the questions being raised now(and before, actually)....

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Here's one of the many issues I have with Jimmy.......in a nut shell, he hires inexperience.....every time...


He has consistently surrounded himself with people who are learning on the job....and hasn't provided the experienced backbone needed to guide these people through the learning experience.....FO and Coaches alike....and now, the entire team....


I guess Hue has 1 yr experience....so that is a step in the right direction.....but the entire FO?......


Perhaps he just needs people he can easily manage and doesnt want anyone questioning his choices?.....yes men?


And when your entire staff is led by people who have all recently been promoted....the peter principle creeps in....


So we need another Holmgren? I don't think we've ever disagreed as much as we do here... Not that there's anything wrong with that.



I read LaCan's "article". It's his typical shit-stirring. There are no signs that our process needs an overhaul... none. And even if there were, then the sample size is way too small to know what change is needed. You role with it as is for one more cycle and then evaluate.


The "reports" are that Hue & Co. will lobby for a "football guy" to oversee the process. How has finding that one guy worked for us in the past? We have "football guys" in place. Some may Peter-out, but some will rise and one will ultimately ascend. Darwin said it long before Peter ever sucked on a tit.


If the reports are true, then Hue needs to STFU and forget politicking the boss. We did not lose today due to "lack of talent".

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So Hue said all is peachy between he and the decision makers and Lacanfora's report is 100% false

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So we need another Holmgren? I don't think we've ever disagreed as much as we do here... Not that there's anything wrong with that.



I read LaCan's "article". It's his typical shit-stirring. There are no signs that our process needs an overhaul... none. And even if there were, then the sample size is way too small to know what change is needed. You role with it as is for one more cycle and then evaluate.


The "reports" are that Hue & Co. will lobby for a "football guy" to oversee the process. How has finding that one guy worked for us in the past? We have "football guys" in place. Some may Peter-out, but some will rise and one will ultimately ascend. Darwin said it long before Peter ever sucked on a tit.


If the reports are true, then Hue needs to STFU and forget politicking the boss. We did not lose today due to "lack of talent".



Drafting a #2, slot-receiver, 15 is insane.

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Does this story hint that the FO was planning another trade down?

I'm sure this FO would jump at the chance to trade down
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I'm sure this FO would jump at the chance to trade down

Because our stupid FO wants "Quantity".. not "Quality"

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Ian Rapport reports something similar. Maybe not as negative as CBS but involves adding a talent evaluator at the exec level

The problem with that is we always end up with Holmgren, Savage, Clark, or someone else who doesn't know talent.


If they are going to hire a person, get someone who actually KNOWS NFL TALENT

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