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The Browns need to hire my wife

The Gipper

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My wife works for a school district. She is specifically designated to attend to "special" children. I think she is very good at her job because her boss, the school principal really likes what she does.


In this respect, I think the Browns need to hire her. After watching yesterday's game the Browns clearly have a number of players...and a HC...who indeed seem in need of a special education attendant. They need someone to train them to tie their shoes and to read simple English. Someone to teach them not to snap the ball over the QBs head. Someone to teach the QB to watch the football when it is being snapped to them. They need someone to teach them to hold on to the football with two hands when approaching the goal line.

They need someone to team then to not throw bubble screens that can be blown up when you have first and goal from the 2. They need someone to teach them to run the ball up the other team's ass when you have first and goal from the 2, especially when you have a guy that has rushed for 156 yards already that game.


They need someone to teach them the very basics of football and life: Don't be stupid, don't be lazy, don't be careless. Put one foot in front of the other when you walk.


Indeed, the Browns coaches and players need a special education attendant on staff to show them how to do the most basic of things....as they clearly do not know how to do those basic things. If my wife can work with grade schoolers who have these sorts of issues, it may be possible for her to help the Browns....though they are clearly, apparently just a bit more "special" than a group of grade school kids. Their mental deficiencies do seem a bit more severe.

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