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How FDR's arrogance and bigotry led to internment of Americans


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this was a disgrace. Similar to obamao and the dems calling veterans, the Tea Party,

anti-abortion folks...etc etc etc....a "threat".


FDR labled all Japanese Americans a threat, too.


Never again. Obamao would have, it he could have created a chance by opening our borders

to drug cartels, many criminals, and destitute illegals at any cost....he wanted to create a crisis,

just couldn't make it happen in time.


Yep. FDR was a democrat. Woodrow Wilson was also one of the worst. He was a democrat.

Obamao was one of the worst. He was a democrat.



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So this is an article they decided to write just to slight liberals?


I'd also be interested in comparing the message in that article to others on that site involving Muslims, especially the comments on those articles.

You mean balance our concern for National Security with a commitment to respect the basic civil rights of all our fellow citizens”?


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this was a disgrace. Similar to obamao and the dems calling veterans, the Tea Party,

anti-abortion folks...etc etc etc....a "threat".


FDR labled all Japanese Americans a threat, too.


Never again. Obamao would have, it he could have created a chance by opening our borders

to drug cartels, many criminals, and destitute illegals at any cost....he wanted to create a crisis,

just couldn't make it happen in time.


Yep. FDR was a democrat. Woodrow Wilson was also one of the worst. He was a democrat.

Obamao was one of the worst. He was a democrat.



I distinctly remember that you are one of the members on here who have criticized myself and others on here for posting examples of the failings of previous Republican presidents - Reagan, Bush 1.0 and 2.0, Nixon - with an argument along the lines of "they are so far in the past", or something similar, when comparing the presidents of today.


So, how is your tirade against the potential failings of a president who's been dead longer than you've been alive any different? They're not, really.

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when talking about current events, it's witless to go back to Reagan and try to draw comparisons over subjective matter.


Obamao - supremely arrogant. So were FDR. So was Wilson. It's a simple corollary. Continued proven extreme and dangerous

arrogance in the democratic party.


Look at the dems heading up sancuatary cities and defying our immigration law.


I don't believe there is any sanctuary city where the mayor is republican.


But saying Reagan added to the budget as a defense for obamao adding to the budject is stupid. Reagan had to rebuild

our military etc after Carter. Bush had to fight a war after 9/11, after clinton let the middle east fall apart. Obamao had a

giant new gov agenda - healthcare control dominance, energy control dominance, etc etc.


Gotta learn how to critically think, but libs emote instead.

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when talking about current events, it's witless to go back to Reagan and try to draw comparisons over subjective matter.


Obamao - supremely arrogant. So were FDR. So was Wilson. It's a simple corollary. Continued proven extreme and dangerous

arrogance in the democratic party.


Look at the dems heading up sancuatary cities and defying our immigration law.


I don't believe there is any sanctuary city where the mayor is republican.


But saying Reagan added to the budget as a defense for obamao adding to the budject is stupid. Reagan had to rebuild

our military etc after Carter. Bush had to fight a war after 9/11, after clinton let the middle east fall apart. Obamao had a

giant new gov agenda - healthcare control dominance, energy control dominance, etc etc.


Gotta learn how to critically think, but libs emote instead.



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your point in nonsense. It's objective to know that obamao is very, very,very arrogant, as well

as pointing out about FDR and Wilson.


To try to defend obamao raising the budget by saying reagan and bush did, too,


is subjective and narrow - the critical thinking part is, objectivity requires the observance

of the reasons why the budget was added to. Buidling our military/fighting a war is far more

a legit justification than increasing entitlements and blowing our health care system into

financial oblivion.


Not the same thing, but you libs love to gloss over the details to make emotional false moral equivalencies.

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Amazing. right?


The funny part is, if you read the ammoland article he posted, it doesn't even mention Obama at all. Not once. Cal completely connected FDR, Woodrow Wilson, etc (all past presidents) to Obama on his own, yet its a failure of "critical thinking" on my part to highlight Reagan's failings in previous threads because, as you know, "when talking about current events, it's witless to go back to Reagan (a past president) and try to draw comparisons over subjective matter". Amazing. :lol:

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The funny part is, if you read the ammoland article he posted, it doesn't even mention Obama at all. Not once. Cal completely connected FDR, Woodrow Wilson, etc (all past presidents) to Obama on his own, yet its a failure of "critical thinking" on my part to highlight Reagan's failings in previous threads because, as you know, "when talking about current events, it's witless to go back to Reagan (a past president) and try to draw comparisons over subjective matter". Amazing. :lol:



Yeah but you're just emoting

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I don't see obamao being arrogant as a subjective evaluation.


You libfooks think he is very humble?





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Sorry to interject any sanity here but you really need to look at world history and remember young people, it didn't just begin 25 years ago.

Probably a little bit strange because all Communications were not what they are today but you can see Prince from Nation to nation has monarchies across the world fell apart and were replaced by movement of the people. Communism and socialism it that time warrant probably has demonized as those two phrases have become and when the United States fell into the grips of the Great Depression Roosevelt flailed around figuring out what to do as did the rest of the country. Wage and price controls staggering taxation supporting every American make-work jobs etcetera etcetera. Luckily for us while the other two manufacturing Giants of the world we're blowing the shit out of each other we stepped into that role.

The result was a boom and our own economy and what with people being a little bit stupid Roosevelt socialist policies took the credit.

I don't think he is trying to be evil just had no idea what to do and who could blame him?

We had a common enemy to rail against and accepted the responsibility as the New World Order industrial Giant.

One might agree or disagree that Roosevelt's socialist policies have been good for the progress of the country or not.


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I think FDR was the right president with the right policies to initially lead us out of the depression. However once the government helped kick start the economy he needed to get government out of the way but he didn't and his socialist polices I believe only made the Great Depression last longer.

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Sorry to interject any sanity here but you really need to look at world history and remember young people, it didn't just begin 25 years ago.





How to get me to ignore the rest of your post:


1) Claim I, as a young person, don't realize world history goes back more than 25 years.

2) Be a typical Steve

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How to get me to ignore the rest of your post:


1) Claim I, as a young person, don't realize world history goes back more than 25 years.

2) Be a typical Steve

Woody I'm well aware how to get you to ignore my posts and it's fine.

Anything you can't answer with a stupid non-response is off-limits, I get it. Maybe I should just start posting pictures of woodpeckers. But I think others would understand the dynamic of world history in the early to mid 20th century.



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woodpeckers are perverted - they stick their beaks in any of all the wrong places.


and cleve is too much a wannabe zombie to be much of anything or know anything.

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