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obaMao's weakness leading to serious confrontation with russia


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the russians have moved again and again in the vacuum of

racist obamao's weakness. He has put American soldiers there,

and it is way late, as usual. Nobody is stupid enough? to believe that russia

put missiles and planes, etc etcetc, right next to the baltic border states because

they are afraid of the baltic states.


They are doing it because they plan to remake the old soviet union empire

over time. Slowly, but decisively, he is making the moves to do it while the west

is refusing to believe they are.



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and yet, Ernest Cleve Bass........... the "russians" let out the truth about higgardly, who favored them greatly, and was good to them, let them get away scott free in the Ukraine, etc. there goes your knee jerkie conspiracy theory..



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We know that they know that we spy on them and they know that we know they spy on us.


Countries spy on each other. We know that. Obama and the U.S. is ultimately not going to do shit about this. There is zero proof that the Russians even hacked the DNC to begin with, and even if there was all they did is release emails and such. They didn't release classified documents. Hillary was going to lose whether the DNC was hacked or not. No one except the most zealous of democrats actually liked her. Even most democratic leaning people didn't like her and that ambivalence is what won the election for Republicans. People like Trump or at the least are entertained by him. Nobody liked Hillary nor was she entertaining. She was just awful.

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Do the Russians vote in our presidential election? The American voters elected Trump.


Your technicality is correct, what the russians did was insure that certain info was leaked during the general election and not the primary. They had the dirt on Hillary which is why they waited till she won the dem primary.

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They are a threat to the USA and the world without a doubt. I don't think that by having talks with them etc. would be a bad thing. But we have been enemies for a long time. However, I would consider China a much bigger threat in the long run simply because the Russian economy is weak.

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and yet, Ernest Cleve Bass........... the "russians" let out the truth about higgardly, who favored them greatly, and was good to them, let them get away scott free in the Ukraine, etc. there goes your knee jerkie conspiracy theory..





Yes, they favored HIllary...which is why Putin could barely stand to be in teh room with her or Obama.

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So just to get a headcount here which of you guys think that Putin and the Russians are a threat to the world or at least the United States and should be considered enemies?


Maybe even rank them on a scale with other Rogue countries if you think there are any.




There are the same threat that we've been, a superpower that wants to run the world and/or print the worlds reserve currency. No more no less. So they're def a threat to us because they want to do what we've been doing aroudn the world. Which isn't all that great tbh.

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cleve - that is on a stupid lever worse than your standard.


russia invaded the czechs. ....georgia... ukraine...




I never learn anything from any nonsense you post.

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cleve - that is on a stupid lever worse than your standard.


russia invaded the czechs. ....georgia... ukraine...




I never learn anything from any nonsense you post.


and we have vietnam, iraq, bay of pigs, etc, etc. Of course you don't learn anything cause you're a bot on autopilot for the rest of your life. In any case, stfu Russia is awesome Trump said so.

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