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dem leader says stuff you never heard a rep say in eight years


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Chuck Schumer (2016): "The only way we’re going to work with him is if he moves completely in our direction and abandons his Republican colleagues. Ninety, 95 percent of the time, we’ll be holding his feet to the fire and holding him accountable. But we’re Democrats. We’re not going to just oppose things to oppose them...here’s the problem: The Republicans in the Senate and the House have been run by a hard right group, an almost Tea Party group. And they are so far away from where we are…"



Mitch McConnell (2010): "We need to be honest with the public. This election is about them, not us. And we need to treat this election as the first step in retaking the government. We need to say to everyone on Election Day, “Those of you who helped make this a good day, you need to go out and help us finish the job...The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president...If President Obama does a Clintonian backflip, if he’s willing to meet us halfway on some of the biggest issues, it’s not inappropriate for us to do business with him."






Same shit, different terlet. The leaders of both parties are remarkably similar in their attitudes towards working with those across the isle.

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You got furious when the republicans compromised with Obama. Shut the fuck up cal, just shut the living hell up you're a pos.

Look, we're all guilty on here of grilling and making fun of each other when our viewpoints collide. But, how is telling Cal to shut up and calling him a POS going to advance the conversation?

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And I hope the Republicans who now control all three branches like someone else did 8 years ago will decide to use the nuclear option and presidential mandate to completely overhaul the government.

On the other hand I did not see but forr a handful of people hear anyone of substance as hysterical as those on the left are today.


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Look, we're all guilty on here of grilling and making fun of each other when our viewpoints collide. But, how is telling Cal to shut up and calling him a POS going to advance the conversation?

There is no convo to advance, havent you been here long enough? There is nothing to debatevwith that kind of hypocricy

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a. I didn't want some reps to roll over in the face of obamao and the extreme nazi-ish left.

they did a few times.


b. Name one time that the reps demanded obamao come over to their side and do things their way,

or else he's toast and they won't work with him. You can't. Not once. And THEY had the control of both

houses of Congress.


c. That is the point. Cleve throws Ernest Cleve Bass hissy fits over nonsense - throwing his fits in ignorance.



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"obamao and the extreme nazi-ish left."


If you think Obama is extreme left, you have a bit of a surprise in store if they actually elect someone extreme left. Obama is fairly central by liberal standards.

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you are a stupid twisted ernest T. bass latella, cleve.


The reps wouldn't go along with stuff obamao wanted because

it was wrong.


the dems are now saying, even before he wants anything, that Trump

had to agree with them 100% on everything, or they will fight everything.


No rep said before or after obaMao was pres, that he had to become a conservative

republican, or they would have nothing to do with him.


Not anywhere near the same thing, ernest cleve bass latella. Dumbfook.

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the dems are now saying, even before he wants anything, that Trump

had to agree with them 100% on everything, or they will fight everything.



yes it's a mystery what Trump wants. Not like we went through 2 years of campaigning where he said daily what he was going to do. Yeah total mystery you muppet. Why do you post on the internet if you can't manage one iota of critical thinking ever.

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you and woodypeckerhead are not able to differentiate between a shallow comparison,


and an in-depth detailed comparison. you two start personal bickering bs because you

can't make intelligent responses. You both are the butt of the board. Congrats on

you two sinking to the same lowest level.

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you and woodypeckerhead are not able to differentiate between a shallow comparison,


and an in-depth detailed comparison. you two start personal bickering bs because you

can't make intelligent responses. You both are the butt of the board. Congrats on

you two sinking to the same lowest level.




one makes the Dems look bad

one makes the Reps look bad



I think I found the difference

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All politicians should be willing to go across the aisle at all times. The fact that these factions are so extreme in their hatred for each other is concerning.



Very disheartening indeed.



Agreed. The union has already dissolved imo, we just havent been told yet



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