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Conservatives come get ur daily ration of red meat right here


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Countless reasons. Women shouldnt even wear it imo sooo.....

I can get behind that. I know a lot of women wear far too much, but if it makes them feel better about themselves then what do I matter? For example I knew a girl at school with a fairly prominent birth mark on her face, she wore a whole lot of foundation and looked like a trashy celebrity but it hid the blemish and she felt a lot more comfortable.

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Remember the 80s hair bands? Nothing new here...

Not for main stream non homosexuals though. I mean fucksake im startin to get mad now. Im being dead serious when i say if i had a son and he said dad im gay, id be like thats cool and id try to help him learn and be safe. Basically ur old man loves you no matter what even if he hopes that someday some woman turns his head, but if not no worries. But if the little cunt lick walked out of the bathroom wearing makeup, even if he was straight ad an arrow.......no uh uh. Nope. Not gonna happen.


Cause id encourage a daughter to wear as little if not none at all. So negatory on a son wearing makeup even he's gay. You'll be a non makep wearing homosexual in my house

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