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Another state joins to fight to stop the democrat war on women's privacy


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should be all 50 states, but democrats run some of em.



Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick has introduced Senate Bill 6, known as the Woman's Privacy Act, that mandates so-called transgender people must use the bathroom of their biological gender.

Lt. Gov. Patrick has been pushing for this legislation to protect women in public restrooms. Patrick said, "This issue is not about discrimination — it's about public safety, protecting businesses and common sense."

Liberty Counsel commends Lt. Gov. Patrick and Sen. Kolkhorst, the bill's author. These officials are upholding their responsibility to protect the privacy, safety, and dignity of citizens in intimate settings like showers and locker rooms, where persons will be in various stages of undress. It is common sense that no one should expect young girls or women to undress and be exposed to males in public facilities.

Liberty Counsel has established a leadership role opposing bills that would have added the new categories of "sexual orientation" and "gender identity or expression" to a number of ill-conceived bathroom regulations adopted by school boards and local governments throughout the country.

+ + Our fight is not and has never been about "hate."

• It is about the common sense protections of women and girls in public spaces.
• It is about reminding elected officials that the remaining 99.7 percent of Americans also have rights.
• It is about defending the constitutional protections of religious liberty and right of conscience.
• It is about standing against the Obama administration's circumvention of Congress and the American voters by attempting to elevate "gender identity" to a protected class under the Civil Rights Amendment of 1964.

Liberty Counsel's litigation docket is growing because of government-sponsored overreach coupled with the threat of federal enforcement. That's why we need your help today. When you support Liberty Counsel, you support all of our work on behalf of life, liberty, and family in our nation's schools, courts, and the public square. I hope that today you'll consider a special gift to support our many litigation efforts.

As you know, we do not charge our clients for representation. Principled friends like you make our work possible.

Thank you as always for your support!

God bless you,


P.S. Texas Federal Judge Reed O'Connor has ordered a halt to the Obama administration from enforcing its unlawful LGBTQ agenda on public schools, federal agencies, municipalities and private employers. The ruling applies nationwide and specifically states that federal agencies must stop enforcing illegal guidelines which interpret the word "sex" as "gender" in federal statutes such as Title VII and Title IX.For more information on this dangerous "gender identity" movement, go to: http://www.lc.org/transgender

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