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Fact or Fiction

The Gipper

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Here is some fact or fiction. You say what you believe...and perhaps why:


1. The Green Bay Packers will beat the Dallas Cowboys



2. The New England Patriots will beat the Houston Texans



3. The Atlanta Falcons will beat the Seattle Seahawks



4. The Kansas City Chiefs will beat the Pittsburgh Steelers



5. The 2000s New England Patriots dynasty is greater than the 1970s Pittsburgh Steelers dynasty.



6. The Quarterback Class of 1949 rivals that of the QB classes of 1983 and 2004. (Three HOFers..Van Brocklin, Blanda, Finks plus several NFL and AFL titles)



7. Alabama and Clemson will both be back in the CFP next year.



8. RGIII will be the Browns starting QB on opening day next year.



9. The Cavs and Indians will both make return trips to NBA Finals and World Series.



10. The Browns will draft a QB with the #1 overall pick.

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Here is some fact or fiction. You say what you believe...and perhaps why:


1. The Green Bay Packers will beat the Dallas Cowboys



2. The New England Patriots will beat the Houston Texans



3. The Atlanta Falcons will beat the Seattle Seahawks



4. The Kansas City Chiefs will beat the Pittsburgh Steelers



5. The 2000s New England Patriots dynasty is greater than the 1970s Pittsburgh Steelers dynasty.



6. The Quarterback Class of 1949 rivals that of the QB classes of 1983 and 2004. (Three HOFers..Van Brocklin, Blanda, Finks plus several NFL and AFL titles)



7. Alabama and Clemson will both be back in the CFP next year.



8. RGIII will be the Browns starting QB on opening day next year.

Probably fiction...too early to call


9. The Cavs and Indians will both make return trips to NBA Finals and World Series.

Baseball is too hard to call, cavs for sure though


10. The Browns will draft a QB with the #1 overall pick.

Leaning towards fiction, but also too early to tell

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Here is some fact or fiction. You say what you believe...and perhaps why:


1. The Green Bay Packers will beat the Dallas Cowboys...Fiction



2. The New England Patriots will beat the Houston Texans...Fact



3. The Atlanta Falcons will beat the Seattle Seahawks...Fact (a total hunch)



4. The Kansas City Chiefs will beat the Pittsburgh Steelers...Fiction



5. The 2000s New England Patriots dynasty is greater than the 1970s Pittsburgh Steelers dynasty....Fact



6. The Quarterback Class of 1949 rivals that of the QB classes of 1983 and 2004. (Three HOFers..Van Brocklin, Blanda, Finks plus several NFL and AFL titles)...Fiction



7. Alabama and Clemson will both be back in the CFP next year...Fiction



8. RGIII will be the Browns starting QB on opening day next year...Fiction



9. The Cavs and Indians will both make return trips to NBA Finals and World Series...Fiction, but hope I'm wrong



10. The Browns will draft a QB with the #1 overall pick...Fact..Trubisky




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1. The Green Bay Packers will beat the Dallas Cowboys
Fiction... the 'Boys ground attack will be the determining factor.

2. The New England Patriots will beat the Houston Texans
Fact... Bill B. eats young QBs for lunch. HOU D will acquit themselves well, but ultimately fail.

3. The Atlanta Falcons will beat the Seattle Seahawks
Fact... too much balance, too strong of an attack in an unfriendly dome.

4. The Kansas City Chiefs will beat the Pittsburgh Steelers

5. The 2000s New England Patriots dynasty is greater than the 1970s Pittsburgh Steelers dynasty.
Fiction... primarily it's a question of consistency. The '70 Steelers did it the same way, with the same key pieces in place throughout. Their assemblage of talent remains unparalleled.

For the Pats it's been Bill and Tom and a revolving door.

6. The Quarterback Class of 1949 rivals that of the QB classes of 1983 and 2004. (Three HOFers..Van Brocklin, Blanda, Finks plus several NFL and AFL titles)

7. Alabama and Clemson will both be back in the CFP next year.
Fiction... simply due to the odds alone.

8. RGIII will be the Browns starting QB on opening day next year.
Fact... RG's late season showing combined with the prospect of a raw rookie in training as his likely competition cast the die.

9. The Cavs and Indians will both make return trips to NBA Finals and World Series.
Fact... and why not? How can the Indians be more injury plagued than they were in 2016? The 2017 Cavs' squad is discernibly better than the 2016 Champs.

10. The Browns will draft a QB with the #1 overall pick.
Fiction... it's just not in the cards. I wish there was an elite QB prospect to take at #1 overall, but alas... it turns out timing is everything.

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Here is some fact or fiction. You say what you believe...and perhaps why:


1. The Green Bay Packers will beat the Dallas Cowboys fiction



2. The New England Patriots will beat the Houston Texans fact



3. The Atlanta Falcons will beat the Seattle Seahawks fact



4. The Kansas City Chiefs will beat the Pittsburgh Steelers fiction (hate to say that)



5. The 2000s New England Patriots dynasty is greater than the 1970s Pittsburgh Steelers dynasty. fiction



6. The Quarterback Class of 1949 rivals that of the QB classes of 1983 and 2004. (Three HOFers..Van Brocklin, Blanda, Finks plus several NFL and AFL titles) fact



7. Alabama and Clemson will both be back in the CFP next year. fiction



8. RGIII will be the Browns starting QB on opening day next year. fiction (please!)



9. The Cavs and Indians will both make return trips to NBA Finals and World Series. fact (homer take)



10. The Browns will draft a QB with the #1 overall pick. pseudo-fact lol 22-1 odds I suppose

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Here is some fact or fiction. You say what you believe...and perhaps why:

1. The Green Bay Packers will beat the Dallas Cowboys YES

2. The New England Patriots will beat the Houston Texans YES, BUT NOT BY MUCH

3. The Atlanta Falcons will beat the Seattle Seahawks NOPE

4. The Kansas City Chiefs will beat the Pittsburgh Steelers YEP

5. The 2000s New England Patriots dynasty is greater than the 1970s Pittsburgh Steelers dynasty. NOPE

6. The Quarterback Class of 1949 rivals that of the QB classes of 1983 and 2004. (Three HOFers..Van Brocklin, Blanda, Finks plus several NFL and AFL titles) NOPE

7. Alabama and Clemson will both be back in the CFP next year. NOPE

8. RGIII will be the Browns starting QB on opening day next year. NOPE

9. The Cavs and Indians will both make return trips to NBA Finals and World Series. YEP

10. The Browns will draft a QB with the #1 overall pick. NOPE

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Here is some fact or fiction. You say what you believe...and perhaps why:


My own answers:


1. The Green Bay Packers will beat the Dallas Cowboys

Fact...reason: Aaron Rodgers



2. The New England Patriots will beat the Houston Texans

Fact: Reason: Tom Brady, to begin with



3. The Atlanta Falcons will beat the Seattle Seahawks

I say fact: reason: Home field, mainly. If the game were in Seattle I would choose the Seahawks.



4. The Kansas City Chiefs will beat the Pittsburgh Steelers

Fact: reason: Steelers defense is pedestrian, Chiefs is not. They will bottle up Bell.



5. The 2000s New England Patriots dynasty is greater than the 1970s Pittsburgh Steelers dynasty.

Fact. more or less. Reason: Longer sustained success. Same # of titles, but Pats have had more title game appearances.

While, no, the plethora of the same players in place is not the same as the Steelers, I think that actually may make it a bit more impressive. The dynasty is sustained despite the great turnover in personell.



6. The Quarterback Class of 1949 rivals that of the QB classes of 1983 and 2004. (Three HOFers..Van Brocklin, Blanda, Finks plus several NFL and AFL titles)

Fact....ish. This class had both Van Brocklin and Blanda both win multiple titles. I think it comes close to the 2004 class. People just don't remember this group.


7. Alabama and Clemson will both be back in the CFP next year.

Fiction. It was hard enough for both to repeat this time around. There could be stiffer competition next year...primarily within these teams own conference...especially the ACC.



8. RGIII will be the Browns starting QB on opening day next year.

Fact. Hue will back his boy. (but I don't think he finishes the year)



9. The Cavs and Indians will both make return trips to NBA Finals and World Series.

I say Fact....and why not. No great competition for the Cavs in the east. And the Indians got stronger at the bat with Encarnacion...and will have a couple of key starters back...and hopefully healthy. Biggest competition is Red Sox who have a tough starting pitching crew.



10. The Browns will draft a QB with the #1 overall pick.

Fact. I think there would likely be a big push from the owner to get things done with the QB position.

You can bemoan all you want about how you may think there are better prospects out there than what is available at QB.

But, let me just emphasize one word: Quarterback. Perhaps the most important position in any of the team sports. (arguably you have the starting pitcher and a hockey goalie...

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#5, regarding the Steelers vs Patriots..


The 70s to me stand out as just a great era. Miami, Oakland, Pittsburgh..all led by great coaches. Denver & Houston had some moments later in the decade.Even the Browns were good in 1971 & 1972, and really should have beat Miami in Miami (5 Phipps interceptions and a blocked punt, Browns lost 20-14).


The Patriots have a cloud over them (to me, anyway). Video spying for one, and one of the worst calls in NFL history went their way with the "tuck rule." While I do give Belichick a ton of credit for winning with high turnover, to me it's not as impressive as 70s football.


As much as I hate the Steelers, they had to go through Madden, Shula, & Bum Phillips generally. Tough task right there.

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#5, regarding the Steelers vs Patriots..


The 70s to me stand out as just a great era. Miami, Oakland, Pittsburgh..all led by great coaches. Denver & Houston had some moments later in the decade.Even the Browns were good in 1971 & 1972, and really should have beat Miami in Miami (5 Phipps interceptions and a blocked punt, Browns lost 20-14).


The Patriots have a cloud over them (to me, anyway). Video spying for one, and one of the worst calls in NFL history went their way with the "tuck rule." While I do give Belichick a ton of credit for winning with high turnover, to me it's not as impressive as 70s football.


As much as I hate the Steelers, they had to go through Madden, Shula, & Bum Phillips generally. Tough task right there.

70s Steelers have some of the same taint.....as the progenitors of the mass use of steroids.


And the 60s Packers had a lot of the same hurdles...and did better actually.

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Here is some fact or fiction. You say what you believe...and perhaps why:


1. The Green Bay Packers will beat the Dallas Cowboys

Fiction....I know the upset is expected, just not seeing it ......Zeke runs wild and wins....



2. The New England Patriots will beat the Houston Texans

Fact.....of course they'll win...they usually do....



3. The Atlanta Falcons will beat the Seattle Seahawks

Fact.....the Squeakawks are done



4. The Kansas City Chiefs will beat the Pittsburgh Steelers

Fact.....Stools eat dogshit and smile....



5. The 2000s New England Patriots dynasty is greater than the 1970s Pittsburgh Steelers dynasty.

Fact.....it's not even close.....Pats have been great for 15 years now,,,,,best everrrr



6. The Quarterback Class of 1949 rivals that of the QB classes of 1983 and 2004. (Three HOFers..Van Brocklin, Blanda, Finks plus several NFL and AFL titles)

Wha???......who the fuck knows???.....1949??!!??......most of us weren't alive to see these guys, so how can we rate them?



7. Alabama and Clemson will both be back in the CFP next year.

Fiction.....nope....not again



8. RGIII will be the Browns starting QB on opening day next year.

Fact....you all can thank our brilliant offensive mind for this one too.....



9. The Cavs and Indians will both make return trips to NBA Finals and World Series.

Fact....why not?.....they should both be better too....



10. The Browns will draft a QB with the #1 overall pick.

Fiction....they want to keep their jobs, so they will draft a quality player instead of a prayer....

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6. The Quarterback Class of 1949 rivals that of the QB classes of 1983 and 2004. (Three HOFers..Van Brocklin, Blanda, Finks plus several NFL and AFL titles)

Wha???......who the fuck knows???.....1949??!!??......most of us weren't alive to see these guys, so how can we rate them?

Half the people on this forum were probably not alive in 1983,(were you? yet they attempt to rate that class as well.

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Here is some fact or fiction. You say what you believe...and perhaps why:


1. The Green Bay Packers will beat the Dallas Cowboys



2. The New England Patriots will beat the Houston Texans



3. The Atlanta Falcons will beat the Seattle Seahawks



4. The Kansas City Chiefs will beat the Pittsburgh Steelers



5. The 2000s New England Patriots dynasty is greater than the 1970s Pittsburgh Steelers dynasty.



6. The Quarterback Class of 1949 rivals that of the QB classes of 1983 and 2004. (Three HOFers..Van Brocklin, Blanda, Finks plus several NFL and AFL titles)



7. Alabama and Clemson will both be back in the CFP next year.



8. RGIII will be the Browns starting QB on opening day next year.

God I hope fiction


9. The Cavs and Indians will both make return trips to NBA Finals and World Series.

Fiction, tough in MLB


10. The Browns will draft a QB with the #1 overall pick.

God I hope fiction

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DIOTIC HORSESHIT - The Steelers won 4 SB in 6 Years. They beat much tougher teams than NE beat. They beat many Hall Of Famers............The Pats won 3 in 10 years. This is like comparing Phyllis Diller to Jennifer Aniston. Only a fucking dickless Browns fan who is filled with envy for the Steelers, could pick the Patriots fewer wins over shit competition as equal to the Great Chuck Noll.


Just one note: The Pats have the same number of wins. If they won again this year, they would have more.

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DIOTIC HORSESHIT - The Steelers won 4 SB in 6 Years. They beat much tougher teams than NE beat. They beat many Hall Of Famers............The Pats won 3 in 10 years. This is like comparing Phyllis Diller to Jennifer Aniston. Only a fucking dickless Browns fan who is filled with envy for the Steelers, could pick the Patriots fewer wins over shit competition as equal to the Great Chuck Noll.


Just one note: The Pats have the same number of wins. If they won again this year, they would have more.


2001 (XXXVI), 2003 (XXXVIII), 2004 (XXXIX), 2014 (XLIX)


They won three SB's in 4 years, four in 14. It's debatable whether to include those 9 winless years as part of their dynasty.

The one thing for certain that separates the Steeler dynasty from all the others, especially New England, is the cast of players.


Those Steelers were the greatest team ever assembled.


You know them.. .Bradshaw, Harris, Webster, Swann, Stallworth, Greene, Lambert, Ham, Blount, plus the non HOF'ers who were pro bowlers. Hard to imagine such a team ever being assembled again.


I cant name a defensive starter for New England.

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2001 (XXXVI), 2003 (XXXVIII), 2004 (XXXIX), 2014 (XLIX)


They won three SB's in 4 years, four in 14. It's debatable whether to include those 9 winless years as part of their dynasty.

Except, of course, in those "winless years" they went 18-0 in one before losing, and lost another Super Bowl in a kind of fluky manner and probably appeared in a majority of the AFC title games.


The one thing for certain that separates the Steeler dynasty from all the others, especially New England, is the cast of players.


Those Steelers were the greatest team ever assembled.


You know them.. .Bradshaw, Harris, Webster, Swann, Stallworth, Greene, Lambert, Ham, Blount, plus the non HOF'ers who were pro bowlers. Hard to imagine such a team ever being assembled again.


Except, of course for the 1960s Packers who have more titles, and more Hall of Fame Players, and the 40s/50s Browns who had more titles and just as many HOF players. The "cast of characters" for those two teams is just as impressive.

The Steelers are in the team picture as one of the greatest dynasties. But that IS a group photo. (30s Packers, 40s Bears, 50s Browns, 60s Packers, 70s Steelers, 80s/90s 49ers and Cowboys, Patriots....all stand on the podium)

(as for a group like that being assembled again....likely not. Free agency, salary cap restrictions, changes in the way the sport is run make it unlikely)


I cant name a defensive starter for New England.

Again....that may in fact make it more impressive. The Steeler dynasty lasted half a decade with all the guys you mention. The Pats dynasty has gone a decade and a half with a lot of changes in personnel...except for that coach/QB combo.

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The Patriots cheated their way to at least three of their Super Bowls. They should be stripped of them.

Well, you know, that is not going to happen, any more than the Steelers being stripped of titles due to steroid use/abuse.


I mean, even MLB is going the other way. Bonds and Clemens may both be close to making the Hall of Fame in that sport.

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Here is some fact or fiction. You say what you believe...and perhaps why:


1. The Green Bay Packers will beat the Dallas Cowboys

Fact. Funny, if it was in Lambeau I'd pick the Boys, because of the running game in January Wisconsin weather, but Jerry's dome will allow ARog to shine.


2. The New England Patriots will beat the Houston Texans

Fact, no explanation needed.


3. The Atlanta Falcons will beat the Seattle Seahawks

False. The Seahawks have found a run game and the Seahawks will rattle Ryan early, keeping that explosive offense reeled in.


4. The Kansas City Chiefs will beat the Pittsburgh Steelers

False. The three B's (bitches) will be shut down......next week in Foxborough.


5. The 2000s New England Patriots dynasty is greater than the 1970s Pittsburgh Steelers dynasty.

Fact. Without the roids.


6. The Quarterback Class of 1949 rivals that of the QB classes of 1983 and 2004. (Three HOFers..Van Brocklin, Blanda, Finks plus several NFL and AFL titles)

Fiction. 83 by far.


7. Alabama and Clemson will both be back in the CFP next year.

False. I'm going to go with neither. But definitely not Clemson.


8. RGIII will be the Browns starting QB on opening day next year.

False. Pretty much because fans would riot.


9. The Cavs and Indians will both make return trips to NBA Finals and World Series.

Cavs yes, but baseball is so reliant on hot streaks, it's hard to tell who will conjur up some magic this year.


10. The Browns will draft a QB with the #1 overall pick.

False. It's gonna be Garrett.


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Here is some fact or fiction. You say what you believe...and perhaps why:


1. The Green Bay Packers will beat the Dallas Cowboys


Fact ....High Scoring game 34 -30 GB



2. The New England Patriots will beat the Houston Texans


Fact .... Even if they had RG3 at QB


3. The Atlanta Falcons will beat the Seattle Seahawks


False ... Seahawks running game with take them down ...24-17


4. The Kansas City Chiefs will beat the Pittsburgh Steelers


False....Hoping for a KC win but see Squealer win 27- 17



5. The 2000s New England Patriots dynasty is greater than the 1970s Pittsburgh Steelers dynasty.


Fact ......Even tho they cheat



6. The Quarterback Class of 1949 rivals that of the QB classes of 1983 and 2004. (Three HOFers..Van Brocklin, Blanda, Finks plus several NFL and AFL titles)





7. Alabama and Clemson will both be back in the CFP next year.


Nahhhhh Buckeyes all the way



8. RGIII will be the Browns starting QB on opening day next year.


Fact ....until the week 3 injury



9. The Cavs and Indians will both make return trips to NBA Finals and World Series.


Cavs yes ....Indians wont get past Toronto in 2017



10. The Browns will draft a QB with the #1 overall pick.


False .....We will draft Vontae Mack then trade up to get Ray Jennings

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False .....We will draft Vontae Mack then trade up to get Ray Jennings


OK, if the Browns were to follow that model....What ILB would be taken #1, and what RB at #12?

(Note: only MLB taken #1 in the history of the draft...since 1970 at least...WAS an Ohio State MLB....just like Mack: Tom Cousineau I wonder if Vontae Mack turned out better?

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Here is some fact or fiction. You say what you believe...and perhaps why:


1. The Green Bay Packers will beat the Dallas Cowboys




2. The New England Patriots will beat the Houston Texans




3. The Atlanta Falcons will beat the Seattle Seahawks




4. The Kansas City Chiefs will beat the Pittsburgh Steelers




5. The 2000s New England Patriots dynasty is greater than the 1970s Pittsburgh Steelers dynasty.




6. The Quarterback Class of 1949 rivals that of the QB classes of 1983 and 2004. (Three HOFers..Van Brocklin, Blanda, Finks plus several NFL and AFL titles)



7. Alabama and Clemson will both be back in the CFP next year.




8. RGIII will be the Browns starting QB on opening day next year.




9. The Cavs and Indians will both make return trips to NBA Finals and World Series.




10. The Browns will draft a QB with the #1 overall pick.FICTION

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The Patriots won 3 SBs, the Steelers won 4. We are talking about dynasty categories here. 4 in 6 is more impressive. It took 14 to do what the Steelers did in 6.


The Pats have won 4...DOH!!!


Also, The Pats do not have 6.



The Steelers are the best HGH fueled football franchise in the NFL.


Hey, Fixed it for you. Though I prefer 70s music.. I ain't living in the 70s.

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The Steelers are the best football franchise in the NFL.

The Steelers are among the best franchises in the NFL, with Green Bay, Denver, New England, and probably the NY Giants.


Call me bitter, jealous or whatever you want, but I still cannot believe they changed the time of that game in KC....I suspect the Rooneys influenced that decision. The Steelers have a ton of pull in the league office, I hate it.

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