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The left-wing press

Westside Steve

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I was listening to a little coverage this morning and heard a commentator during a discussion of whether or not Trump would become more presidential blasted him for, and I quote, picking fights with Meryl Streep Cher and others.

Love him or hate him he didn't pick those fights. Maybe he didn't need to react the way he did but they picked the fight. But that's not what the media is going to tell us. They are going to have a laundry list of poor innocent people that Trump "went after"


I do wonder how this bullshit will shake out in the end. The left is just so deranged so hateful so incredibly hostel that it might form a basis for another 4 years.



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I was listening to a little coverage this morning and heard a commentator during a discussion of whether or not Trump would become more presidential blasted him for, and I quote, picking fights with Meryl Streep Cher and others.

Love him or hate him he didn't pick those fights. Maybe he didn't need to react the way he did but they picked the fight. But that's not what the media is going to tell us. They are going to have a laundry list of poor innocent people that Trump "went after"

I do wonder how this bullshit will shake out in the end. The left is just so deranged so hateful so incredibly hostel that it might form a basis for another 4 years.


What I can't seem to understand is why he would purposefully dig himself such a big hole with his reactions. You would think he would've figured out at some point that he's making his work harder and goals less attainable.

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What I can't seem to understand is why he would purposefully dig himself such a big hole with his reactions. You would think he would've figured out at some point that he's making his work harder and goals less attainable.

Well I preferred the Ronald Reagan's style of chuckling and saying well there they go again. I wouldn't mind if Trump responded to the haters just by making the jerk off motion with his right hand.

I also realized it in football It's usually the guy that retaliates that gets the flag.


My point remains that he hasn't picked fights with any of these clowns, they have picked fights with him and the Press is happy to carry their water.



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Well I preferred the Ronald Reagan's style of chuckling and saying well there they go again. I wouldn't mind if Trump responded to the haters just by making the jerk off motion with his right hand.

I also realized it in football It's usually the guy that retaliates that gets the flag.

My point remains that he hasn't picked fights with any of these clowns, they have picked fights with him and the Press is happy to carry their water.


I could see that. But my thing is, those jugs don't fill as fast without his responses. It's almost as if any response of his validates their accusations be it a valid or invalid accusation, indictment, or whatever. Again the problem isn't equatable by any stretch but recognizing equity issues is but a piece to larger puzzle (problem). The next step should be "What do I do to minimize/mitigate a very liberal media and the effect of their accusations."

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"Trump never insults others first. He only does it in self defense." Though that's not really true.


Who does that sound like?

Sorry maybe I didn't type loudly enough. Do you have examples of him 'going after' people who have it first attacked him? Meryl Streep? Share? Rosie O'Donnell? John Lewis?


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I'm sure he has started some shit, but I'm sure 85-90%+ of the time it's in retaliation.

Neither is justifiable. We'll see how committed he is to "giving the country back to the people". I hope he has real solutions to wrest the the country from the hands of our giagantic government and their oversized budgets.

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Neither is justifiable. We'll see how committed he is to "giving the country back to the people". I hope he has real solutions to wrest the the country from the hands of our giagantic government and their oversized budgets.

Well he already signed an executive order to repeal Obama care.

I remember 8 years ago or so how unpatriotic it was for the giant debt. How did that work out? Everyone got health care and my rates doubled! Awesome.

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Marcus - the one who should not be mentioned anymore made leftwing deceitful

community organizer kind of political messages that contradicted what he actually did.


was gonna close gitmo...nope. that was to get the anti-military vote. Everybody was going

to have med insurance. Nope. millions and millions still don't have it, obamaocare was a political

bragging point - disaster. Was going to bring us all together, then got elected and started belligerently

dividing us to smithereens. Said marriage was between a man and woman... LIED.

Of course he did. He was leftist dem with no principle. Said he'd cut the budget in half. LIED

Said a lot of nonsense, blew it.


But we'll see how Trump stays on point and gets things done with Congress, without the obstructionist

leftwing poor losers dems' help.

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Well he already signed an executive order to repeal Obama care.

I remember 8 years ago or so how unpatriotic it was for the giant debt. How did that work out? Everyone got health care and my rates doubled! Awesome.

I don't think it's repealedc in this executive order. It says "to ease the burden" so I hope that means I won't incur a tax penalty if I drop it like a hot rock

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But nice work lefties. The riots really show what is superior bunch you are.


Amazing right?


One side does things and the other side reacts. Then this situation is flipped exactly and do are the reactions


The biggest fools are those that have a "side" and think theirs is above it all.

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Marcus - the one who should not be mentioned anymore made leftwing deceitful

community organizer kind of political messages that contradicted what he actually did.


was gonna close gitmo...nope. that was to get the anti-military vote. Everybody was going

to have med insurance. Nope. millions and millions still don't have it, obamaocare was a political

bragging point - disaster. Was going to bring us all together, then got elected and started belligerently

dividing us to smithereens. Said marriage was between a man and woman... LIED.

Of course he did. He was leftist dem with no principle. Said he'd cut the budget in half. LIED

Said a lot of nonsense, blew it.


But we'll see how Trump stays on point and gets things done with Congress, without the obstructionist

leftwing poor losers dems' help.

I think you mistook what I was saying as sarcasm. I nearly felt the sting of Obamacare just because my family was in a period of waiting for my insurance to kick in.


Closing Guantanamo was unrealistic from the word go. Anyone that subscribed to that was mislead. My personal stance on gay marriage is this. It's a state issue since all marriage licenses are issued by the state you choose to marry in. If that state includes gay marriage that battle is not mine or the Federal Government's it belongs to God.


As far as divisiveness goes his Presidency along with this election pointed out that we are a divided nation that's in need of healing. The reason why is we have forgotten that we are all in this together no matter our race, religion, or sexual orientation.


But rather than recognize the need for reform and turn around. We've been goosestepped into finger pointing and the blame game. All orchestrated to usher in a New World Order.

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Oh? I guess I missed when the conservatives rioted and 200 people were arrested and major property damage was done at Obama's inauguration.


Oh wait, that's right. A couple of them had a mean sign that made Obama feel sad. Same thing, totally.



They got mouthy with the nurses in the retirement home




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I could see that. But my thing is, those jugs don't fill as fast without his responses. It's almost as if any response of his validates their accusations be it a valid or invalid accusation, indictment, or whatever. Again the problem isn't equatable by any stretch but recognizing equity issues is but a piece to larger puzzle (problem). The next step should be "What do I do to minimize/mitigate a very liberal media and the effect of their accusations."

Yes of course Marcus.

And even though the Republicans have to go through special hoops to try and counteract the bias of media it doesn't make the bias right.

Misinformation is misinformation.

For instance when you play the Steelers you know you have to work around some dirty play and some bad calls. That doesn't make dirty play and bad calls okay.



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I think you mistook what I was saying as sarcasm. I nearly felt the sting of Obamacare just because my family was in a period of waiting for my insurance to kick in.


Closing Guantanamo was unrealistic from the word go. Anyone that subscribed to that was mislead. My personal stance on gay marriage is this. It's a state issue since all marriage licenses are issued by the state you choose to marry in. If that state includes gay marriage that battle is not mine or the Federal Government's it belongs to God.


As far as divisiveness goes his Presidency along with this election pointed out that we are a divided nation that's in need of healing. The reason why is we have forgotten that we are all in this together no matter our race, religion, or sexual orientation.


But rather than recognize the need for reform and turn around. We've been goosestepped into finger pointing and the blame game. All orchestrated to usher in a New World Order.

Really smart reply... but he divided us far, far worse than we were before. His dictates as far as

liberal social engineering was divided us up racially, religiously, politically, economically...

he was a freaking divider. Obamao was the worst, most destructive pres in my lifetime, and I'm retired.


That is why the pendulum went the other way. Trump HAD to win to undo the damage done the

last eight years. I'll think on the rest of your smart post.

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true, as I've noted before.4 yrs carter, 8 yrs Reagan, 4 yrs Bush sr, 8 yrs clinton, 8 yrs Bush,

8 yrs obaMao the terrible, and now just flipped to Trump.

That's a pretty established pattern.

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