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democrat asswipe one who should not be mentioned anymore does last minute hit


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at gun owners. His last day of office. I don't understand why he couldn't just work on this the last eight years. It's already illegal, at least here in Ohio, to hunt for waterfoul or Turkeys, etc etc... with leaded

ammo. I already bought non-lead ammo for this coming year. Just a last minute jab using his

"power". Just another arrogant liberal ass who feels entitled to act out on his hates and fears.



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same thread, different arrogantd democratic anti-Constitution asswipe. Detals the continuing battle

with dems. This kind of garbage is why the dems are losing power. They had their chance, then they

flushed it down the toilet. Eventually, these actions are going to cause them serious legal trouble.

I can't WAIT til we have our new REAL justices to the Surpreme Court.

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U guys are still scared of obummers? Oh wait, he's not president anymore so you never know now he could show up anywhere. Like outside ur window at night while you and the missus are asleep. Holy shit you guys need to run to cabelas and get a new gun now specifically for when he shows up outside ur window one night.

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U guys are still scared of obummers? Oh wait, he's not president anymore so you never know now he could show up anywhere. Like outside ur window at night while you and the missus are asleep. Holy shit you guys need to run to cabelas and get a new gun now specifically for when he shows up outside ur window one night.



Obama is going to ban guns. Just you wait

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