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Fact or Fiction Tuesday

The Gipper

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Tell us whether you think the following statements are fact, or fiction, and tell why.


1. The Atlanta Falcons will win the Super Bowl



2. Matt Ryan will win NFL MVP.



3. Tom Brady is NOT the GOAT



4. The Browns will sign Terrelle Pryor



5. The Browns will sign two more quality Free Agents, not currently on this team at positions of need



6. The Steelers were exposed as poseurs for the title in the game vs. NE



7. The two teams that did not make the playoff this year that will be title contenders next year are the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and the Tennessee Titans.



8. John P. Manziel will make an NFL roster next year.



9. The Browns starting QB for the most part next year is not currently on the roster.



10. The Browns will trade their #1 overall pick



11. The Jets will have the #1 overall pick next year.



12. The Denver Broncos will acquire Tony Romo



13. The Browns will pluck an OC (or QB coach) from the ranks of the Falcons or Pats.



14. As good as Aaron Rodgers is as a QB, his best performances are when he gets to bed Olivia Munn.



15. Both Leveon Bell and Tom Brady should be barred from MVP consideration due to their suspensions.

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Tell us whether you think the following statements are fact, or fiction, and tell why.


1. The Atlanta Falcons will win the Super Bowl



2. Matt Ryan will win NFL MVP.



3. Tom Brady is NOT the GOAT



4. The Browns will sign Terrelle Pryor

Most likely


5. The Browns will sign two more quality Free Agents, not currently on this team at positions of need



6. The Steelers were exposed as poseurs for the title in the game vs. NE



7. The two teams that did not make the playoff this year that will be title contenders next year are the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and the Tennessee Titans.



8. John P. Manziel will make an NFL roster next year.



9. The Browns starting QB for the most part next year is not currently on the roster.



10. The Browns will trade their #1 overall pick



11. The Jets will have the #1 overall pick next year.

Could be.


12. The Denver Broncos will acquire Tony Romo

Either Denver or Houston


13. The Browns will pluck an OC (or QB coach) from the ranks of the Falcons or Pats.



14. As good as Aaron Rodgers is as a QB, his best performances are when he gets to bed Olivia Munn.



15. Both Leveon Bell and Tom Brady should be barred from MVP consideration due to their suspensions.

No - if anything the shortened season shows just how valuable they are.

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Tell us whether you think the following statements are fact, or fiction, and tell why.

MY answers:


1. The Atlanta Falcons will win the Super Bowl

Fact. Time for some fresh blood.



2. Matt Ryan will win NFL MVP.

Fact. Though it will be close.



3. Tom Brady is NOT the GOAT

Fact. While he is in the team picture, there is NO definitive answer to this question. Graham, Unitas, Montana, maybe Luckman, Favre, Marino, Elway have a place in the picture.



4. The Browns will sign Terrelle Pryor

Fact, though the impediment may be his agent Drew Rosenhaus...who comes off as a vampire.



5. The Browns will sign two more quality Free Agents, not currently on this team at positions of need

Fact. I think they will. They have the money to do so....and despite what they all say....the NFL players #1 priority is always money.



6. The Steelers were exposed as poseurs for the title in the game vs. NE

Fact. Without Bell they had no chance. Even BR said that the game was "too big for us".



7. The two teams that did not make the playoff this year that will be title contenders next year are the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and the Tennessee Titans.

Fact, sort of. They will definitely be playoff contenders, and from there, who knows.



8. John P. Manziel will make an NFL roster next year.

Fiction. No one wants that headache or problem. Plus, he just doesn't have NFL talent. He really needs to go play in Canada. He and his style could actually be successful there...if he remains sober that is.



9. The Browns starting QB for the most part next year is not currently on the roster.

Fact. Maybe they do initially start one of the current guys: Kessler/RG/McCown. But for the most part it will be someone else (f they draft). If they make the trade for Garropolo, it would certainly be him



10. The Browns will trade their #1 overall pick

Fiction......though I would not put it past this FO to think hard about doing it.



11. The Jets will have the #1 overall pick next year.

Why not: Fact. They are a hot mess, and are as good a candidate as anyone. The Browns are in better shape.



12. The Denver Broncos will acquire Tony Romo

Fiction. They will go with what they got. With Romo's health problems, it may be time to stick a fork in him.



13. The Browns will pluck an OC (or QB coach) from the ranks of the Falcons or Pats.

Fiction....though, since they have not replaced Pep Hamilton yet, it does give some pause as to whether there may be someone on these staffs that they may be contemplating.



14. As good as Aaron Rodgers is as a QB, his best performances are when he gets to bed Olivia Munn.

Fact. Giving the hot dog to her bun is the best pass he will ever make.



15. Both Leveon Bell and Tom Brady should be barred from MVP consideration due to their suspensions.

Fact. One is a doper, one is a cheater....and as far as I am concerned, if I had a ballot they would be disqualified from receiving my vote.

And make no mistake....Brady knew he was cheating (even though he didn't have to to win...and even if his suspension was too harsh)

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1. The Atlanta Falcons will win the Super Bowl

I will defer to The Great Zomboni's announcement

2. Matt Ryan will win NFL MVP.


3. Tom Brady is NOT the GOAT

Greatest QB of the Super Bowl era? Yes.

Greatest QB of all time, no ... Otto Graham

Greatest player of all time, no ... JIm Brown

4. The Browns will sign Terrelle Pryor


5. The Browns will sign two more quality Free Agents, not currently on this team at positions of need


6. The Steelers were exposed as poseurs for the title in the game vs. NE


7. The two teams that did not make the playoff this year that will be title contenders next year are the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and the Tennessee Titans.

Bucs and Browns

8. John P. Manziel will make an NFL roster next year.


9. The Browns starting QB for the most part next year is not currently on the roster.


10. The Browns will trade their #1 overall pick


11. The Jets will have the #1 overall pick next year.


12. The Denver Broncos will acquire Tony Romo


13. The Browns will pluck an OC (or QB coach) from the ranks of the Falcons or Pats.

No, I think Al Saunders takes over Pep's previous role and a QB coach is brought in, but not from those teams

14. As good as Aaron Rodgers is as a QB, his best performances are when he gets to bed Olivia Munn.

No, sounds like she wears the pants.

15. Both Leveon Bell and Tom Brady should be barred from MVP consideration due to their suspensions.


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