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Vast majority of Americans want 2nd and 3rd trimester abortions banned


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Note: it says "elective abortions", which I take to mean having nothing to do with the

in the balance medical health of the mother.

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I would be okay with that as long as there are exceptions for medically-necessary abortions, though again, I think this should be decided by states and not the federal government.

I would think that would be a good compromise if the medical exceptions were pretty strict. Meaning the mental health of the mother wouldn't be a good enough reason.

And I'm usually a fan of state-by-state Regulation but it just seems that these days states rights are no longer in Vogue.



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I would think that would be a good compromise if the medical exceptions were pretty strict. Meaning the mental health of the mother wouldn't be a good enough reason.

And I'm usually a fan of state-by-state Regulation but it just seems that these days states rights are no longer in Vogue.




Yeah, I'm talking about life and death stuff.



But that's another reason I think there should be DNA on file for every American. Find the baby daddy and he's on the hook for 18 years. I bet that would at least put a dent in teenage pregnancy.



I would be very concerned about the many potential abuses of such a system. If I have your DNA on file I can potentially know your medical secrets, dispositions to certain genetic diseases, things your body might not be particularly adept at fighting, etc...

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Osiris there's potential for abuse everywhere you turn. A lot more in my opinion in taking the word of a person who's just pointing at the accused.

If the woman says she's been raped and the baby and the accused have the same DNA I'm not seeing many ways around it.




Right, that's not a problem though. Woman points finger. Court mandates DNA collection from accused. Genetic testing ensues. Accused is either found guilty or innocent. There's no reason to preemptively have a DNA database of all Americans to establish a genetic link.

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Right, that's not a problem though. Woman points finger. Court mandates DNA collection from accused. Genetic testing ensues. Accused is either found guilty or innocent. There's no reason to preemptively have a DNA database of all Americans to establish a genetic link.

Sure there is. Come on bud speaking of abuse... She says she was raped and wants an abortion. Can you describe the man? No. Computer? Yes it's this guy. Now we know who the father is. Now the courts can decide if a rape was committed same as it always did.

It will also clear up any question when it comes to child support even if there's no rape involved.


And if she is being honest a rapist is caught, what's the downside?



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Sure there is. Come on bud speaking of abuse... She says she was raped and wants an abortion. Can you describe the man? No. Computer? Yes it's this guy. Now we know who the father is. Now the courts can decide if a rape was committed same as it always did.

It will also clear up any question when it comes to child support even if there's no rape involved.


And if she is being honest a rapist is caught, what's the downside?




There's no downside to the rapist being caught. The downside comes from the DNA of the innocent majority of Americans being available to the government. Like I said before, having someone's medical secrets allows that person to be blackmailed. Knowing someone's biological weaknesses means that can be exploited to harm that person. The cost of such a database would be huge. The danger doesn't only come from government abuse, but from anyone with the know-how to hack such a database.


Why do I feel like the Republican here, arguing for less government spending and invasion of privacy? :)

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There's no downside to the rapist being caught. The downside comes from the DNA of the innocent majority of Americans being available to the government. Like I said before, having someone's medical secrets allows that person to be blackmailed. Knowing someone's biological weaknesses means that can be exploited to harm that person. The cost of such a database would be huge. The danger doesn't only come from government abuse, but from anyone with the know-how to hack such a database.


Why do I feel like the Republican here, arguing for less government spending and invasion of privacy? :)

Because you were talking to me sir. I don't fit into every box that you guys expect a Republican to fit into.


Right now we have a 9 digit number and your mother's maiden name as The Rock Solid method of identification. Which not only the government, but any jerk off standing behind you in line at the bank has access to.


Not to mention the hypocrisy of guys crying about privacy when amazon.com knows every detail of your life.



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Because you were talking to me sir. I don't fit into every box that you guys expect a Republican to fit into.


Right now we have a 9 digit number and your mother's maiden name as The Rock Solid method of identification. Which not only the government, but any jerk off standing behind you in line at the bank has access to.


Not to mention the hypocrisy of guys crying about privacy when amazon.com knows every detail of your life.




Neither my 9 digit number nor my mother's maiden name would tell any jerk off standing behind me in line that I have a genetic disease that makes certain things lethal to me that aren't lethal to others, and Amazon.com didn't ask me for a genetic sample when I made my account. Here are some more scenarios of why this is a horrible idea.


A corrupt official sells the DNA information to insurance companies, or a hacker hacks into the database and..


- sells it to insurance companies. The companies then find their clients in the database and analyze their DNA for cancer markers. They then drop coverage of people with these markers, and millions of people are now screwed.


- swaps the identifies of the DNA of two individuals. Person A is now Person B in the database. Person A commits a crime, leaving his DNA all over the place. Person B is identified as the culprit because hey, the DNA at the scene of the crime matches Person B.


This is just scratching the surface.

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You can swap a paper file for that matter but the important thing is for what reason do you want to hide genetic problems? To scam the insurance company? You can't be denied coverage for pre-existing conditions so why shouldn't doctors and insurers have access to that information? It also seems like it would make it easier for health organizations to collaborate and maybe find new directions or a cure for whatever you have and want to hide.



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Im just amazed. Seriously. Ive spent the last year + listening to how the govt cant run anything right and cant be trusted with nothin. But now lets give the govt a nice fat DNA sample so along with them compiling all of our digital interactions, they now have the very code that makes us who we are. Its not "potentially", they WILL abuse it. Thats been proven to us

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