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Welcome to 1984


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yeah, ALL taxpayers, Os.


Truth is, our gov is divided into two camps, leftist asswipe violent revolutionary sombeitches,

and regular Americans who just want to be left the hell alone, and want

all this hate to stop.


With the gov divided, the left is also in the gov, and they are going to talk about anti-right

agendas every chance, espeically when their depts are being cut, eliminated.


The left is lying out their asses at every turn, getting violent, hell even a senior secret service

not-so-special agent says hell with the law, she doesn't want to defend Trump.


Listen to the weird, profane, sick rants from some of the speakers at that "women's" rally in D.C.


The left *almost* had it all. A stacked leftist/activist supreme court, a corrupt leftist dem

activist as pres, and they thought they were going to take maybe both houses of congress.

Seriously, they almost had it all.


Obamao started his career in bill ayer's father's home. That is fact. Obamao is who ayers

and bernadine dorn were - except he didn't do bombs.


So, wailing about the gov employees to stop the open division of our entire gov and society

with contrived, cherry picked partial evidence to buoy up their leftism...


has to happen. Otherwise, we are going to continue to obaMao splinter into camps. None

of this garbage happened when obaMao had his op. Twice.

So, the leftist part of our gov SHOULD STFU.

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So it wasn't 1984 when it came out the bloated and omnipresent government was literally spying on every one of us under Obama, but it's 1984 now because Trump has basically said "fuck climate change". Cool. Got it.

Where in my post did I say that wouldn't qualify as 1984? Feel free to make the analogy, I'm not stopping you. Systemic misrepresentation of information, suppression of facts, and spying on all citizens is Orwellian, regardless of party. It was Bush who signed the order to begin the domestic spying program in 2001, though.



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and obamao did nothing about it. did nothing about ...nearly everthing,

except for his own petty radical bigoted acting out.


The last five years, there has been about 57+ illegal immigration

tunnels discovered. We already had gang problems, now we

have far more gang members - it's an epidemic, and the drug

traffic has skyrocketed. So is herion use. Obamao not only did NOTHING

to fix our problems, he created many, flooded guns to the drug cartels,

tried to intimidate Israel, and sided with anybody who was black or muslim everywhere,

even for no good reason.


Note - the iranian deal was stupidass. Another obamao favorite - unfriendly countries

that support terrorism. Liked Cuba, Iran...


Seems like soros had his hand up obaMao's rear end, making him his puppet.


Different parts of the world are in crisis, and out country was falling apart, our

debt nears 20 trillion (remember when asswhole obaMao criticized Bush's

smaller debt as being "UNPATRIOTIC" ?

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More efforts by the Trump administration to control the flow of information. EPA and USDA Scientists are now not allowed to talk to the public about research that the taxpayers funded.




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Where in my post did I say that wouldn't qualify as 1984? Feel free to make the analogy, I'm not stopping you. Systemic misrepresentation of information, suppression of facts, and spying on all citizens is Orwellian, regardless of party. It was Bush who signed the order to begin the domestic spying program in 2001, though.



Where in your post? In the headline where you say "welcome to 1984" where you imply that it's a new thing; we're just now entering 1984. Remember the Orwellian nightmare when big brother shrank the government and took steps to stop them from medlling in business and people's lives? What's that? The government in 1984 was huge and controlled every aspect in life? Sounds like a Democrats dream.
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Where in your post? In the headline where you say "welcome to 1984" where you imply that it's a new thing; we're just now entering 1984. Remember the Orwellian nightmare when big brother shrank the government and took steps to stop them from medlling in business and people's lives? What's that? The government in 1984 was huge and controlled every aspect in life? Sounds like a Democrats dream.


You're right, it isn't a new thing. It began with Bush signing the order that began NSA's domestic spying program, and then gave the NSA less oversight when he decided they no longer required presidential authorization. Oh, what about the Section 215 order authorizing the mass collection of American's calling records? Started in Bush's presidency.

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Look if I start at a company and the guy that trains me steals from the company and I say "cool I'm gonna do that too" and I steal from the company too. Then, that guy retires and I go right on stealing from the company and I get caught...Regardless of what he did I'm still stealing from the company.

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Look if I start at a company and the guy that trains me steals from the company and I say "cool I'm gonna do that too" and I steal from the company too. Then, that guy retires and I go right on stealing from the company and I get caught...Regardless of what he did I'm still stealing from the company.


The more apt analogy is that the first guy made the stealing legal somehow, and the second guy continued to steal because the first guy made it legal. I agree, it is wrong for both to do it, though. It's a 1984 snowball, then, that keeps getting bigger with every president.

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Newsflash - the 1984 scenario isn't something that Trump started.


Bush lied and we went to Iraq, killed half a million people and created ISIS.


Obama lied, and government agencies now have naked pictures of everyone from the cameras on their computer. Media, for the most part, gives him a pass on this. I don't understand that.

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That's why you see all these posts and stories proclaiming what a great and effective leader he is/was. I'm sure some of you have seen the drivel proclaiming him the greatest president of all time: when I see somebody post that I ask them

"What did President Obama accomplish that qualified him as the greatest president of all time" and they invariably say "well he was blocked by Republicans" and I say "So not overcoming obstructionism makes him better than Washington? Jefferson? Lincoln? Roosevelt? Reagan?" And they say "Racist! Racist!"


Cult of personality.

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