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All this interpersonal crap isn't necessary. Like ridiculing somebody who was in the military,by

claiming they are a fake.


You hear anybody claiming that Osiris "is a fake Muslim" or anything? That would really be offensive.

The left needs to stop initiating all this belligerent, constant, personal antagonism. I don't get it.

None of us hated anybody because we lost two presidential elections. This is deja vu all over again.


Bush won twice and all hell broke loose. The past eight years of obamao, there haven't been

threats and hateful dangerous rallies, the media was full of grace toward the president....

about half this country voted Trump in- the pendulum had to swing back. Why isn't that

acceptable to the left? They had their turn, let us have our turn. That is how it works.


I have dumb opinions here and there, but seriously, I don't see any of us on the ..non-left

hating anybody. It's the left that goes way, way out in left field angry when they lose



That seems to be indicative of what we are seeing across the country. Reisistance to OUR

president? Reps were fine to let Obamao have his two very, very leftwing activist judges to

the Surpreme Court. They stopped him from adding another late in his presidency.

Now, the left is going to stop any nominee by Trump.


Why is it that "elections have consequences" only when the left wins?


Why does this forum turn into hating other posters, only when a rep wins?


Why does the left half of our country go apecrap revolutionist, when they didn't win

a third time?


Any excuses to answer those questions are feeble at best. I have some dumb opinions, can

be wrong about stuff, joke around,all of us are like that. Just seems like the interpersonal hate garbage

gets out of hand quickly, only when the left loses. I'm not goin anywhere, but it's more fun when

both the left and right can express their views without the hate bubbling up for no good reason.


Everybody have a nice day.



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Look no further than urself there homeslice. Since ive been here you've resorted to nothing but personal attacks and capricious straw manning. One of my first days hete i expressed my pro choice stance and u called me some blood thirsty baby killer as if seeing pregnant women irritated me and i just want to run over and sock her one right in the ovaries.

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I just heard Mrs. OBF on the telephone saying "we need to respect our president's decision". I asked her what that was all about and she said CNN had a phone number they wanted anti Trump people to call and say how has his immigration policy harmed them. CNN just stirring the pot.


I see this every night on the national news and MSM media. They will interview an extreme case (that is not the norm) in their effort to paint Trump in a bad light. Where were the MSM when Obama instituted a ban on Iraqi immigration here? Where were all the interviews of those affected by Obama's decision? The MSM are liberal pretend journalists who carry the democrats water all day long and in many cases are an extension of the democratic party.

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One thing I like about Trump which bothered me about Bush. Trump fights back every time. Bush rarely fought back which was a primary reason his approval ratings were so low when he left office. When you don't fight back you have basically accepted the charges leveled against you.

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In this climate nobody would claim to be Muslim unless they actually were, or unless they want to frame Muslims (ala Canadian Mosque Shooter). I revealed that very personal information about myself because I wanted to show everyone that we aren't the stereotypes you think we are. I thought long and hard about that decision, and deciding to do that when you know half of America hates you wasn't easy. But I would do it again because it is the right thing to do.


You want to extend an olive branch? Show some self-awareness and humility around here. Until then, I'm tuning you out.

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OBF, when obama instituted his restriction...on one country....was it done so abruptly that people landing on US soil who had valid entry papers already squared away, were forced to turn around?


Trump knee jeked this. And that to me, precisely because i feel its a valid idea, is unacceptable and nearly worthy of impeachment. He ruined this idea by making it hyper partisan and frankly smacking of racism and/or religious prejudice. The fact he had to make a punlic statement saying this wasnt a muslim ban...means someone apprised him of that land mine he just stepped on. Thsts why i was astounded at what giuliani did.

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and yet, Os, you bashed me for disagreeing with your in-error contention about

the ottoman empire, got angry, and that started the whole problem between you

and me. Then you claimed to have put me on ignore, then you respond in this

thread just like cleve did. on the attack, insulting.


I started off trying desperately to draw a giant distinction on your faith, and the

corrupt claims of the terrorists.


Your contention that "half of America hates" you is ignorant. You lost the election, it is not

about Muslims anything. I even posted about two prominent Muslims and what they had to

say about it. They disagree with you. You ignored it.


The fault is yours, Os. I never once gave you anything but respect til you went angry

over me disagreeing over you contention about the ottoman empire.


Never tell me I'm not allowed to disagree with you when you are wrong, That isn't helpful

to this forum. I was hoping you would come around a lot more, but you rarely did.

But now, since you are in liberal attack mode, you are here. Too bad, you chose

wrongly, now you are unhappy.


As far as humility, why only one person has to show it? You haven't. You arrogantly

refused to admit you were wrong about the ottoman empire, that started the problem.

So, self-aware yourself. Note also, I rarely jump into other folks' disagreements.

It's called piling on at the opportunity. There are all sorts of posters I never get into

it with, Cysko gives me crap once in a while, when I deserve it... :) etc etc.


I am appreciative of most of your viewpoints, but being a Muslim doesn't give

you authority over disgreements on this board. And saying that poor you, half of

America hates you because you're Muslim is offensive. That doesn't make you the

victim that you liberals desperately cling to every time.


Even if I were a Muslim, too, I would still tell you to STFU about that bs. It is not true, and the media and

leftwing congresspeople and pundits who happily use it as just another false narrative

are hurting our country. Have a nice day.

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OBF, when obama instituted his restriction...on one country....was it done so abruptly that people landing on US soil who had valid entry papers already squared away, were forced to turn around?


Trump knee jeked this. And that to me, precisely because i feel its a valid idea, is unacceptable and nearly worthy of impeachment. He ruined this idea by making it hyper partisan and frankly smacking of racism and/or religious prejudice. The fact he had to make a punlic statement saying this wasnt a muslim ban...means someone apprised him of that land mine he just stepped on. Thsts why i was astounded at what giuliani did.


It was done poorly no doubt (too hastily and not well though out). In defense of Trump though he has been in office less than 2 weeks. Hopefully he will learn from this and do better fighting the PR war.


I watch the national evening news now only to witness the blatant bias they have against Trump. Night after night they don't let me down in that regard.

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And there goes the olive branch. My claims are backed by polling of American opinions about Islam and Muslims:


"Donald Trump’s call for a ban on Muslims might sound outrageous, but it could appeal to the 55% of Americans who voice an unfavorable opinion of Islam."


And I do have you on ignore. Even when people are ignore, these forums allow you to expand the post and read it. Since I thought there was slim chance that you were trying to extend an olive branch, I decided to read it. Good job burning that branch and thanks for confirming what I already know about you. Please, try out the ignore feature for yourself and put me on it. I am done with you.

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As I understand it, because of the desperate need to void obamao's

exec order, that in itself shut the door abruptly. I don't know how he

can gradually adjust his exec order from the effects of obamao's.


I believe more people have been imposed on, losing their chances

to make their flights because of the immigration "protesters", than the

109 people who were actually detained for further vetting.


It's tough to fix a problem that Obamao created. A bit abrupt, sure, but

that is being fixed. I don't know how else the change could be made.....

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And there goes the olive branch. My claims are backed by polling of American opinions about Islam and Muslims:


"Donald Trump’s call for a ban on Muslims might sound outrageous, but it could appeal to the 55% of Americans who voice an unfavorable opinion of Islam."


And I do have you on ignore. Even when people are ignore, these forums allow you to expand the post and read it. Since I thought there was slim chance that you were trying to extend an olive branch, I decided to read it. Good job burning that branch and thanks for confirming what I already know about you. Please, try out the ignore feature for yourself and put me on it. I am done with you.

one poll? that's a generalization, due to the impact of 9/11. Nobody hates you here, yet

you still think that you being a Muslim gives you the grand poobah power of controlling

narratives. I just said what I had to say, and was hoping some would agree that this

hostility is a bad thing. You talk about self-awareness, Os, but you still refuse to admit

I was correct about your ottoman empire. You don't get to rewrite history around here.

You should get off your pouty arrogant ass, and forget your hostility where there was

none. Too bad I'm not a Muslim so I could really tell you off without you whining

that I just don't like Muslims.

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Cal doesn't like personal attacks. He only retaliates, but he wants you to know he'll stop if you agree to not personally attack him with facts and agree that every opinion he's trying to teach you is correct.



"I hate you" lol

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As for that Osiris: I personally don't hate Muslims. I don't hate Christians either. But to be honest I have an unfavorable opinion of both religions. Judaism too. I'm cool with Hindus and buddhists. I would say I have a slightly more unfavorable opinion of Islam because of their proclivity to bomb planes and buildings and try to pass it off as religious duty. Christians are also huge assholes but I don't know the last time they bombed a plane full of people. A lot of Muslim apologists try to pass the Oklahoma city bombings off as Christian terrorism but there's no evidence McVeigh was religiously motivated.

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As I understand it, because of the desperate need to void obamao's

exec order, that in itself shut the door abruptly. I don't know how he

can gradually adjust his exec order from the effects of obamao's.


I believe more people have been imposed on, losing their chances

to make their flights because of the immigration "protesters", than the

109 people who were actually detained for further vetting.


It's tough to fix a problem that Obamao created. A bit abrupt, sure, but

that is being fixed. I don't know how else the change could be made.....


They lost in the PR war though and they will need to do better in that regard. I think they will learn from this experience and be more prepared to fight the PR war in the future. They already know the MSM will not treat them fairly.

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They lost in the PR war though and they will need to do better in that regard. I think they will learn from this experience and be more prepared to fight the PR war in the future. They already know the MSM will not treat them fairly.

True. Seems like winning the pr war is a lost cause, though. So much of the media plays

in with the false fear-mongering narratives of the likes of Reid, Schumer, Pelosi,

the whole bunch. Without Fox news, for one, there isn't any winning of the pr war

without stooping to their level. So much contrived controversy, falsely based agitation...

on purpose. I have no idea what the answer is. Every time Trump or Bush makes a mistake,

all hell breaks loose. But obamao made a mistake, there's silence. Can anybody imagine if

Trump had presided over Benghazi?

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True. Seems like winning the pr war is a lost cause, though. So much of the media plays

in with the false fear-mongering narratives of the likes of Reid, Schumer, Pelosi,

the whole bunch. Without Fox news, for one, there isn't any winning of the pr war

without stooping to their level. So much contrived controversy, falsely based agitation...

on purpose. I have no idea what the answer is. Every time Trump or Bush makes a mistake,

all hell breaks loose. But obamao made a mistake, there's silence. Can anybody imagine if

Trump had presided over Benghazi?

At least they fight back which always bothered me about Bush who rarely did. I heard Dennis Miller give some good advice to Sarah Palin years ago about dealing with the media. He said every time Palin spoke with the MSM she should have the attitude they are her enemy not a friend. And they were. When Trump initiated his policy he needed to have his spokespeople in place immediately to counter the false narrative this was a ban on Muslims. They will probably never win the PR war with a corrupt biased media but I would like to see them make the effort instead of handling it like Bush did.

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One thing I like about Trump which bothered me about Bush. Trump fights back every time. Bush rarely fought back which was a primary reason his approval ratings were so low when he left office. When you don't fight back you have basically accepted the charges leveled against you.

Agree, but sadly, Trump is going to have to battle this media for at least 4 years. He brought it on himself when he went after Megan Kelly. The media will never let that go.


Ultimately, we Americans won't be better off with this feud going on.

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Agree, but sadly, Trump is going to have to battle this media for at least 4 years. He brought it on himself when he went after Megan Kelly. The media will never let that go.


Ultimately, we Americans won't be better off with this feud going on.

So, when obaMao talked about "lipstick on a pig" about Palin, why didn't HE "bring it on

to himself" then? The media never gave him crap about it. cept Fox news...


They happily gave him a pass. for eight years.

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As for that Osiris: I personally don't hate Muslims. I don't hate Christians either. But to be honest I have an unfavorable opinion of both religions. Judaism too. I'm cool with Hindus and buddhists. I would say I have a slightly more unfavorable opinion of Islam because of their proclivity to bomb planes and buildings and try to pass it off as religious duty. Christians are also huge assholes but I don't know the last time they bombed a plane full of people. A lot of Muslim apologists try to pass the Oklahoma city bombings off as Christian terrorism but there's no evidence McVeigh was religiously motivated.


I understand your position. I have an atheist friend that I am pretty close with and honestly I have more in common with him than any extremist who calls himself Muslim because we both believe in human decency and we have similar values in terms of how people should be treated. Whether you arrive at those values by being a Christian, Hindu, Muslim, Jew, atheist... I couldn't care less.


I'm not blind, I see the terrorist attacks same as everyone else. Your choice of words is very important: "proclivity to bomb planes and buildings and try to pass it off as religious duty." That last part especially is key. In the act of trying to pass it off as religious duty, we empower them if we believe that they are correct, and that blowing up shit REALLY is their religious duty. When I say they are wrong, that it is not their religious duty, and not only that, but they are performing a sin in the eyes of the religion, I say that from a position that I can substantiate from religious sources.


I don't think McVeigh was motivated by religion. I think he was motivated by anti-government feelings. If Muslims want to point out that Christians have committed a lot of atrocities in history, there is plenty of evidence for that. I used to be into that, but now I see it as counterproductive. This 'battle' between religions is stupid. Conflict all over the world is being caused by people who have extreme ideologies of various types and a lack of tolerance. ISIS, KKK, Neo-Nazi and White Supremacy movements, Christian Right, PKK, 'Saffron terrorism', etc, they are all cut from the same cloth: You can only live if you are like us.

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