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Teacher refuses to let boys play with legos, trys to coerce girls to...


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Mrs. OBF did daycare for 30 plus years. She said in that time the little boys always went for the trucks, building blocks and so forth while the little girls went for the dolls and doll houses. She said this happened every time in her years doing daycare. She also said she let all the children play with whatever they wanted to play with and that is what they always chose.


Now some liberal knuckleheads want to force their ideas on young children?

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it's strange to try to coerce children to be not boys and girls, but

the same. Different biologically, that is never going to change.

The teacher should be discharged.

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Is it true or not? the paper says they printed what she told them but after getting a number of complaints the school now says it never happened. The paper noted that they “stand by” their story, since it’s what Keller told them.


Teacher’s Comments About Legos Cause Controversy In School District


The school has denied what she told a local paper.



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i guarantee this started with a teacher pushing girls to play with the spatial enahancing toys, but not outright forbidding the boys to play with them. And that's not a bad call. Girls shouldn't be relegated to dolls. But in no way shape or form is it true that some teacher was forbidding to boys to ever play with the lego's. This is just meat for the stupid.

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i guarantee this started with a teacher pushing girls to play with the spatial enahancing toys, but not outright forbidding the boys to play with them. And that's not a bad call. Girls shouldn't be relegated to dolls. But in no way shape or form is it true that some teacher was forbidding to boys to ever play with the lego's. This is just meat for the stupid.


This teacher told the paper she did and they didn't retract the story but stood by they only reported what she told them. Does it seem a stupid thing to do? Sure but these are the times we live in when a little kid can get suspended from school for biting a pop tart in the shape of a gun....stranger things are happening today.



The Bainbridge Island Review reported on Karen Keller’s alleged classroom rule in October. Keller, who has taught at Captain Johnston Blakely Elementary since 2008, said that she only let girls play with the popular building blocks in her classroom.

“I always tell the boys, ‘You’re going to have a turn’ — and I’m like, ‘Yeah, when hell freezes over’ in my head,” she told Bainbridge Island Review. “I tell them, ‘You’ll have a turn’ because I don’t want them to feel bad.”

She added that forbidding the boys from using Legos wasn’t her initial plan, but after she was unable to entice the girls with pink and purple Legos, she felt that the “girls-only Lego club” was her only option.

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