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Female Trump Supporter gets pepper sprayed by anti-Trump protester


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liberals will believe she deserved it. After all, she's a female, and she dared have

opinions that aren't allowed by the "tolerant" left



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When u spend the better part of a year whipping up hate, why are u surprised when the other side does the same in turn? Its not right, im not defending these protesters......but i was subjected to damn near two years of trumps rabble rousing so part of ne is not surprised by this blowback. I have very real concerns we're seeing the opening salvos of the next civil war

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The mental gymnastics are impressive. It's actually been the right whipping up hate, did you know? They ran a campaign based on character assassination that branded each and every person who didn't adhere to their agenda as a deplorable racist, homophobic, Muslim-hating, woman-hating white supremacist. The right surely should feel shame for whipping up all that hate.

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