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California’s “Sanctuary State” Bill Passes Committee, Plays into Trump’s Hands


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California Democrats might have finally overplayed their hand with three “immigrants rights” bills that are being rammed through the legislature at lightning speed.


The “California Values Act,” sponsored by Senate President Kevin de Leon (D-Los Angeles) prohibits all law enforcement agencies in the state from cooperating with federal immigration authorities, and specifically states that law enforcement is not to inform immigration when they arrest drug dealers they believe are not here legally:


Existing law provides that when there is reason to believe that a person arrested for a violation of specified controlled substance provisions may not be a citizen of the United States, the arresting agency shall notify the appropriate agency of the United States having charge of deportation matters.
This bill would repeal those provisions.

Senate Bill 54 takes statewide a practice that cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco have already adopted.
This bill would, among other things, prohibit state and local law enforcement agencies and school police and security departments from using resources to investigate, interrogate, detain, detect, or arrest persons for immigration enforcement purposes.

It also mandates that school districts and other state agencies change their confidentiality practices so that any information about immigration status of people using their services is not used for any purpose but the provision of services.


Let that sink in. A state is attempting to pass a law ordering law enforcement and state agencies to disregard federal law. (That has already happened with marijuana laws, but….)


This is insanity! But as a California resident I think it ultimately might help the cause of liberty and bringing this state back from Bizarro land. Currently illegal immigrants and felons get more protection from state agencies than I do. They can life off of taxpayer money and carry weapons, and I can’t even legally carry a weapon to protect myself. And if it’s up to Kevin de Leon, these felons can walk the streets and act as a threat to me and my children and… what? I just have to deal with it because these are “California Values”?


The “California Values Act” passed the Senate Public Safety Committee, and has moved on to Appropriations.


I hope they pass this law. Seeing what comes next will be good.



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and another thing - I was watching a fox news interview, of some guy who runs this

program - they get $2000 from the gov, to give refugees...

free housing. free medical care. transportation.


Our VETERANS don't get that, not even those injured in active duty combat. What...the...hell...........


What is it with the left, that they want to protect illegal alien rapists, drug dealers/cartels, dwi's, criminals of all sorts,

from being kicked the hell back out of our country?

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