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Muslim, Islam, Terrorist


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There is a huge problem in the world today with radical Islamic terrorism. It is not even disputable even though our former president could never bring himself to say the words radical Islamic terrorism. On this issue you are wearing a tin foil hat and sticking your head in the sand to deny the threat of radical Islam across the globe today.

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Defining terms what is radical Islam? Is is not just a true Koran believer? A Muslim who is acting on what the Koran teaches? Where does ISIS go to justify chopping heads off of innocent people except to quote the Koran. The problem are those verses of violence in the Koran that are open ended. Unlike the Old Testament which has scriptures of violence that were time and place related to certain places and certain times. There are no verses comparable to kill the infidels where you find them. Nothing like kill the Gentiles where you find them.


The problem is that "moderate" Muslims will not challenge these scriptures. I saw that once on television with a group of moderate Muslims who were condemning terrorism and violence and when the moderator brought up the verses of killing infidels they could not bring themselves to say it was wrong. That is THE problem and why the problem will continue and not stop.

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